Bashing my friend
tbarnett at
tbarnett at
Thu Jul 28 11:16:38 EDT 1994
I read the append by WA1U and AA5BT bashing Torsten N4OGW.
Torsten would never reply to this, but I will.
AA5BT refers phonetically to Torsten as Obnoxiously Gross Wattage.
Well, Torsten does not own an amplifier. He does own a very used
Drake C-Line, which he uses with much success in any contest. .
He is an outstanding CW op, much better than myself, and attends as
many contests at N4AR with us as he can, while finishing up his
Physics Doctorate at Illinois University.
Torsten Clay is a native Kentuckian, and a direct descendant of
Henry Clay, a great founding politician of our country.
I'm offending by the append, and embarrassed for Torsten.
A. Tyler Barnett N4TY
>From Silvergran Jonathan, SEME" <L.J.Silvergran at Thu Jul 28 17:41:00 1994
From: Silvergran Jonathan, SEME" <L.J.Silvergran at (Silvergran Jonathan, SEME)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 94 16:43:00 +2
Subject: TOEC Field Contest
Message-ID: <2E37EE6C at noak>
A remainder:
This contest is sponsored by the Top Of Europe Contesters (TOEC)
in Sweden. It is intended to focus some interest to the field-award,
issued by the Swedish national amateur radio society.
The contest is divided into two separate events, one for CW and one
for SSB.
SSB: 2'nd weekend in June, Saturday 1200z - Sunday 1200z (not until -95)
CW: 4'th weekend in August, Saturday 1200z - Sunday 1200z
1) Single Operator. Packet Cluster is allowed in all classes.
a) All band
b) Single band
c) Low power, only all band. Maximum output power 100 W.
2) Multi Operator. Only all band. All stations must be located
within 500 meters diameter.
a) Single Transmitter. Stations must remain on a band for at least
10 minutes. Faster QSY allowed only for a new multiplier on
another band.
b) Multi Transmitter.
3) Mobile stations. Only single op all band.
If more than one field is activated, all stations may be
contacted once per field and band. The log must clearly show
the fields activated.
The winner in each country (or US/VE call area) and class will
receive a certificate, providing that a resonable QSO total has
been acheived.
160 - 10 m bands are allowed. (Not 10, 18 and 24 MHz)
Keep the following frequencies free from contest traffic:
CW: 3500-3510, 7000-7010, 14000-14010, 21000-21010, 28000-28010
SSB: 3600-3650, 3790-3800, 7040-7045, 14100-14125, 21100-21175,
Mobile stations includes both /M and /MM stations.
RST + field letters according to the Maidenhead-system, i.e. 59 JP
(two letters)
Each field worked gives 1 multiplier per band.
Fixed stations
QSO with station outside your continent gives 3 points.
QSO with own continent (including QSO with same country) gives 1 point.
QSO with /MM station gives 3 points, regardless of QTH.
Mobile stations
All QSO's gives 3 points.
Each station can be contacted once per band.
Exception: Mobile stations (both /M and /MM) may be contacted again,
providing that the mobile station have changed field since
the previous QSO. These additional QSO's gives no QSO
points, only multiplier credit.
Note! Mobile stations may credit QSO points for additional QSO's.
Final score:
Multiply the total QSO point score with the number of fields worked
on all bands.
The log must be checked for dupes, correct scoring and multiplier
credits. Indicate the multipliers only the first time it is worked.
Use separate logs for each band.
Include a summary sheet with the regular contents, and a dupe-sheet
for all bands with more than 300 QSO.
The log may be submitted on DOS-formatted disks. Use ASCII, CT or
N6TR style files. Name the file with your call. (i.e. SM3SGP.LOG)
Enclose a signed summary sheet. Send a SASE or SAE+1 IRC if you want
to get a confirmation that the log has been received.
Logs can also be submitted via e-mail (Internet or X.400)
Send the file in the same format as above to one of the following
Internet: l.j.silvergran at
X.400: I=LJ;S=Silvergran;P=Telub;A=400Net;C=se
A confirmation message will be sent to confirm that the log has been
The log must be postmarked not later than 30 days after the contest.
TOEC, Box 2063, S-831 02 OSTERSUND Sweden
L.J.Silvergran at
>From Silvergran Jonathan, SEME" <L.J.Silvergran at Thu Jul 28 17:41:00 1994
From: Silvergran Jonathan, SEME" <L.J.Silvergran at (Silvergran Jonathan, SEME)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 94 16:43:00 +2
Subject: Grid Squares in HF Contests
Message-ID: <2E37EE62 at noak>
Dave VE2ZP wrote:
>The "Top of Europe Contesters" - a group of Scandinavian hams operating
>the umbrella of the Swedish national society SSA - have organized an HF
>contest with 10 degree by 20 degree "fields" as the multiplier.
