FW: what i did during field day

george fremin iii geoiii at bga.com
Thu Jun 30 14:04:50 EDT 1994

: I get terribly unmotivated.
: How do you guys/gals tolerate it?  Just stoke more 807's on the
: coals??

This is one of the big reasons I stuck with it this weekend - I think
that it is very good practice for DX contests as DX - short of actully
going and doing a DX contest. In fact the operating is so much better
in a DX contest ie. arrl - that it is a cake walk compaired to running
stations during FD.  I also discovered it was great for working on 
pulling calls out of a pileup - and I think that is the real secret to
doing well in a high rate situation - if only one or two call at a
time it is easy to go fast - but when 5-15 call all at once 
with similar signals - it gets really tough. 
so how do I deal with it - well I just practice alot of patience. 
sort of a ZEN contesting - just let it go.


George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.                        
geoiii at bga.com

>From thompsos at cuug.ab.ca (Scott Thompson 974-2215)  Thu Jun 30 19:19:31 1994
From: thompsos at cuug.ab.ca (Scott Thompson 974-2215) (Scott Thompson 974-2215)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 12:19:31 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Canada Day Contest....
Message-ID: <9406301819.AA22792 at sun>

> Does the RAC contest really start 0000 July 1 as the post I printed
> from one of these reflectors indicates?  That means it starts Thursday
> (today) evening at 2000 EDT?!?  Am I all wet here?
>                    ^^^^^^^^
 Nope, you're right on. Canada Day is a national holiday up here, very
similar to your July 4. Look for us as CI6RAC on all bands, cw and phone.
73, Scott VE6CGY/VE6MD

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