WPX CW Score Rumors as of 6/2
KA9FOX at aol.com
KA9FOX at aol.com
Fri Jun 3 16:53:55 EDT 1994
1994 CQ WPX CW Contest Score Rumors
As of June 2, 1994
Look this over good folks and send
and additions & corrections to ka9fox at aol.com
73 Scott KA9FOX
WW2Y 3153 878 7,800,000 at N2RM
WZ1R 3230 903 6,920,000 at KY1H (ops WZ1R,KY1H,KB1W,WM1K,AA1AS,K1MBO,
NQ4I 2852 822 4,860,486 (ops NQ4I, KB4GID, W0MHS, KF4CI, W1UA)
WX0B 2550 849 4,212,738 (ops NM5M, NA5Q, AA5OR, AB5QY, KN5E, WX0B)
WJ7R 1965 661 3,528,418 at W7RM (ops WJ7R, KI6FE/JF2DQJ, WA6BXH, AA7NX)
WC4E 1765 700 3,100,000 at W1CW (ops WC4E,G4BKI,K1ZX,WB4BBH,W1CW,W1YL)
AG6D 1647 617 2,851,157 (ops AG6D, N4TQO, K2MM, N6YK/7, N6IP)
WX3W 1706 649 2,824,448 at K9RS (ops AA5B, AI9X, K9RS, WX3W)
N5GM 1787 675 2,789,775 at W5KFT (ops N5GM, WB5VZL)
WO1N 1094 558 1,450,000
WF1L 662 397 462,000 (ops WE1B, N1JAC)
Single Operator Unassisted (High Power)
NR1E 2010 728 4,230,000 (op W2SC)
KF3P 2025 692 4,200,000 at W3LPL
KQ2M 1869 668 4,187,824 at K3ANS
K3ZO 1717 664 3,920,000
NS0Z 2046 758 3,690,000 at K4VX/0 (op KM9P)
KT3Y 1634 649 3,223,583
N5GM 1787 675 2,789,775
K4PQL 1339 578 2,250,154
AA3B 1393 578 2,193,510
AA6MC 1267 535 1,965,654
KA4RRU 1039 522 1,204,254
K1JKS ? ? 990,000
AA2PZ 807 492 792,000
AA6KX 845 433 775,936
AA2PZ 807 438 739,000
AE0M 1071 437 619,229 at KI6CG
K1EA 570 ? 610,000
KC1F 533 332 526,000
WQ5L 436 287 198,891
K5ZD 292 288 155,000
N3ADL 232 185 100,270
K1JKS ? ? 99,000
AA2PZ 807 ? 73,800
W1AX ? ? 13,000
Single Operator Unassisted (Low Power)
K7SV 1236 580 1,974,320
AC1O 1107 532 1,470,000
AB6FO 927 478 1,016,706
N4YDU 760 414 602,000
K3TLX 483 326 416,302
K3TLX 483 326 414,670
W1IHN 333 232 143,376
KI4HN 200 151 32,163
Single Operator Unassisted (QRP)
AA2U 611 395 624,890
WA4PGM 567 386 454,000
N1CC 402 288 244,000
KA1CZF 371 288 228,672
W6RCL 72 62 8,680
Single Operator Assisted (High Power)
K3WW 1000 469 1,688,400
WB5B 532 ?? 344,916
KF2O 125 118 58,000
Single Operator Assisted (Low Power)
AC1O 1107 532 1,470,000
N5RZ 105 90 12,000
Single Operator Assisted (QRP)
Single Operator / Single Band
KT6V 712 371 907,000 40mtrs
N4OGW/9 415 289 261,834 40mtrs
W3CPB 151 139 71,446 40mtrs LOW POWER
K3LR 72 57 19,000 40mtrs LOW POWER (op WX3N)
K2VV 1587 656 2,200,000 20mtrs
W1WEF 1332 589 1,650,000 20mtrs
WD8LLD 1291 568 1,583,016 20mtrs
N2BA 1152 552 1,518,000 20mtrs
AD5Q 1317 610 1,141,920 20mtrs
NI8L 949 455 1,045,000 20mtrs at K3LR
N0AX 390 266 201,000 20mtrs LOW POWER
WN3K 347 266 126,616 20mtrs LOW POWER
WR3G 501 313 162,500 15mtrs at K3LR
WD8AUB 363 236 103,000 15mtrs
WA7BNM 169 144 22,608 15mtrs LOW POWER
K3UA 137 113 16,000 10mtrs at K3LR
DX Multi Multi
CZ7Z 1882 617 3,713,723 at VE7ZZZ (ops VE7AV, VE7EME, VE7RBL, VE7PTT,
DX Multi Single
XL2ZP 1539 578 2,600,000 at VE2ZP
6E2T 1532 462 2,480,000 (ops W6UQF, N6KI, N6AZE, NS2E)
VX3BB 1231 494 1,846,572
DX Single Operator (hi power unless noted)
9V1YC 1709 514 2,170,108 LOW POWER
PA3DUA 637 328 394,912
DX Single Operator / Single Band
LX/DL1VJ 1550 595 3,000,000 40mtrs
XL4VV 747 345 534,000 20mtrs LOW POWER (op VE4VV)
>From tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) Fri Jun 3 23:45:44 1994
From: tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 15:45:44 PDT
Subject: Novices
Message-ID: <9406032245.AA04441 at cmicro.com>
I always thought having some kind of partnering category would help
get people involved. It would be fun to find a novice/tech, work
