WIN CHEESE!!! Operate WQP!
ka9fox at
ka9fox at
Thu Mar 10 00:14:42 EST 1994
The 7-hour long Wisconsin QSO Party is this Sunday, March 13. To
generate a little extra activity from out-of-state, I am offering a
"prize" for the top out-of-state entry... a POUND of Wisconsin Cheese!
You pick the flavor... Colby, Swiss, Cheddar, Mozzarella, whatever!
Even if you aren't the TOP entry, the top scorer in EACH STATE receives
a certificate from the contest sponsor. (work me)
Here's the details for out-of-staters:
Wisconsin QSO Party (7 hours long)
Sunday March 13 18:00z to Monday March 14 01:00z
Work Wisconsin stations only (especially me at W0AIH). You can work the
same station once per band AND mode.
Exchange is your state. Receive the Wisconsin county from the Wisconsin
station. (I'll be in Eau Claire county)
1 point for SSB QSOs, 2 points for CW QSOs. Multiply total points times
the number of Wisconsin counties worked (max. 72). See list at end of
Entries must contain a log consisting of GMT time, call, band, county,
mode and list of counties worked plus your name, call, and address.
Logs containing more than 200 QSOs must also include dupe sheets.
ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED BY MARCH 31, 1994 and sent to: Wisconsin QSO
Party, West Allis Radio Amateur Club, P.O. Box 1072, Milwaukee, WI
53201. (hopefully your log will have many entries of W0AIH)
Also, e-mail me a message (KA9FOX at AOL.COM) with your score for posting
on the reflector.
Adams Florence Marathon Rusk
Ashland Fond Du Lac Marinette Sauk
Barron Forest Marquette Sawyer
Bayfield Grant Menominee Shawano
Brown Green Milwaukee Sheboygan
Buffalo Green Lake Monroe St. Croix
Burnett Iowa Oconto Taylor
Calumet Iron Oneida Trempealeau
Chippewa Jackson Outagamie Vernon
Clark Jefferson Ozaukee Vilas
Columbia Juneau Pepin Walworth
Crawford Kenosha Pierce Washburn
Dane Kewaunee Polk Washington
Dodge La Crosse Portage Waukesha
Door Lafayette Price Waupaca
Douglas Langlade Racine Waushara
Dunn Lincoln Richland Winnebago
Eau Claire Manitowoc Rock Wood
Have fun. Win some cheese. (Did I mention that it would be a good idea
to work me at W0AIH?)
73 Scott KA9FOX
>From Wirzenius Jari <HATJWI at> Thu Mar 10 16:51:00 1994
From: Wirzenius Jari <HATJWI at> (Wirzenius Jari)
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 08:51:00 PST
Subject: Re; QSX 7019
Message-ID: <2D7F5058 at>
Years back in Finland it used to be a law that we are not allowed to send
SSB below 7040 kHz. Today it is not so anymore. The law has changed and we
are allowed to send SSB between 7000 to 7100 (or CW or RTTY etc.). But it is
against band limit recommendations of Region I. This comes into the ethic of
contest and I don't personally like to call cq contest below 7040 on SSB,
cuz I would be flamed by many people locally and from EU. I would work a new
multiplier below 7040, but would say to the station that he should not call
EU on that frequency as it will certainly not make good promotion for
contests among people who don't like contests. People who don't like
contest, would like to find a place on any band where they are free of
contest "QRM".
I don't have any contest rules at my hands now, so I can't check from the
rules do they require to follow any regions band plans or not. I think they
refer only to the license band limits. Some contests indicate also the band
limits where to work and I would like this to be done in all contest as
there has been lot of discussion to leave the DX-windows open for
non-contesters during any contest.
My two cents.
73's Jari, OH2BVE
hatjwi at
From: CQ-Contest-Relay
To: cq-contest
Subject: Re; QSX 7019
Date: Wednesday, 09 March, 1994 2:59PM
> This seems the equivalent of a European choosing something like 7142 as a
> listening frequency. Would we hear K1RX/NX1H calling him there?
> Is the IARU Reg. 1 band limit not enforced, or only enforced by some
> governments?
Certainly in the UK the band plans are voluntary, and I'm not aware of
any European country where the form a part of the licence conditions
as they do in the US.
Andy Cook, G4PIQ.
cook_a_r_j_andrew at
>From hhoyt at (Howard Hoyt) Thu Mar 10 12:54:58 1994
From: hhoyt at (Howard Hoyt) (Howard Hoyt)
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 12:54:58 GMT
Message-ID: <B33yic1w165w at>
Log formats for ARRL should appear as follows (tks KR1R):
73, Howie K4PQL
hhoyt at
ARRL Suggested Standard File Format
For Submission of Contest Log Data
All files must be in standard ASCII format.
