KWIDELITZ at delphi.com
KWIDELITZ at delphi.com
Mon May 30 18:07:23 EDT 1994
Call: AB6FO Country: United States
Mode: CW Category: Single Operator Low Power
100 Watts
160 2 4 2.0 1
80 13 34 2.6 4
40 314 1256 4.0 122
20 486 673 1.4 301
15 97 121 1.2 43
Totals 927 2127 2.3 478 = 1,016,706
All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.
[H 0822 0945 1:23
12:05 15:30 3:25
16:27 17:28 1:01
22:52 23:53 1:01
10:12 14:22 4:10
17:55 18:56 1:01
Equipment Description:
TS-950SD (turned down to 100 Watts)
TS-950SDX (turned down to 100 Watts)
Mosley PRO-96 at 80'
Mosley TS-33 at 36'
K9INN Sloper, 40 Meters through 160 Meters, from 70'
Inverted V, 80 Meters, from 70'
CT Ver 9.02
Club Affiliation: Southern California Contest Club
It was the best of times,
- 0800 Sun 40 Meter JA run @50/hr,
the WPXers dream at 6 points per QSO and JA Mults as a bonus,
- hitting 1,000,000 with less than an hour to go,
- using CT Version 9's band map, elegant in its simplicity,
and the new customizable display of CTs windows and colors
it was the worst of times.
- 2000-2100 Sun @ * 1 * /hr, and not for lack of furiously
CQing and S&Ping with 2 radios, and then more furiously
S&Ping with 2 radios, desperately trying to avoid the
dreaded ONE in 60 minutes, and failing.
>From Alan Kaul <kaul at netcom.com> Mon May 30 23:21:33 1994
From: Alan Kaul <kaul at netcom.com> (Alan Kaul)
Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 15:21:33 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Internet ADR to send in WPX entry?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9405301532.A2394-0100000 at netcom8>
I know that ARRL accepts INTERNET entries in various ARRL Contests, or
digital entries via ARRL BBS, But does anyone know if CQ Magazine accepts
digital/Internet submissions for the contests it sponsors -- including
the just completed CW WPX? Pls and tnx. 73 de Alan
[<Alan Kaul, W6RCL>] kaul at netcom.com
>From robert penneys <penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu> Mon May 30 23:35:32 1994
From: robert penneys <penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu> (robert penneys)
Date: Mon, 30 May 94 18:35:32 EDT
Subject: WPX scores via Internet??
Message-ID: <9405302235.AA22883 at freezer.cns.udel.edu>
Can WPX scores be sent in via Internet? If so, to whom, and in what format?
Tnx Bob
Bob Penneys, WN3K Frankford Radio Club Internet: penneys at pecan.cns.udel.edu
Work: Ham Radio Outlet (Delaware) (800) 644-4476; fax (302) 322-8808
Mail at home: 12 East Mill Station Drive Newark, DE 19711 USA
>From Barry Martz <ki8w at freenet.Grfn.ORG> Tue May 31 00:55:08 1994
From: Barry Martz <ki8w at freenet.Grfn.ORG> (Barry Martz)
Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 19:55:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Tower Paint
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9405301928.A2824-0100000 at freenet.grfn.org>
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what kind of
paint I should use on a Rohn 25 tower. Would Rustoleum work
or is there a special paint I should think about getting?
Thanks de KI8W at freenet.grfn.org
>From H. L. Serra" <hlserra at teetot.acusd.edu Tue May 31 00:59:33 1994
From: H. L. Serra" <hlserra at teetot.acusd.edu (H. L. Serra)
Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 16:59:33 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: 6E2T '94 CQ WPX CW Score
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9405301633.C1859-a100000 at teetot.acusd.edu>
At least there was no rain this time-- but came close. Heavy marine layer
in all three days on Baja Pacific coast, with occasional sunshine. Best
hourly rate was 70, best 10 minute rate about 130. Bands in and out, back
and forth between 40 and 20, with a few 15M Qs, and a few on 80M during wee
hours. Bands suspiciously quiet around the time of the end of the Indy
500. Best line from NS2E (a newly returned ham/contester) when S&P-ing for
MULTs: "No, I can't answer him, he's calling CQ DX-- Wait, we ARE DX!"