with them and get them in a contest. There would be some kind of
scoring arrangement where they competeted both as a single op
and as a 2 person team.
Tree N6TR
tree at cmicro.com
PS: I agree 100% with N2AA about the money stuff. This is not something
we should be doing for financial gain. It should be fun and if it isn't,
go find something else that is.
>From Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at world.std.com> Sat Jun 4 03:01:06 1994
From: Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at world.std.com> (Randy A Thompson)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 22:01:06 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Create Rotator
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9406032141.A8918-0100000 at world.std.com>
My love affair with my Create RC-5A rotator may be coming to an end. The
aluminum housing did not hold up well over the past winter. All of the
rotator plate bolts stripped out of the bottom housing.
I called the US excvlusive distributor, EDCO. They quoted me $200 in
labor to repair. As for parts, the tech told me he would have to order
them and "see how much they cost." Sure wish I could get my customers to
buy a line like that!
So...I am looking for anyone who has a junked Create RC-5 rotator I could
buy for parts. Or...I am looking for suggestions on a rotator that can
handle a 205CA and 40-2CD on top of a windy hill.
Randy, K5ZD
K5ZD at world.std.com
>From Kurt Pauer <0006743923 at mcimail.com> Sat Jun 4 03:41:00 1994
From: Kurt Pauer <0006743923 at mcimail.com> (Kurt Pauer)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 21:41 EST
Subject: Novices/Techs
Message-ID: <10940604024101/0006743923ND5EM at mcimail.com>
We have an excellent opportunity coming up soon to mentor newcomers to
HF contesting. Take the opportunity to put these newcomers behind the
microphone on 75, 40, or 20 SSB with a mentor sitting next to them
during Field Day. Don't send them off to the Novice tent or VHF tent.
The exposure to the HF contesting should give the type of exposure that
might motivate a newcomer to upgrade to a higher license class and
enjoy contesting from his home station. Fun and excitement is the
motivation, not money or material prizes. Gene Walsh is 100% correct.
de Kurt, W1PH.
>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu Sat Jun 4 18:16:56 1994
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 1994 10:16:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Novices
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9406041049.C16804-a100000 at bach>
I think the most important thing to encourage/create interest in
contesting is to invite a newbie to your shack and do a multi-single with
them. Pick a contest that you don't usually go full tilt in and guide
them through. Two newbie's is even better because they will have some
peer support as opposed to feeling "on the spot".
The monetary thing would probably not attract the new blood we really
want. It might even damage the existing group by creating unnecessary
squabbling. (Is there such a thing as necessary squabbling?)
However, the "Rookie of the Year" type of award is a really good thing.
Many local/regional clubs sponsor this type of thing. I think that's
really done best at the local level, anyway. National recognition will
follow. This also means that the newbie's need to be included in the
local club events.