All files must be on an MS-DOS formatted disk, 3.5 inch (720-KB or 1.44-MB)
or 5.25 inch (360-KB or 1.2-MB); uploaded to the ARRL BBS (203-665-0090);
or sent via Internet (contest at
The diskette label should clearly indicate the call sign used, contest name,
entry class, and date of the contest.
The log data file name shall consist of the call sign and the extension ".LOG".
For example: KR1R.LOG.
The log file must consist of one line of data per QSO (no more than
80 characters wide), without headers, footers, page breaks or other
non-ASCII characters.
All QSO data must appear in each line, aligned by columns, and must include
the following:
band: wavelength for HF and frequency for VHF.
mode: designator such as CW, PH, etc.
date: in MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY format.
time: 4-digit UTC without colons.
call sign of station worked.
complete exchange sent.
complete exchange received.
indication of multipliers: for example an "*", section/prefix/zone,
or etc.
points claimed: ALL unclaimed QSOs must be "0" points.
Multioperator, two-transmitter category log in the ARRL International
DX Contest must indicate which transmitter made which QSOs.
In contests that require rest periods, the "times on" and "times off"
must be in a separate column.
A paper summary sheet is required of all logs, either an official ARRL summary
sheet or a close facsimile with a signed contest participation disclaimer.
Entries uploaded to the ARRL BBS or sent via Internet should include a summary
sheet file in lieu of a paper summary sheet.
All diskettes become the property of the ARRL and are not returnable.
20 CW 15/02/92 0001 UW9WA 599 MA 599 100 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0001 UZ1AWJ 599 MA 599 200 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0002 OZ1IKW 599 MA 599 100 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0002 YU1GN 599 MA 599 100 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0003 UZ9XWT 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0003 UZ4WWA 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0004 OZ4UN 599 MA 599 500 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0005 OK1ALW 599 MA 599 KW * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0005 DF5UL 599 MA 599 KW * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0005 YU7XM 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0006 RH0E 599 MA 599 300 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0006 YO7BGA 599 MA 599 006 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0006 YT5R 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0007 ZD8VJ 599 MA 599 002 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0007 UA0SAU 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0008 VP2V/W2GUP 599 MA 599 100 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0009 UA1TAF 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0009 UB5JNW 599 MA 599 100 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0010 9V1YC 599 MA 599 100 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0010 DL4MCF 599 MA 599 700 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0010 RA4PR 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0011 G3DFV 599 MA 599 100 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0011 UA9WS 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0012 UA1ZO 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0012 G0MFO 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0013 UA3MBJ 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0013 UJ8JA 599 MA 599 200 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0013 G3IAF 599 MA 599 050 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0014 UZ0AXX 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0014 G4YSD/PA 599 MA 599 100 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0015 YL2GM 599 MA 599 200 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0015 OK2PAY 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0015 HA8PO 599 MA 599 200 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0017 G4BJM 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0017 G3SXW 599 MA 599 150 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0018 LZ3AA 599 MA 599 300 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0018 UZ4PWW 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0019 IK1PMR 599 MA 599 100 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0020 JA1YFG 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0022 RZ1A 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0023 Y31EM 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0023 HA5OM 599 MA 599 250 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0023 G3DOJ 599 MA 599 050 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0024 UM8DX 599 MA 599 200 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0024 RB5SJ 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0025 HA3OD 599 MA 599 070 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0025 HA7YS 599 MA 599 010 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0026 DJ0OS 599 MA 599 005 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0026 RW4WR 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0027 RB8M 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0028 YU4EDO 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0028 YU2CAO 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0029 I0MYQ 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0030 HG3DXC 599 MA 599 500 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0030 UZ3AWO 599 MA 599 200 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0030 YU3TY 599 MA 599 040 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0031 UC2OG 599 MA 599 200 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0031 UV3DTW 599 MA 599 050 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0032 YU1ABA 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0033 YO4PX 599 MA 599 100 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0033 SM0TW 599 MA 599 500 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0034 UZ2FWA 599 MA 599 200 * 3
20 CW 15/02/92 0035 IK2AHB 599 MA 599 300 3
___________________________________________________________________ R R ______
(Do not write above line)
[] CW
CALL USED ______________________________ ARRL SECTION or COUNTRY_______________
CALL OF OPERATOR IF DIFFERENT FROM CALL USED____________________________________
[] Novice/Technician +-------------------------------------+
| 160 | | |
Single Operator |-------------------------------------|
| 80 | | |
[] All Band |-------------------------------------|
[] Single Band (circle one) | 40 | | |
160 80 40 20 15 10 |-------------------------------------|
[] QRP (5W or less output) | 20 | | |
[] Assisted |-------------------------------------|
| 15 | | |
Multioperator |-------------------------------------|
| 10 | | |
[] Single transmitter |=====================================|
[] Two transmitter |Total| | |
[] Unlimited +-------------------------------------+
If multioperator, list calls of all operators and loggers:
Please enclose log, photos, comments, ideas, etc. with your entry and mail
promptly to: ARRL Contests, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111.
