Tower proximity to foundation
aa7nx at
aa7nx at
Fri Mar 11 03:45:28 EST 1994
I have received a very strong response to my question regarding how close to
my house foundation I can safely put my tower. I wish to thank all that
responded, and thought others might like to see a summary of the responses. I
hope this doesn't push the reflector charter too far.... The summary follows:
concern might be if the ground under the foundation/slab falls into the
hole, yet if you fill the whole thing up with concrete (including the
void under the slab) there should be no problem.
Several years ago (at a previous house) I installed a self-supporting
tower with full building permits and inspections in Cupertino
California. The concrete of the base touched the concrete of the
house foundation. That house also has no basement.
I had a W-51 tower up and had its base about 3.5 feet from the
basement wall..
I have a US Tower HDX-589 on a 4 x 4 x 9 foot base that is just about
as close to my house and it can get. The edge of the tower clears the
eave of the house by about 12 inches. The base is within 6 inches of
the house foundation. City of Los Angeles inspector had no problem
with it (and they are usually fussy). Put it as close as you need to.
Contractors dug an 8'6" deep hole 4x4' square
about 36" from my foundation. I told them to be prepared to shore it up
with 4x8 sheets of plywood and braces, but it clearly wasn't necessary.
It is something to be concerned about, though.
i put my lm470d about ten feet from the house. i think i
could have gotten as close as 3-5ft without getting nervous.
73, Mike aa7nx at
>From Michael Owen <MOWE%SLUMUS.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Fri Mar 11 12:56:15 1994
From: Michael Owen <MOWE%SLUMUS.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> (Michael Owen)
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 07:56:15 EST
Subject: Bahamas QTH?
Message-ID: <11MAR94.08572697.0010.MUSIC at SLUMUS>
I have an itch to do the June VHF contest from the Bahamas. Does
anyone on the net have a suggestion of a place that tolerates hams,
especially in contest-mode? Maybe even a rent-a-contest-QTH spot?
Thanks - Michael Owen
Michael R. Owen, Ph.D. a.k.a.: W9IP
Department of Geology Northern Lights Software
St. Lawrence University Star Route, Box 60
Canton, NY 13617 Canton, NY 13617
(315) 379-5975 - voice - (315) 379-0161 (6-9pm)
e-mail: MOWE at SLUMUS FAX - (315) 379-5804
>From Evert Halbach" <CS-ERH at Fri Mar 11 14:09:59 1994
From: Evert Halbach" <CS-ERH at (Evert Halbach)
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 08:09:59 CST
Subject: Lists.......
Message-ID: <MAILQUEUE-101.940311080959.416 at>
Could anyone please tell me if there are any other "Ham Radio" lists
available on Internet.
Thanks in advance.
WA5OJI Evert
cs-erh at
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Fri Mar 11 15:24:17 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 07:24:17 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Lists.......
Message-ID: <763399457.809355.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
> Could anyone please tell me if there are any other "Ham Radio" lists
> available on Internet.
Yes. There are a lot of them. When I get back into the office, I plan
to finish compiling a list. Below is a list of the ones I have so far ...
List of Lists
To subscribe to a list, send a messgae to listname-REQUEST at address that
CQ-Contest at TGV.COM
Contest forum
DX forum
QRP at Think.COM
QRP forum
VHF.icon_fonts at
VHF forum
VHF-Request.icon_fonts at
Boatanchors at GNU.AI.MIT.EDU
Old ham gear forum
VHF at W6YX.Stanford.EDU
VHF forum
N6TR logging program forum
ct-user-request at
K1EA's CT logging program forum
ham-tech at world.STD.COM
forum for people with technical ham related questions (antennas,
radios, digital communications, etc) to share information with
each other
w1aw-list at World.STD.COM
distribution list for the dissemination of official news and
information from the American Radio Relay League (the "League")
ky1n-list at World.STD.COM
distribution list for the dissemination of volunteer examination
information in New England
ham-ant at UCSD.EDU
Bidirectional mailing list with Usenet group
ham-bsd at UCSD.EDU
A discussion group for people interested in ham radio applications of
the Jolitz 386BSD software.