73, Ward N0AX
>From wb6cje at thetech.com (Jim rinkert) Sat Jun 4 19:58:54 1994
From: wb6cje at thetech.com (Jim rinkert) (Jim rinkert)
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 94 11:58:54 PDT
Subject: wpx cw score
Message-ID: <V9seNc1w165w at thetech.com>
160 0 0
80 70 26
40 644 248
20 822 234
15 408 98
10 81 8
TOTAL SCORE 4,128,536
My first try at WPX CW TEST. Lots of fun except could have spend Sunday
morning on the beach without missing a thing!!!
73's Jim VP2EJ (WB6CJE at thetech.com)
wb6cje at thetech.com (Jim rinkert)
The Tech BBS (408) 279-7199 San Jose, CA
>From Aponte (513) 643-2724 11 PM EST <apontej at dmapub.dma.org> Sun Jun 5 00:14:33 1994
From: Aponte (513) 643-2724 11 PM EST <apontej at dmapub.dma.org> (Aponte 643-2724 11 PM EST (513))
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 1994 19:14:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Mailing list or file server error (fwd)
Message-ID: <m0qA4vC-00015YC at dmapub.dma.org>
> Subject: Help for doing Test of Remote MultiOpSingleXmter?
> Anyone interested in doing some testing for a Remote Control MultiOperator
> Single Xmter CQ WW WPX Contest Station.. please reply directly.
> The Three areas where helpis needed are:
> (1) determining a suitable geographic location to determine what the
> radius in miles from the single transmitter should be for multiple
> time slice operation of a single transmitter remotely. Best
> location condition should be to be far enough for a transmitt signal not
> to affect the other receivers in the same bandwihtout the use of any special
> filters but still be able to hear the other qso station being transmitted
> to as good as the receiver in the central location. I believe this to be
> of primary importance for the 10,15,20 meter bands. 40,80 & 160 meter
> maybe be harder due to local propagation skip characteristics.
> (2) Need to test the delay of a single packet though the internet.
> wi`ouldlike to see 50 msec or less. so it you have a live internet site
> from which you can connect to your computer in your ham schack please let me
> know where it is. I will say 600 miles radius from dayton, ohio
> but if other want to do similar testing by using ping & let me know of the
> results I will give them the sites that have live hams operators interestedin
> this test..
> (3) testing a suitable operating system for fast enough response for this
> purpose.. potential os are OS/2, NT, Unix... any other suggestions are
> welcome... choice of platform 486DX/2 at 66 Mhz. RISC maybe too expensive.
> (4) It was brought to my attention that there may not be enought WPX prefixes
> out there to meet the 28,800 wpx qso's during the 48 hours of the contest.
> So my questions are how many are there that can be worked.. remember they
> do not have to be contest participants... maybe a more realistic goal
> is 14,400 wpx contest qso times any multipliers this is still a decent score.
> can the contest record be obtained.. this would be a way to find out...
> I have been looking to see if those statistic get reported on the cq magazine
> as far as how many wpx were worked total or by region... I will attempt to get
> this type of information if the computer contest logs are made available.
> 73 de kp4uy
> jose'
> ps. this is a reply to my previous email to this list.
> below are the rules of the 1994 cq ww wpx contest pertinent.
> also an inviation for interpretation or cooperation of those interested.
> I will be happy to reply directly to anyone that does contact me directly
> via email or phone.. my number is (513) 643-2723
> IV.2.a MultiOperator Single Xmter (All Band operation only) Only one transmitter
> and one band permitted during the same time period (defined as 10 minutes)
> The issue of physical connection by wire to the antenna is only specified in
> IV.2.b MultiOperator/MultiTransmitter No limit to the number of transmitter,
> but only one signal and running station allowedper band. Note all transmitters
> must be located within a 500 meter diameter or within the property limits of the
> station address, whichever is greater.
> All antennas must be physically connected to the transmitters and receivers.
> My interpretation of any of this two is that it would allow Multi Operator
> Single Transmitter or Multi Operator Multi Transmitter via Remote Control
> Multi Operators as I described before... the receivers do not have to be
> connected to the same antenna, the receivers & operator do not have to be
> within the 500 meter radius of the transmitting antenna location.
> Maybe I have not been clear inmy previous explanation but until the rules
> change... it is legal unless I am told that is not by the rule makers.
> It is the same as asking a judge for his interpretation of a Law before
> someone else challenges it. Do you know of a case that is relevant that
> establishes a precedent. If you are techncally inclined or have good
> operators skill I will like to invite you to help make this happen.
