SS stuff

george fremin iii geoiii at
Mon May 2 13:28:16 EDT 1994

: With the recent SS scores of K3UA at K3LR, KM9P at N4RJ and W2GD maybe the
: eastern guns should give SS a try again?

well actually - k3lr, km9p, wc4e, k4xs, w2gd, ka9fox, k1tr, w2tz 
and a whole bunch of other folks have been doing very well in the
ss for years and years from the east coast. 

in fact i think that a good operator can do well in this contest - 
ie. make the top ten from just about anywhere in the country. 
the only real exception is high power phone when you have to 
work all the novices.  
BTW - if you made the ss a qso per band contest the above would not  
      be true - the west would bury you in high band qsos! 


George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.                        
geoiii at

>From jholly at (Jim Hollenback)  Mon May  2 19:24:43 1994
From: jholly at (Jim Hollenback) (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Mon, 2 May 1994 11:24:43 -0700
Subject: SS stuff
References: <9405021658.AA08403 at>
Message-ID: <9405021124.ZM7494 at>

I still don't think the listing is a problem. If your goal is a pin, then
look for your call near the bottom. It you turn in a 1K Q log, then your
call probably is in the upper half. I don't think this should be upsetting
to anyone. It seems the section certificate winners are implict in the
listings, but if Billy and company wants to denote this with a * or something,
that would be fine.


>From ANDY MITCHELL, VA3CW" <AMITCHELL at GC1.GEORCOLL.ON.CA  Tue May  3 04:24:59 1994
Date: Mon, 2 May 1994 23:24:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Thanks - PED software located...
Message-ID: <940502232459.24207d21 at GC1.GEORCOLL.ON.CA>

Thanks to all who replied to my query about PED software.  I now have a

73 es cu in the pile-ups!

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at  Tue May  3 03:49:46 1994
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Mon, 2 May 1994 19:49:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: CQ WW CW Reporteds
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9405021946.C12475-8100000 at bach>

Anybody got the list of High Reported scores from CQ WW CW?  I heard they
were to be released at Dayton.  Inquiring minds want to know...
Ward, N0AX

>From robert penneys <penneys at>  Tue May  3 03:05:54 1994
From: robert penneys <penneys at> (robert penneys)
Date: Mon, 2 May 94 22:05:54 EDT
Subject: Heil 4 or 5??
Message-ID: <9405030205.AA14469 at>

I wonder what your preferences are between Heil 4 or 5 elements.

My primary use of a mike is in contesting, currently using a 940.

I would naturally assume that the 4 is the ticket, and that's what I've
been using. I am more concerned with getting through than having hi fi

I have heard the 5 recommended as preferable with this rig. Anybody agree
or disagree??

Again, thanks to all who made Dayton what it was.  Including umbrella mfrs.


Bob Penneys, WN3K   Frankford Radio Club  Internet: penneys at
Work: Ham Radio Outlet (Delaware) (800) 644-4476;  fax (302) 322-8808
Mail at home:  12 East Mill Station Drive   Newark, DE 19711  USA

>From drs at (Doug Snowden)  Tue May  3 15:15:44 1994
From: drs at (Doug Snowden) (Doug Snowden)
Date: Tue, 3 May 1994 10:15:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: 40 Meter Beams, Summary
Message-ID: <9405031415.AA314437 at rs2>

	Well thanks for the many, many responses regarding the possibilities
of 40 meter beams. The subject was intended to be about the loaded or shortened
type of beams that are manufactured. Several types were recommended, but by
far the Cushcraft 40-2CD was the choice of those that responded. The Mosley
version was described as a very heavy poor substitute for the Cushcraft. 
Apparently the Cushcraft could use some beefing up in places (I'm guessing
the boom) but I haven't seen the actual articles people mentioned about this.
As for height, 70 feet seemed to be about the minimum. We all know higher is

	After all the responses, curiously a local ham has an old Mosely 2
element beam element set for sale for a reasonable price. After looking at it
I could see that it looked like it had more promise as the basis of a full 
size 2 element beam. Rip the loading coils off and use the aluminum. It looked
to me like this antenna uses a 2 inch boom??? Since the elements are on 
insulators I could visualize trying direct feed via some sort of 1:1 balun.  

	Anyway, thanks again for all the good input. I'll be on the lookout
for a Cushcraft.

	73's Doug

                     |       Doug Snowden        |
                     |           N4IJ            | 
                     | email: drs at |

>From len at (Leonard Kay)  Tue May  3 15:49:00 1994
From: len at (Leonard Kay) (Leonard Kay)
Date: Tue, 03 May 1994 10:49:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Dayton '94
Message-ID: <9405031449.AA04042 at>

Well, my first Dayton (after being in this for 17 years) was,
as I expected, an unbelievably good time! Of course, my non-ham
colleagues are still saying, 'you went *where* for a road trip??'