Yup, this is true, except for one detail. TOEC is not associated with
the national SSA. It's a "stand alone" club.
I guess I might have put folks on this lead by mentioning the FIELD AWARD,
wihich IS sponsored by the SSA.
Summary: Contest sponsor = TOEC
Award sponsor = SSA
Secretary / Contest manager - TOEC
L.J.Silvergran @
>From clay torsten <rtclay at> Thu Jul 28 15:22:39 1994
From: clay torsten <rtclay at> (clay torsten)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 09:22:39 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: SprINT
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407280805.A13882-0100000 at>
I think I had better say something before this gets out of hand...
N4OGW method for big signal: In order to get a clear shot over the
trees in our yard, I must launch ropes from on top of our roof. Get up at 5
am so neighbors and pedestrians won't see you running around on the roof
with slingshots and hunting bows...also wait until housemates are out of town so
you won't dent their cars with fishing sinkers. So far the only
embarassing mistake was when I launched a fishing line over the front
tree, across the street, and into the yard on the other side.
Result: 40m flat-top dipole at 60-70 feet up...for a while I had
one up at 30' also for a LazyH on 20m.
Has anyone had trouble with lightning and wires in trees? When not using
the dipole I connect it to ground and disconnect the rig...I guess this
is about all I can do.
See everyone in the NAQP...
R. Torsten Clay, N4OGW/9 n4ogw at
On Wed, 27 Jul 1994, Derek Wills wrote:
> >Alan K6XO wrote recently concerning N4OGW being the strongest signal
> >he heard during the recent SprINT. Bob, K0KR added that this may be
> >a case for the power posse. I couldn't agree more. I happen to know
> >that N4OGW is a graduate of Yale University, a school that has
> >consistently graduated students who went on to accumulate and wield
> >power... often mercilessly. Geoff WA1U
> I agree, open and shut case. OGW obviously stands for
> Obnoxiously Gross Wattage, what more can one say...
> Derek AA5-Barefoot/Tribander
> oo7 at
>From clay torsten <rtclay at> Thu Jul 28 15:34:29 1994
From: clay torsten <rtclay at> (clay torsten)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 09:34:29 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Grid Squares in HF Contesting (clubs/contesting)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407280940.A13882-0100000 at>
The purpose of the meetings/175mi rule is to encourage
clubs that support local contesters in their region. If the members don't
live relatively close together, it's just a group of guys adding their
scores together.
Otherwise, if you want a winning club score, just convince all the top
single ops to join your club--so what? If you are running a true club,
you must encourage other hams in your area to get into contesting, which
draws new blood into the hobby.
R. Torsten Clay, N4OGW/9 n4ogw at
On Thu, 28 Jul 1994 Waltk at PICA.ARMY.MIL wrote:
> K1ZX writes:
> > about using grid squares as basis for defining club territories?
> My opinion on two things germane to his polemic:
> 1) Do away with th 175 mi. rule. We are a global community, aren't we.
> 2) Do away with the 2 meetings per year rule/quota. If you do #2, then
> #1 would be moot.
> Anyone else (dis)agree?
> .............................................................................
> 73 de Walt Kornienko - K2WK Internet: waltk at
> DX PacketCluster: K2WK > W3MM (FRC) Packet: K2WK at N2ERH.NJ.USA.NOAM
> "My mother was of the sky, My father was of the earth,
> But I'am of the universe, And you know what that is worth." - J.Lennon
> _____________________________________________________________________________
>From Walton L. Stinson" <wstinson at Thu Jul 28 15:46:28 1994
From: Walton L. Stinson" <wstinson at (Walton L. Stinson)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 08:46:28 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Grid Squares in HF Contesting
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407280828.A29312-0100000 at>
hi jim. if i recall, what we said at the meeting was that a special
exemption for florida wont fly, but if you can put together a
proposal that could garner broad support and be applicable
nationally, it would get consideration.
i think your grid square idea is a step in that direction. if you
get a good response, i suggest you draft a proposal based on the
concept. 73, walt, w0cp
>From clay torsten <rtclay at> Thu Jul 28 15:47:20 1994
From: clay torsten <rtclay at> (clay torsten)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 09:47:20 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Bashing my friend
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407280942.A13882-0100000 at>
No offense taken...WA1U is a friend from W1YU days. I'm not really
related to Henry Clay, and I do own an amplifier (no soup, only one 3-500Z).
R. Torsten Clay, N4OGW/9 n4ogw at
On Thu, 28 Jul 1994 tbarnett at wrote:
> I read the append by WA1U and AA5BT bashing Torsten N4OGW.
> Torsten would never reply to this, but I will.
> AA5BT refers phonetically to Torsten as Obnoxiously Gross Wattage.
> Well, Torsten does not own an amplifier. He does own a very used
> Drake C-Line, which he uses with much success in any contest. .