>From Peter Hardie <hardie at herald.usask.ca> Sun Jun 5 00:10:30 1994
From: Peter Hardie <hardie at herald.usask.ca> (Peter Hardie)
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 1994 17:10:30 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Worldwide Field Day?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.88.9406041741.A26603-0100000 at herald.usask.ca>
On Fri, 3 Jun 1994, Eric Gustafson wrote:
> > Derek Wills said...
> > Perhaps the date could slip by a month each year, so that we would get
> > December now and again. At least there would be fewer mosquitos, and
> > the ops would lower their beer intake (ha).
> Now here is an idea that *I* can get behind! When we won 1A from Yuma in
> 1980, the temperature at the operating position at 3 AM local time was at
> its lowest for the entire contest. It was 104 F.
It's alright for you guys down south to talk about moving this contest
forward a month each year, but what about up here in the Great White
North where the temperature could be -40C?
Do we get bonus points for being insane enough to operate under those
ve5va.qrp at usask.ca
>From H. L. Serra" <hlserra at teetot.acusd.edu Sun Jun 5 20:22:18 1994
From: H. L. Serra" <hlserra at teetot.acusd.edu (H. L. Serra)
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 1994 12:22:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: ARRL Comments on FCC Vanity Callsign Proposal
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9406051218.A4168-9100000 at teetot.acusd.edu>
June '94 QST (p.81) mentions that the ARRL has filed comments to the s
Vanity Callsign proposal (PR Docket 93-305), including a proposal of four
steps or "gates" for the orderly issuance of the vanity callsigns, which
steps QST says are "described in a previous issue."
Can someone cite me to where these steps are printed in QST, or email a
copy of the ARRL proposal which includes this information?
Thanks and 73, Larry N6AZE
>From Sergei L. Kulyov" <otutatch at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu Mon Jun 6 06:18:18 1994
From: Sergei L. Kulyov" <otutatch at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Sergei L. Kulyov)
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 1994 23:18:18 CST
Subject: Need results of CQ WPX CW for '80's
Message-ID: <83900.otutatch at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
I need results of the CQ WPX CW contests from 1982 until 1987.
Is it possible to get it by e-mail?
73! Sergei AA8OT, also UA3AP
>From Stephen.Miller%bbs at dmapub.dma.org (Stephen Miller) Mon Jun 6 01:00:25 1994
From: Stephen.Miller%bbs at dmapub.dma.org (Stephen Miller) (Stephen Miller)
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 94 00:00:25 EST5EDT
Subject: Static Buster
Message-ID: <1994Jun06.000025.906 at dmapub.dma.org>
Does anyone have current info on the static buster product. It is a
device which looks similar to a rubber duck antenna which bleeds
electrostatic charge. The company was at the 1993 & 1992 Hamvention but
not this year. I called the number from literature I picked up a couple
years ago (in Elizabeth KY) but that number is no longer good. Any help
would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
-- Steve WD8IXE
Stephen Miller, user of the UniBoard System @ dmapub.dma.org
E-Mail: Stephen.Miller%bbs at dmapub.dma.org
The Dayton Microcomputer Association Voice: (513) 848-6362
Public Unix Access System, Dayton, OH. Data: (513) 229-3787
>From Silvergran Jonathan, SEME" <L.J.Silvergran at telub.se Mon Jun 6 09:27:24 1994
From: Silvergran Jonathan, SEME" <L.J.Silvergran at telub.se (Silvergran Jonathan, SEME)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 10:27:24 +0200
Subject: TOEC Field Contest
Message-ID: <00012C89.MAI*/S=josi/OU=OST1/O=VOJNET/PRMD=TELUB/ADMD=400net/C=SE/@MHS>
This contest is sponsored by the Top Of Europe Contesters (TOEC)
in Sweden. It is intended to focus some interest to the field-award,
issued by the Swedish national amateur radio society.
The contest is divided into two separate events, one for CW and one
for SSB.
SSB: 2'nd weekend in June, Saturday 1200z - Sunday 1200z (not until -95)
CW: 4'th weekend in August, Saturday 1200z - Sunday 1200z
1) Single Operator. Packet Cluster is allowed in all classes.
a) All band
b) Single band
c) Low power, only all band. Maximum output power 100 W.