The best part, of course, was meeting so many of you... 
Now, when I steal a frequency, I'll picture a face, not just a 
featureless CW signal.... :-)

The Internet badges were a big hit. Had lots of people ask me where
I got mine.

Hats off to the Sultans of Shwing, KC DX Assn, Mad River CC, NJDXA,
and everyone in the Miami Room for the hospitality, beer, and booze.

And, of course, Waffle House! (Who else bought a T-shirt?)

Oh yeah, there was all this stuff going on in the Hara, too.....

c u next year,

Len KB2R

P.S. James, *I* didn't ask you about the caning thing!!

>From Steven Affens <k3sa at>  Tue May  3 18:24:29 1994
From: Steven Affens <k3sa at> (Steven Affens)
Date: Tue, 3 May 1994 13:24:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Heil 4 or 5??
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9405031307.A28964-0100000 at>

I talked with Mr. Heil himself at Dayton and after much discussion, 
decided for dxing and contesting, the ProSet #4 would be the way to go.  
I tried my new #4 and had someone playback my sig over the air on 75 
meters.  It sounded crisp and clear... would be FB for rag chews too.
73 Steve K3SA.

On Mon, 2 May 1994, robert penneys wrote:

> I wonder what your preferences are between Heil 4 or 5 elements.
> My primary use of a mike is in contesting, currently using a 940.
> I would naturally assume that the 4 is the ticket, and that's what I've
> been using. I am more concerned with getting through than having hi fi
> audio.
> I have heard the 5 recommended as preferable with this rig. Anybody agree
> or disagree??
> Again, thanks to all who made Dayton what it was.  Including umbrella mfrs.
> Bob
> Bob Penneys, WN3K   Frankford Radio Club  Internet: penneys at
> Work: Ham Radio Outlet (Delaware) (800) 644-4476;  fax (302) 322-8808
> Mail at home:  12 East Mill Station Drive   Newark, DE 19711  USA

>From we9v at (Chad Kurszewski)  Tue May  3 17:47:05 1994
From: we9v at (Chad Kurszewski) (Chad Kurszewski)
Date: Tue, 03 May 94 09:47:05 PDT
Subject: SS stuff
Message-ID: <7sDRLc2w165w at>

george fremin iii <geoiii at> writes:

> : With the recent SS scores of K3UA at K3LR, KM9P at N4RJ and W2GD maybe the
> : eastern guns should give SS a try again?
> well actually - k3lr, km9p, wc4e, k4xs, w2gd, ka9fox, k1tr, w2tz 
> and a whole bunch of other folks have been doing very well in the
> ss for years and years from the east coast. 
> George Fremin III

Last I checked, KA9FOX is my neighbor here in La Crosse, WI, at the outer 
edge of the club competition circle of the Black Hole group.

Chad WE9V    we9v at

we9v at (Chad Kurszewski)
The Tech BBS (408) 279-7199 San Jose, CA

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Tue May  3 21:43:44 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue,  3 May 1994 13:43:44 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: SS stuff
Message-ID: <767997824.282000.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

> well actually - k3lr, km9p, wc4e, k4xs, w2gd, ka9fox, k1tr, w2tz 
> and a whole bunch of other folks have been doing very well in the
> ss for years and years from the east coast. 
> in fact i think that a good operator can do well in this contest - 
> ie. make the top ten from just about anywhere in the country. 
> the only real exception is high power phone when you have to 
> work all the novices.  

Yep, and K4XU has proven this through the years.  He made the top ten
in low power CW for (I think) 15+ consecutive years, and he has lived
in W1, W4, W0, W9, etc.

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From Gerard Jendraszkiewicz" <jend at  Wed May  4 04:02:58 1994
From: Gerard Jendraszkiewicz" <jend at (Gerard Jendraszkiewicz)
Date: Tue, 3 May 94 21:02:58 CST
Subject: Russians on Internet
Message-ID: <75787.jend at>

Does anyone know if there are any Russian stations active on the internet ??
I have a friend that is going to Moscow in a few weeks and would like to
check out some of the ham activity there. He is a low level contester and
likes to chase DX too ! Please send replies directly to:
jend at

Thanks Jerry

>From W. M Wood - The Signal Group <mikewood at>  Tue May  3 22:12:02 1994
From: W. M Wood - The Signal Group <mikewood at> (W. M Wood - The Signal Group <mikewood at>)
Date: Tue, 3 May 94 17:12:02 -0400
Subject: Owner's Manual for old Mosely 2el 40
Message-ID: <9405032112.AA13634 at>

I'm in need of an owner's manual for an old Mosely 2 element
40m yagi. It's the one with insulated elements and loading
coils in the center. I'll reimburse you for the cost of copying
and mailing.

Mike Wood            Internet: mikewood at
The Signal Group     Amateur Radio: NT4O
P.O. Box 1979     ***Avoid company disclaimers by owning the company ***
Wake Forest, NC 27588
Phone: 919-556-8477       Fax: 919-556-0115

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