(Sort of)
Thanks for all the Qs. 73, Larry N6AZE
BAND Qs Pfxs
160 0 0
80 65 6
40 775 210
20 633 234
15 55 10
10 3 2
TOTALS: 1532 462 2.48M Pts
>From Doug Brandon <dab at kaiwan.com> Tue May 31 01:58:46 1994
From: Doug Brandon <dab at kaiwan.com> (Doug Brandon)
Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 17:58:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Similar Calls
Message-ID: <199405310058.RAA08716 at kaiwan.kaiwan.com>
Conditions sounded pretty crummy when I was on for the few hours I operated.
The funny thing is that out of the 100 or so QSOs I made, I had to convince
half of the guys that I was not NF6S and hadnt worked them before!
73 de Doug
Doug Brandon Placentia, California dab at kaiwan.com
>From Steve Merchant <merchant at crl.com> Tue May 31 03:10:17 1994
From: Steve Merchant <merchant at crl.com> (Steve Merchant)
Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 19:10:17 -0700
Subject: WPX CW Results - AG6D M/S
Message-ID: <199405310210.AA11440 at crl.crl.com>
Call: AG6D Country: United States (66)
Mode: CW Category: Multi Single
160 0 0 0.0 0
80 152 838 5.5 21
40 514 2200 4.3 120
20 870 1432 1.6 426
15 107 139 1.3 46
10 4 12 3.0 4
Totals 1647 4621 2.8 617 = 2,851,157
All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.
Operator List: AG6D, N4TQO, K2MM, N6YK/7, N6IP
Equipment Description: TS-930S (2), Henry, Dentron, Alpha amps
66' Vertical 160m; 80M2 @ 120'; 40M4 @ 130'; 20M5 @ 90';
KT34XA @ 70'; 40CD-2 @ 65'; KT34XA @ 56'; A4S @ 35'
386-40, 386-33, DOS 6.2, CT v8.45
Club Affiliation: Northern Calif. Contest Club
Soapbox: We were extremely pleased to have a decent European opening on 20m
on Friday night, and very nice JA runs on 40 and 80 on Saturday night/Sunday
morning, which we hadn't expected. There was also more 15m activity than we
had hoped for. N6IP established a new NCCC record for "Most Amplifiers Smoked"
having knocked out two amps within 3 Q's of each other. Thanks to all for
lots of fun, exceptionally well behaved operating, and another great WPX
Contest. (One of these days we'll simply _have_ to get serious about 160m.)
73, Steve N4TQO
merchant at crl.com
>From Celia Tony Becker <becker at shell.portal.com> Tue May 31 07:36:55 1994
From: Celia Tony Becker <becker at shell.portal.com> (Celia Tony Becker)
Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 23:36:55 -0700
Subject: Submit CQ WPX CW logs by Internet
Message-ID: <199405310636.XAA04094 at jobe.shell.portal.com>
A few months ago, the following item was on this reflector...
--------------------- begin included message ----------------------
Starting with the 1994 contests, CQ WPX logs can be submitted via e-mail
on the internet.
The e-mail address is: sdb at ag9v.ampr.org.
Logs must be in ASCII format with all of the required information. The log
should be unformatted and space delimited. For those using "CT",
WRITEARRL or AK1AFORMAT will produce a file that is acceptable. Other
popular logging programs should produce unformatted ASCII files in a
similar format. A summary sheet and a sorted prefix list are also
required. Please include a phone or fax number where you can be reached.
If electronic submission is well received, it will be continued in the
future. This address is for CQ WPX Logs only.