2) Multi Operator. Only all band. All stations must be located
within 500 meters diameter.
a) Single Transmitter. Stations must remain on a band for at least
10 minutes. Faster QSY allowed only for a new multiplier on
another band.
b) Multi Transmitter.
3) Mobile stations. Only single op all band.
If more than one field is activated, all stations may be
contacted once per field and band. The log must clearly show
the fields activated.
The winner in each country (or US/VE call area) and class will
receive a certificate, providing that a resonable QSO total has
been acheived.
160 - 10 m bands are allowed. (Not 10, 18 and 24 MHz)
Keep the following frequencies free from contest traffic:
CW: 3500-3510, 7000-7010, 14000-14010, 21000-21010, 28000-28010
SSB: 3600-3650, 3790-3800, 7040-7045, 14100-14125, 21100-21175,
Mobile stations includes both /M and /MM stations.
RST + field letters according to the Maidenhead-system, i.e. 59 JP
(two letters)
Each field worked gives 1 multiplier per band.
Fixed stations
QSO with station outside your continent gives 3 points.
QSO with own continent (including QSO with same country) gives 1 point.
QSO with /MM station gives 3 points, regardless of QTH.
Mobile stations
All QSO's gives 3 points.
Each station can be contacted once per band.
Exception: Mobile stations (both /M and /MM) may be contacted again,
providing that the mobile station have changed field since
the previous QSO. These additional QSO's gives no QSO
points, only multiplier credit.
Note! Mobile stations may credit QSO points for additional QSO's.
Final score:
Multiply the total QSO point score with the number of fields worked
on all bands.
The log must be checked for dupes, correct scoring and multiplier
credits. Indicate the multipliers only the first time it is worked.
Use separate logs for each band.
Include a summary sheet with the regular contents, and a dupe-sheet
for all bands with more than 300 QSO.
The log may be submitted on DOS-formatted disks. Use ASCII, CT or
N6TR style files. Name the file with your call. (i.e. SM3SGP.LOG)
Enclose a signed summary sheet. Send a SASE or SAE+1 IRC if you want
to get a confirmation that the log has been received.
Logs can also be submitted via e-mail (Internet or X.400)
Send the file in the same format as above to one of the following
Internet: l.j.silvergran at telub.se
X.400: I=LJ;S=Silvergran;P=Telub;A=400Net;C=se
A confirmation message will be sent to confirm that the log has been
The log must be postmarked not later than 30 days after the contest.
TOEC, Box 2063, S-831 02 OSTERSUND Sweden
l.j.silvergran at telub.se (note: new address)
>From Jack Fleming <oolon at eskimo.com> Sun Jun 5 21:44:13 1994
From: Jack Fleming <oolon at eskimo.com> (Jack Fleming)
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 1994 13:44:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Mexico DXpedition...
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9406051324.A22140-0100000 at eskimo.com>
I may take a couple weeks off and head to the Yucatan this fall (our
family is in serious need of hammocks... so the trip isn't frivolous!
:) ). By some strange bit of luck, I may plan the trip to take place around
the CQWW SSB weekend.
Does anyone know of a station (It doesn't have to be great - 100 watts
and antennas that will radiate some of it) in Merida or nearby that would
accept a guest op for the weekend?
If not, maybe I'll have to take another trip to Morocco..... God, I
love vacations!
Jack Fleming, WA0RJY ex-CN2JF oolon at eskimo.com
Seattle, WA DON'T PANIC!
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Mon Jun 6 17:29:00 1994
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 94 09:29:00 PDT
Subject: VHF test results
Message-ID: <2DF350E8 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
stinko, pew, barf, waste of time, frustrating
The flatlanders in the SE USA had almost no E skip; the
mountaintop expeditions said they made their Q's on scatter
and tropo. I refuse to even post my single band 6m results, but I
am curious how the rest of the country fared with propagation.
I heard W3EP/4 in and out all weekend and couldn't get them to
hear me.
73, Tom WB4iUX (Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.NCR.COM)
>From Rus Healy <0006147675 at mcimail.com> Mon Jun 6 16:02:00 1994
From: Rus Healy <0006147675 at mcimail.com> (Rus Healy)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 10:02 EST
Subject: Prizes
Message-ID: <30940606150203/0006147675NA3EM at mcimail.com>
Gene is right.