Upload to BBS: 203-665-0090 Internet: contest at
_____________ X 3 = _____________ X ____________ = ___________________________
Valid QSOs QSO Points Multipliers Claimed Score
POWER OUTPUT: [] 5 watts or less [] 6-150 watts [] Over 150 watts
| Club participation? Yes_____ No_____ |
| ARRL Affiliated Club:________________________________________________________|
"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur
Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.
I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."
Date ______________ Signature _______________________________ Call _____________
NAME_____________________________________ CALL______________
>From bkennamer at (Bill Kennamer) Wed Mar 9 16:06:51 1994
From: bkennamer at (Bill Kennamer) (Bill Kennamer)
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 94 11:06:51 EST
Subject: X5
Message-ID: <3674 at bk>
ARRL does not count X5 prefixes for DXCC or contests.
Bill Kennamer K5FUV
>From Walton L. Stinson" <wstinson at Wed Mar 9 15:00:03 1994
From: Walton L. Stinson" <wstinson at (Walton L. Stinson)
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 1994 08:00:03 -0700 (MST)
Subject: M/S 10:00 RULE
Message-ID: <Pine.3.05.9403090801.B29864-b100000 at teal>
On Fri, 25 Feb 1994, Charlie Ocker wrote:
> A multi-single does NOT have to be "a bunch of guys with one rig" setup.
> Consider the following scenario:
> 2 rigs, 2 ops. Station 1 is running. Station 2 is scanning another
> band, not only for mults, but for new stations. Station 2 writes down
> the info or puts it into the rigs memories. At some point in time, the
> 2 stations "swap" or, as I like to call it, "bounce". Station 2 is now
> the run station, and Station 1 begins to scoure the band he was on, or a
> new band. Station 2 quickly works all the stations it had queued up
> from it's earlier stint of listening. When all these stations are
> worked, it finds a spot to run.>
> 73,
> Charlie KD5PJ ocker at
I refer you to the arrl dx contest rules on page 125 of the dec 1993
qst, paragraph C-1: "once a station has begun operation on a given
band, it must remain on that band for at least 10 minutes; LISTENING
TIME COUNTS AS OPERATING TIME." I have interpreted this to mean that
the only band a second rcvr can listen on is the band that is currently
logged. Thus, the practice that Charlie is describing is prohibited.
I will refer this question to the Contest Branch to determine how they
are currently interpreting this rule.
73, walt, W0CP, rocky mtn div CAC rep
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Thu Mar 10 15:58:43 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 1994 07:58:43 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Suggestion for ARRL & CQWW
Message-ID: <763315123.139354.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
> I's like to suggest a "TRIFECTA" category for the little guy with
> a tribander and a weekend to spare - Ten, Fifteen and Twenty Meters.
> Personally, I'd like to see this category in both ARRLDX and CQWW.
> Any comments? de Gary KH6GMP
Yep. What a great category!
The ARRL used to have this category, but they tossed it in their
exhuberance to become more like CQWW and to have an oppotunity to
give away more trophies. The CQ contest has enough activity to
support competition on a band-by-band basis. Sure wish the ARRL
would scrap the single bands and go back to low-band and high-band
subcategories. Yet another distinguishing feature the ARRL contest
had to set it apart from the others that it lost in it's quest to
be more like the CQWW.
--Trey, WN4KKN/6
>From alan at (Alan Brubaker) Thu Mar 10 16:20:03 1994
From: alan at (Alan Brubaker) (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 09:20:03 -0700
Subject: Suggestion for ARRL & CQWW
Message-ID: <9403101619.AA14304 at dsd.ES.COM>
Some (mumble) years ago, there was exactly such a category in the ARRL
DX contest. I am not sure why it was dropped, but you could enter as
either a "high band" (10, 15 and 20 meters), or a "low band" (40, 80
and 160 meters) entry. If these categories were re-instated, I suppose
that contest sponsors might say that this would create yet another tier
of entry classfications and awards to go with them, creating more work
for the folks responsible for judging the entries and determining the
award winners. Or, perhaps these categories could replace the present
single band categories.
Alan, K6XO
alan at
CW contests are more fun than Phone contests.
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