When last heard you were 339...

WmHein at aol.com WmHein at aol.com
Sun Jun 12 23:42:49 EDT 1994

N6TR wrote:
> When they start sending the last two letters of their call on
> CW, I will quit this sport and take up bridge.

I have been called several times on CW by stations sending their "last two,"
both here at home during contests and while operating /PJ9.  Several DX nets
now take SSB lists to "work" a station later on CW (the callsigns are passed
to the DX station on SSB, who then calls each station in turn in CW; a
cross-mode contact in my opinion and therefore invalid for CW DXCC).  If this
gets out of control, CW DXing will become as pathetic as SSB DXing.  

What's the CW Q-signal for "good contact."

Bill AA6TT
wmhein at aol.com

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