--Rus, NJ2L
rhealy at mcimail.com
>From Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com> Mon Jun 6 16:17:22 1994
From: Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com> (Steve Harrison)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 11:17:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Novices/Techs
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9406061122.C25860-0100000 at eagle>
I wasn't aware that new hams were being kept from the low-band mikes
during FD (except, perhaps, on 75, where the ops ALWAYS seem to be a pair
of old fogies, one chomping a cigar and both overweight; the cigar-eater
always glances at visitors to the tent with a look that threatens to
become malevolent if you aren't someone he knows, and keeps the log
covered so you can't see how few Qs they really have). I've operated
with at least six large groups (4A or more) and a couple of smaller ones,
and the new guys were always paired-off with an experienced op at the SSB
stations. Usually, they merely log for the first few hours; but
eventually (usually right after dark), they also operate. CW is a bit
different; not so many new guys even want to work CW, much less in a contest.
The real problem I've seen is that the old fogies pass on their crummy
contesting techniques AND ideas of miraculous FD antennas to the new
guys (why do you think the log is always covered in the 75 tent each
year?). Few clubs/groups are fortunate-enough to have a contester who is
savvy to showing members how to work contests efficiently; and even fewer
contesters are willing to go against the old fogies' "words of wisdom" on
a Windom as an efficient FD antenna.
73, Steve KO0U/4 <sharrison at sysplan.com>
>From Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com> Mon Jun 6 16:36:39 1994
From: Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com> (Steve Harrison)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 11:36:39 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: VHF test results
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9406061139.D25860-0100000 at eagle>
As of 0900EST Monday morning, only one score has been posted on the
Megacluster (covering New England down through, sometimes, northern NC
and west to WV and up the middle of PA). K3ZO said "Conditions on 6 and 2
could have been better", a CLASSIC understatement in my opinion.
On the other hand, had conditions been better on 432, I would probably
have died from excitement! They really weren't that good, but my hearing
ability improved so much after installing my new FO22 that I was
astonished at what I could now hear.
Otherwise, I totally agree...condx are best described by Tom's first
sentence. However, we in Northern Virginia finally got a little bit of 2M
tropo to W1 during the last hour; unfortunately, activity had pretty much gone
to the boob tube by then.
I'll post scores from the Megacluster here when I get a few more.
73, Steve KO0U/4 <sharrison at sysplan.com>
>From jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback) Mon Jun 6 16:52:12 1994
From: jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback) (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 08:52:12 -0700
Subject: Novices/Techs
References: <Pine.3.87.9406061122.C25860-0100000 at eagle>
Message-ID: <9406060852.ZM7278 at hpwsmjh.cup.hp.com>
On Jun 6, 11:17am, Steve Harrison wrote:
> Subject: Re: Novices/Techs
> I wasn't aware that new hams were being kept from the low-band mikes
> during FD (except, perhaps, on 75, where the ops ALWAYS seem to be a pair
> of old fogies, one chomping a cigar and both overweight; the cigar-eater
> always glances at visitors to the tent with a look that threatens to
> become malevolent if you aren't someone he knows, and keeps the log
> covered so you can't see how few Qs they really have).
And here all the time I thought the logs were covered to keep from getting
cigar juice on them.
jholly at cup.hp.com
>From rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu (Ron Marosko) Mon Jun 6 12:50:10 1994
From: rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu (Ron Marosko) (Ron Marosko)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 11:50:10
Subject: Preliminary VHF scores from STX
Message-ID: <rmarosko.273.000BD666 at bcm.tmc.edu>
Preliminary scores for some stations in STX. I expect to have more definite
scores (and maybe breakdowns) later in the week. Standard band letter
indications apply.
Station (+multiops) Score Bands Section
(I'm sure George will post their true results)
#include <std.disclaimer.h>
As usual, the views expressed here do not represent the views of
the BCM management, staff, or any living person.
| Ron Marosko | AKA Striker on several MU*s. |
| The Computing Resource Center | Ex-God of TinyHorns MUSH |
| Baylor College of Medicine | Retired Admiral Striker of the |
| rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu | original NetTrek server at |
| kb5nfn at amsat.org | foghorn.cc.utexas.edu |
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