> He is an outstanding CW op, much better than myself, and attends as
> many contests at N4AR with us as he can, while finishing up his
> Physics Doctorate at Illinois University.
> Torsten Clay is a native Kentuckian, and a direct descendant of
> Henry Clay, a great founding politician of our country.
> I'm offending by the append, and embarrassed for Torsten.
> A. Tyler Barnett N4TY
>From peterj at (Peter Jennings) Thu Jul 28 16:15:18 1994
From: peterj at (Peter Jennings) (Peter Jennings)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 08:15:18 -0700
Subject: I CQ CD released
Message-ID: <199407281515.IAA14941 at>
According to the July RadCom, Last Resort Records have released
a CD - we're talking music here - called "I CQ" containing songs
by G3WZZ and his XYL, Lisa.
"Monday Evening Grayline" is a ballad about an unfortunate contester
whose marriage is breaking up because he took part in a 48 hour contest.
Other cuts on the CD include:
I'm Not Climbing up the Tower Any More.
He's Always on the Air.
Although the recordings were apparently done in Nashville, the CD
is being marketed by
Last Resort Records
Moellestien, 53
DK-8000 Aarhus
Telephone +45 86 130632.
No pricing information was mentioned.
Not to be outdone, WN4KKN and an anonymous group of east coast
contesters are rumored to be preparing an album of their own.
Trey was heard last night at the Los Gatos Brew Club singing
(to the tune of an old Stones favorite), "I Can't Get No ...
Propagation" followed by (to the tune of Feelings), "Field Day,
nothing more than Field Day", and a few others that, fortunately,
I have forgotten. [ ;) Sorry, Trey.]
o o
-----uuu--U--uuu------------------- peterj at
>From Jay Kesterson K0GU x6826 <jayk at> Thu Jul 28 17:06:45 1994
From: Jay Kesterson K0GU x6826 <jayk at> (Jay Kesterson K0GU x6826)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 94 10:06:45 MDT
Subject: CD release, N4OGW
Message-ID: <9407281606.AA11239 at>
> Not to be outdone, WN4KKN and an anonymous group of east coast
> contesters ....... followed by (to the tune of Feelings), "Field Day,
> nothing more than Field Day", and a few others that, fortunately,
> I have forgotten. [ ;) Sorry, Trey.]
Actually this is from N2NT's Greatest Hits from around 1980.
"Field Day Better get the bug spray"
While I'm at it N4OGW also has a big advantage because he has trees he can
use for antenna supports. His score should be listed in a different class.
73, Jay K0GU jayk at
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Thu Jul 28 17:28:51 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 09:28:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: I CQ CD released
Message-ID: <775412931.530097.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
> Not to be outdone, WN4KKN and an anonymous group of east coast
> contesters are rumored to be preparing an album of their own.
> Trey was heard last night at the Los Gatos Brew Club singing
> (to the tune of an old Stones favorite), "I Can't Get No ...
> Propagation" followed by (to the tune of Feelings), "Field Day,
> nothing more than Field Day", and a few others that, fortunately,
> I have forgotten. [ ;) Sorry, Trey.]
Thank you, Peter. [tap, tap] Is this thing on? What? Oh. Uh,
as I was saying, thank you, thank you. You're a great crowd. Give
yourselves a hand.
Let's give credit where it is due. The "I can't get no ..." was a
"standard" at N5AU for many years. I don't know who started it, but
Gary, KM5X, was always singing this during the low sunspot years
during our multiop efforts. WB5VZL was a collaborator with this sort
of thing.
When Peter brought up the subject of ham radio songs last night, I
couldn't help but sing a few bars of some classics I heard late at
night on 3830 many years ago and also, live, in concert, at N2NT's
Ocean Parkway apartment in Brooklyn during a 1980 visit.
The other song that came to mind was Bad Ground, sung to the melody
of Downtown, which begins "When you're so weak that/No one answers
your CQ/Then you've surely got/Bad ground." Oh well. Perhaps you
had to be there.
Now where did I put my copy of the limted edition "N2NT's Greatest
Hits" tape? I know it's around here someplace. I need to practice
for Karioke night.
--Trey, WN4KKN/6
>From Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at Thu Jul 28 18:42:43 1994
From: Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at (Peter G. Smith)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 10:42:43 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Grid Squares in HF Contesting
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407281031.A28534-0100000 at netcom>
Certainly a much better idea than seeking a special exemption. However,
if Floridians can "gerrymander" to fit the shape of their odd-looking
state, how about the rest of us. Who will be the first to complete the
following exercise:
Take all the top scores in all of the major contests. Derive from this a
list of the top contesters. Identify each of them with his/her grid
square. And then optimize for the best possible club territory built out
of continguous grid squares. Form a club. Kick butt!
73, Pete
N4ZR at
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