
Mon Jun 6 10:54:11 EDT 1994

On Jun 6, 11:17am, Steve Harrison wrote:
> Subject: Re: Novices/Techs
> I wasn't aware that new hams were being kept from the low-band mikes
> during FD (except, perhaps, on 75, where the ops ALWAYS seem to be a pair
> of old fogies, one chomping a cigar and both overweight; the cigar-eater
> always glances at visitors to the tent with a look that threatens to
> become malevolent if you aren't someone he knows, and keeps the log
> covered so you can't see how few Qs they really have).

Another observation, or perhaps tips, to be made here.  I brought my
daughter to field day last year, and she was annoyed that she had some
problem getting involved in the activity.  So, I woke her up at 5AM and
told her to get out there and offer to relieve them.  When I finally got
up several hours later she was busily working away.  Now, she just got
her licence and worked the VHF contest yesterday.  Time will tell.

alan, N2ALE

>From rmarosko at (Ron Marosko)  Mon Jun  6 13:01:03 1994
From: rmarosko at (Ron Marosko) (Ron Marosko)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 12:01:03
Subject: Corrected Repost: Prelim VHF test scores
Message-ID: <rmarosko.274.000C04E0 at>

Sorry about the first message. Dunno how it got fired out of here. Again, I 
expect to have more definite scores by the end of the week, possibly including 
breakdowns per band.

Station (+multiops)         Score        Bands         Section

W3XO/5 (+K5LLL, KB5NFN)     ~80K         ABCD9E        STX

W5KFT (+WB5VZL)             ~181K        ABDE ?        STX
(I'm sure George will post their true score)

KB5IUA                      ~93K         ABCDE         STX

W5SXD                       ~20K         ABD9E         STX

KC5BQS                      ~600         ABD9E         STX
(Probably wins section on 902MHz)

Breakdown on 902MHz for STX:
Station                 QSOs         Grids
KC5BQS                   4             3
W3XO/5                   3             2
W5SXD                    1             1

[soapbox mode ON]
Yep, those are *ALL* of the stations with 902 south of Dallas. And people 
wonder we don't place very high in the scores. Look at the density of ops. 
[soapbox mode OFF]

Had a great time out at W3XO. 6m started off with a bang, 100+/hour rate for 
the first hour. AA5C and WB5LUA appreciated the new grid on 902. Yep, was a 
pretty good contest overall. 

   Ron KB5NFN
#include <std.disclaimer.h>
   As usual, the views expressed here do not represent the views of
   the BCM management, staff, or any living person.
|         Ron Marosko           |  AKA Striker on several MU*s.  |
| The Computing Resource Center |   Ex-God of TinyHorns MUSH     |
|   Baylor College of Medicine  | Retired Admiral Striker of the |
|      rmarosko at     |   original NetTrek server at   |
|        kb5nfn at       |      |

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