Indoor antennas?

dcurtis at dcurtis at
Thu Jul 14 15:53:33 EDT 1994

  > For 30 meters and up, I think you will find that the MFJ small resonant
  > loop antenna hard to beat on a performance basis.  RF wise, the AEA should
  > be equivalent but it is harder to tune and much easier to break.
  > 73,  Eric  N7CL
  Maybe my understanding of these gizmos is a little simplistic, but 
  shouldn't it be relatively easy to build an auto-tuner for these things?  
  1) sample fwd and refl power
  2) derive sign of the phase difference
  3) drive the capacitor motor one way or t'other
  73, Dave NG0X dcurtis at

>From eric%modular.UUCP at (Eric Gustafson)  Thu Jul 14 22:50:38 1994
From: eric%modular.UUCP at (Eric Gustafson) (Eric Gustafson)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 94 14:50:38 MST
Message-ID: <9407142150.AA07400 at modular>


The correct term for your SB200 is DRIVER.

73,  Eric N7CL

>From H. L. Serra" <hlserra at  Thu Jul 14 23:19:06 1994
From: H. L. Serra" <hlserra at (H. L. Serra)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 15:19:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: HP Diodes
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9407141506.A27338-9100000 at>

Anyone looking for the Hewlett Packard diodes to replace existing front
end switching diodes in transceivers per the Rohde articles in QST:
Newark Electronics has them, but are back-ordered two months on the BULK
HP diodes. Instead, ask for the HP 5082-3081#T25, which is the same HP
diode in a tape and reel configuration (i.e.the diodes are strip-taped
together, and easily pulled apart) at the same price, and in stock.
73, Larry N6AZE

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