building a m/s station

grichard at grichard at
Fri Jul 29 22:51:30 EDT 1994

I am getting ready to build a house on 6 acres and build a 3 or 4 tower
station..would like to hear ideas or experiences others have been thru
to eliminate some of the mistakes that could occur..station is going to
be in the basement of a 2 story house..the article in the ncj about
kl7ra's station provided some info on running ac lines..etc and this
is the type of information i'm looking for...and yes, i know that
ac lines are a GOOD thing to have an dthat i SHOULD have them..

1 how do most guys with stations in a basement run the coax into
radio room??  How do u prevent water form getting in?? etc

2..Anybody using the Polyphasor stuff??  Heard several good reports
about their products..

These are some of the questions i have es would like to have a "plan"
before we start building..Again any additional info on stacked antennas
inside layout etc  would be most useful

thanks  73's
greg  kc4zv   grichard at

>From Thomas Stewart Trent <TTRENT at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU>  Sat Jul 30 07:45:03 1994
From: Thomas Stewart Trent <TTRENT at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU> (Thomas Stewart Trent)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 23:45:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Grid Squares and HF

	I know the grid square debate has been beaten to death, but I thought
that some may find the experience of a long-time VHF contester of interest.
Before the VUCC award structure and the incorporation of grid squares into
VHF contests, getting multipliers during VHF tests from the west coast was
really tough.  VHF propagation being what it is, there was no reward for 
working a guy 500 miles away on 432 if he was in the same ARRL section.  Now,
VHF tests are really fun and working those tough Q's is worth it (I used to
do it anyway!).  The use of grid squares is still not entirely universal on 
VHF, due to the abundance of new hams, but they pick it up fast, and grid
squares in six digits are de rigeur when working Europeans on AO-13.
	I feel the nature of HF propagation would not lend itself well to 
using grids in DX contests, but grids might make the ten meter test more 
interesting during the bottom of the solar cycle, when ten meters acts like
a VHF band for the most part.  I have to admit I really had a good laugh
when I heard a mobile station on 20 say, "I'm in CN88 now!" VHF contesting has
its own flavor-try it out and see if you think it would fit an HF format. I
don't think so, personally.  Learn your grid anyway, it's a great way to get
a really good idea where you are.  There are some free programs to figure this
out, send me an e-mail if you would like some info.

						Tom Trent AA7NH
						ttrent at

>From aa4nu at (Bill W. Cox [AA4NU])  Sat Jul 30 07:49:01 1994
From: aa4nu at (Bill W. Cox [AA4NU]) (Bill W. Cox [AA4NU])
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 1994 01:49:01 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Spacing between RCV/XMIT antennas ?
Message-ID: <m0qU8EC-00022vC at>

I am redoing the beverages here (agn!) and interested in just how far or
just how close they can be to the transmit vertical NOT to pickup noise that 
might be "reradiated" from it. 

I recall W1BB saying years ago something like 0.25w or 0.5w as a minimum.....

Looking for first hand info of what works and what does not.  At present the
NW and NE beverages run within 20' of ends of the elevated radials, this 
setup plays just FB on xmit....but the beverages do not seem to hear as 
well as before.  Perhaps it's time to try one of the 5'x5' rcv loop ants ...

Ideas ? Thanks !

signed "Tired of being an DEAF Alligator on Top Band"

Bill, AA4NU (aa4nu at

>From Dubberstein Steve" <dubberstein_steve at  Sat Jul 30 13:13:14 1994
From: Dubberstein Steve" <dubberstein_steve at (Dubberstein Steve)
Date: 30 Jul 1994 20:13:14 +0800
Subject: FT-1000 Issues
Message-ID: <9407310133.AA20382 at>

Please excuse this posting as it does not specifically address the ongoing
discussion of equalization between the contest capitalists and the contest
socialists.  Despite many sleepless nights contemplating if I should become a
contest socialist, I have decided to participate under whatever set of rules
and conditions that fate brings me, whether they favour me or not.  Thus I
remain a contest capitalist.

In this regard, I am attempting to further improve my station.  I have a number
of questions to post regarding the FT-1000, of which I own two.  It is an
excellent radio, and I am seeking further advice/comment on:

1.  Has anyone successfully modified the keying system of the FT-1000 to allow
CT to key the radio but still retain use of the internal keyer?  It would be
nice to be able to use the internal keyer and still key the FT-1000 with CT
without the need for an external keyer in parallel.  For example, perhaps the
rear key connector could key the radio directly and the paddles plug into the
front key jack which would access the keyer.

2.  I have the DVS-2 voice keyer for both my radios.  However, when using the
DVS-2 the playback when transmitting is VERY loud into the headphones.  Has
anyone successfully found a way to turn this volume level down?

3.  I have had problems with intermittent contacts in the front headphone jack.
 Have others had this problem and what is the solution?

4.  I have had problems with the mechanical meter getting stuck.  The meter
frees itself a while after the radio had been turned one.  Have others had this

5.  Does anyone know the serial number after which the improved switching
diodes were used in the front-end?

6.  As a general comment, I have found the "Diversity" function with the second
receiver is very useful on SSB in large pileups, if for example the second
receiver is connected to a vertical.  It would be a very useful function if
Yeasu would write a user-selectable feature that allowed both receivers to
track each other as the VFO was changed, including RIT.

I seek to do these modifications/repairs myself as otherwise I must air-freight
the radio from Hong Kong back to Japan or the USA.  Kindly respond directly to
my address as listed below and I shall post a summary of the responses to the

regards, steve VS6WO

dubberstein_steve at or clxr04 at

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