ham-digital at UCSD.EDU
Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup(s)*
ham-equip at UCSD.EDU
Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup
ham-homebrew at UCSD.EDU
Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup
ham-policy at UCSD.EDU
Ham radio policy forum
ham-radio at UCSD.EDU
The HAM-RADIO mailing list is an experimental digest using subject
grouping and MIME encapsulation to provide a daily dose of ham radio
related traffic from the Usenet
ham-space at UCSD.EDU
Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup
info-hams at UCSD.EDU
General ham radio forum
>From k3lr <k3lr at> Fri Mar 11 15:55:49 1994
From: k3lr <k3lr at> (k3lr)
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 10:55:49 -0500
Subject: Dayton Contest Dinner
Message-ID: <199403111555.KAA02550 at>
Now that the ARRL DX Contests are over it is time to think Dayton
Send your reservations now for:
Sponsered by the: North Coast Contesters, Frankford Radio Club,
Mad River Contest Club and Yankee Clipper Contest Club.
Saturday April 30, 1994
Dinner at 6:30 pm prompt (bar opens at 5:30 pm)
Location: Stouffer Center Plaza Hotel
5th and Jefferson Streets
Dayton, Ohio
Van Cleve Ballroom
Menu: House Salad, Potato and vegetables, rolls, grilled skinless
breast, New York style cheese cake
Cost: dinner expense $25.00 per person (SEATING IS LIMITED)
Send your check to: North Coast Contesters - Dayton Dinner
P.O. Box 59
New Bedford, PA 16140
Include an SASE with your check
Reservation deadline is April 10, 1994 Sorry, no refunds
Great contester prizes, CQ Hall of Fame and more
Ask anyone who was there last year (and those contesters who were at
but didn't buy a ticket), you don't want to miss this years
Please post this note in your club newsletters and BBS services.
Tim K3LR
k3lr at
>From Steve Lund <stevel at> Fri Mar 11 16:46:35 1994
From: Steve Lund <stevel at> (Steve Lund)
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 8:46:35 PST
Subject: ARRL Internet submission
Message-ID: <9403111646.AA18087 at>
>I sent my CW log via Internet last week, and asked them for confrimation
>of receipt (they lost one of my logs via mail last year). Have not heard
>from them. ANyone know if they confirm receipt of logs via Internet. If
>so, how long should I wait before trying again? Tnx/Barry
I asked Billy Lunt at ARRL that question last week. He is behind (I believe
he was working on SS article for QST). I got my receipt for ARRL CW
yesterday (about 2 weeks after I sent it in). I have not received one for
Phone yet. Usually it only takes a day or two. Get worried a few days
before the submission deadline.
Steve WA8LLY/6
stevel at
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Fri Mar 11 00:18:00 1994
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 16:18:00 PST
Subject: antenna design
Message-ID: <2D80F435 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
It shouldn't be a big the rotatable dipole from
cushcraft and the extra aluminum tubing from Texas Towers
or Metal and Cable. I've thought about this myself, and thought
I would model it after the dimensions of the Hygain 3 element.
I think it has a 36 foot boom. I'd just shorten the driven element
by as much as the director is shorter than the reflector, and
then run some computer models to make sure I hadn't
totally screwed it up.
However, for all this cost and trouble I don't think the 2 to 3
db of forward gain is worth it. I have missed NOTHING on
40 meters with my 40-2cd at 80 feet, including VU, HS, JT,
8Q, VQ9, 9V, S21 etc, in the log. Matter of fact, I'd rather
spend the money for more tower to put a second beam at
150 ft than to add a third element ('cause I don't think the
2-3 dB from the third element will be worth it unless you
critically optimize it to improve Front to Back, and then you'd
probably lose the great 2:1 SWR bandwidth of this antenna).
I am, however, a Cushcraft 40-2CD zealot. I am not
crazy about their other antennas, but this one is superb.
73, Tom WB4iUX
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.NCR.COM
PS: Yes, OF COURSE, if I had the money I'd put up stacked
DX engineering 3 over 3 full-sized yagis on 40. I must,
however, deal with my current fiscal reality.....
From: robbins
To: cq-contest
Subject: antenna design
Date: Thursday, March 10, 1994 12:40PM
does anyone know of a design that converts a cushcraft 40-2cd to 3 elements?
73, dave
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