Wed May 18 08:34:43 EDT 1994

ITS THAT TIME of year when I start thinking about antenna projects but dont 
do anything until the week before the contest. Ive been reading about elevated
radials and wonder about peoples experiences.  Specifically how high for 160
/80 ? and has anyone slanted them like Crisman's  (sic)research showed would

I should mention Im at a new QTH and would like to avoid copper plating the yard
if possible.  Ill summaraize results if people are interested.
tnx Dan 
|                DAN KOVATCH                              |
|                  W8CAR                                  |
|                                                         |
|        PEMS_st_dk at noeca.oecn.ohio.gov                   |
|         REAL RADIOS GLOW IN THE DARK                    |


>From Chris Gay" <KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM  Wed May 18 15:40:46 1994
From: Chris Gay" <KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM (Chris Gay)
Date: Wed, 18 May 94 10:40:46 EDT
Subject: Domestic QSLs through bureau

> Recently, in a bunch of cards from the bureau, I received a QSL for
> SSB SS QSO from a USA 4-land call.

Something extremely strange is going on.  In my last envelope a couple
of weeks ago, I got a card from a 0 in Minnesota.  I have certainly not
heard any announcements that the bureau system has been opened up for
the exchange of cards for domestic QSOs.  I'm wondering if some people
decided to "try" sending cards to the incoming bureau just to see what
would happen.  The card sorters are probably so focused on the
destination call sign that they might not have realized what was going
on.  Also, if a US ham operates portable in another DXCC country, he/she
can use the bureau.  Sometimes the "portable" designation is not
immediatly obvious, and the bureau folks might not want to take the time
to check carefully.  They probably just assumed these guys were
operating portable outside the continental US.  If the bureaus start
getting flooded with domestic QSLs, it's going to be a real mess.

Chris KU4A
ku4a at lexvmk.vnet.ibm.com

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