>From Dermatology AZN Nijmegen NL <DERMA_BCH at AZNVX1.AZN.NL> Tue May 31 08:40:00 1994
From: Dermatology AZN Nijmegen NL <DERMA_BCH at AZNVX1.AZN.NL> (Dermatology AZN Nijmegen NL)
Date: Tue, 31 May 1994 08:40:00 +0100 (MET)
Subject: WPX CW results PA3DUA
Message-ID: <01HCZDS3QQ0I0000V6 at AZNVX1.AZN.NL>
Done several of the big contests in groups for the past years, but decided
to give it a shot this time in the WPX....but where did there wonderful
conditions go??? Anyway, I had a very enjoyable weekend. Thanks to the few
who *did* manage to contact me despite of these lousy conditions!
Results PA3DUA, single operator, CW, Medium power (avarage. 600 W)
160 8 14 1
80 31 60 13
40 165 462 96
20 368 578 188
15 60 86 28
10 5 4 2
Totals 637 1204 328 = 394,912
Yaesu FT901, Ameritron AL80A (single 3-500Z)
Antenna's: 2 el. triband yagi @ 12 mtrs, HF2V vertical (40, 80, 160)
I hope to spend more hours in next years' contest. Doing so will definitely
be more easy if the condx. are better next year!!
73 de Henri, PA3DUA
>From clay torsten <rtclay at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> Tue May 31 14:41:55 1994
From: clay torsten <rtclay at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> (clay torsten)
Date: Tue, 31 May 1994 08:41:55 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: WPX CW, N4OGW 40m Single Band
Message-ID: <Pine.3.05.9405310855.A225-9100000 at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
N4OGW(/9) WPX CW, 40m Single Band
Qso's: 415
Prefix: 289
Score: 261,834 (yep, on 40m from W9 most qso's are zero points)
C-line/SB-1000 (700w)/dipole @ 65'
Contest was going well until the R-4C died at 0230z on Saturday night. I didn't
hear about the flare until after the contest...thought condx to Europe were
better Saturday night from here.
R. Torsten Clay, N4OGW/9 n4ogw at uiuc.edu
>From lvn at fox.gsfc.nasa.gov (Larry Novak) Tue May 31 16:08:48 1994
From: lvn at fox.gsfc.nasa.gov (Larry Novak) (Larry Novak)
Date: Tue, 31 May 94 11:08:48 EDT
Subject: K3TLX WPX Low Power Score
Message-ID: <9405311508.AA01866 at fox.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Call: K3TLX
Category: Single Op, Unassisted, All-Band, Low Power
Breakdown: 80 - 50
40 - 186
20 - 178
15 - 56
10 - 13
TOTAL: 483 x 326 = 414,670
Glad to see something on 10. Sorry to see 15 so bad and did a lot of
cleaning up in the basement Sunday - can't imagine worse conditions.
Thanks all and 73, Larry
>From bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn) Tue May 31 16:27:59 1994
From: bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn) (Bruce Horn)
Date: Tue, 31 May 1994 08:27:59 -0700
Subject: WPX Results..Arggghhh
Message-ID: <199405311527.IAA05679 at netcom.com>
CQ Worldwide WPX Contest - 1994
Call: WA7BNM (S.Calif)
Mode: CW Category: Single Op, Low Power, Single Band 15m
Band QSO QSO Pts Pts/Q Prefixes
15 169 157 0.9 144 = 22,608
What a difference a couple of months makes! I thought my pathetic
CW skills would limit my scoring, but decided to try a serious effort
in the CW version of WPX for the first time. Remind me to wait until
the sunspot cycle improves before trying a 15m single band effort in
this contest again. Using the same antennas, rig, etc. managed only
3 percent of my SSB score in this contest. 9 Qs per hour for
19 hours. 2 JAs worked (all I heard).
The only good news was that African stations had strong signals on
the West Coast Saturday morning, with S9, 3DA and TR being nice finds.
Also heard 9A1A and a LZ calling CQ at about 1900Z Saturday, but very
light copy. However, contest soon turned into a domestic contest with
a fair number of prefixes, but no QSO points.
Now I know why there were only 3 entries in the 15m single op (high
and low power) last year.
73 de Bruce, WA7BNM (bhorn at netcom.com)
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