ARRL & contests.

Fri Jun 17 11:32:55 EDT 1994

>With all the complaints, excuses, etc. about certificates - I noticed
>no one has mentioned the ARRL.

Guess you never saw my memo about not even appearing in the 1993 SS
results, no acknowledgement AT ALL. All this after sending the ARRL
my logs TWICE. Once via Internet, once via dial-up modem to THE CONTEST 
area of the CONTEST ONLY upload telephone #.

But, I come here not to kvetch, but to say that WE ALL ARE HUMAN. All
systems developed by HUMANS and are prone to the same falability 
(is that a word?), errors, weaknesses, etc.
If we were ALL blessed with divine providence (if we were God) then maybe 
the Challenger disaster may not have happened. Lets all lighten up a
bit - its too damn HOT (100 deg & climbing).
73 de Walt Kornienko  -   K2WK          Frankford Radio Club
Internet:  waltk at          Snail: RR1 Box 919, Lafayette, NJ 07848
DX PacketCluster:  K2WK > W2JT          Packet: K2WK at NX2P.NJ.USA.NOAM

>From Steve Harrison <sharriso at>  Fri Jun 17 16:07:36 1994
From: Steve Harrison <sharriso at> (Steve Harrison)
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 11:07:36 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9406171136.B18890-0100000 at eagle>

On Thu, 16 Jun 1994, Barry Kutner wrote: 
> > 
> Tom - Don't feel bad. I am still due a certificate for CQWW from late 70s 
> or early 80s (forget now). Wrote to K3EST to question it, and the SOB 
> didn't even respond. Maybe HE should be FR5DX's QSL manager.
> 73 Barry
Maybe he really IS FR5DX's manager...Steve KO0U/4

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