PerryB1237 at aol.com PerryB1237 at aol.com
Tue Nov 1 12:02:39 EST 1994

Score for NC0P (M/S, station near Des Moines, IA)

Band        QSOs      Zones      Countries

160             24             8              19
 80              75            19              46
 40             160            30             87
 20              496           33            125
 15              192           23              88
 10                67           12              40

Totals         1014          125           405

Total Score:   1,330,300       (sorry, no QSO point totals)

Operators: NC0P, WO0V, WA0FLS, WA0ETC, WD0GVY, 
                 KF0H, KZ0C, WR0G


>From Fred Cady ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu" <fred_c at ece.ee.montana.edu  Tue Nov  1 16:11:28 1994
From: Fred Cady ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu" <fred_c at ece.ee.montana.edu (Fred Cady ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu)
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 1994 11:11:28 EST
Subject: CQWW Score from K0PP/7
Message-ID: <00986D01.C8A0DC80.11 at ece.ee.montana.edu>

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1994

      Call: K0PP/7                   Country:  United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single


      160       28       46     1.64     10      12
       80       90      203     2.26     15      36
       40      120      308     2.57     24      57
       20      468     1208     2.58     31      88
       15      148      391     2.64     21      47
       10       47       87     1.85     11      19

     Totals    901     2243     2.49    112     259  =>  832,153

Operator List: _K0PP/7, N7NG, W7SE, W7LR, KE7X_______________________

>From beautiful downtown Opportunity, Montana

Equipment Description:

FT-1000, FT-990, KT34XA, 2 el Hygain 40, 160/80 vertical,

We ran CT9.13 and saw many of the same problems others saw.  In addition, we
had lots of problems with the Yeasu radio timeout occuring.  We seemed
to fix it by removing the mouse driver.  I think RF might have been
getting into the mouse although I am sure that the radio timeouts
occurred even when we were not transmitting.  

>From Peter Rimmel <k8unp at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>  Tue Nov  1 17:41:08 1994
From: Peter Rimmel <k8unp at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> (Peter Rimmel)
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 12:41:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Vertical on top of tower?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9411011257.C14688-0100000 at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>

I used to have a butternut 40/80/160 on top of a tower with the 
tribander.  It worked FB...  Make sure you have lost of radials, random 
length OK, at the tower base...  Hardest part is holding onto the bottom 
of the antenna while mounting it into top of tower/mast section.  I had a 
3 foot section which would slip  down into existing mast with clamps to 
stop it then used a GOOD wire jumper (braid) to electrically connect the two

                                             \_\_\__\__\__\     -.-.
Have Fun! 73, dah-di-dah                      \ \ \ |\  \  \        --.-
Peter Rimmel                                       |X|
k8unp at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us                   |X|
K8UNP at N4HHP.#HWDFL.FL.USA.NOAM (packet)     _______|X|______

On 31 Oct 1994, Balmforth, Kevin D wrote:

> Just wondering ... anybody have any experience mounting a vertical (HF6V or
> similar) for use on 40/80 on the mast above a tribander?  Seems like it would
> work a little better by getting away from houses and trees.  I am guessing
> there would be no interaction on 10-20 because of the cross polarization. 
> The ground/counterpoise would be the tribander (-XA) and tower structure. 
> Any thoughts? - Kevin NC6U

>From Peter Rimmel <k8unp at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>  Tue Nov  1 17:47:13 1994
From: Peter Rimmel <k8unp at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> (Peter Rimmel)
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 12:47:13 -0500 (EST)
Subject: K1RX CQWW SSB Results
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9411011214.E14688-0100000 at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>

Paul, YOu will find that the sledge-hammer trick draws a crowd at 
night... HI!  I found that by grabbing the angled guy wires from the pole 
or nearest pole and shaking the he.. out of it, you can get the wires 
moving pretty well.  It sometimes works! and the noise goes away.  Plus, 
on Halow'een weekend, they don't think you are nuts!

                                             \_\_\__\__\__\     -.-.
Have Fun! 73, dah-di-dah                      \ \ \ |\  \  \        --.-
Peter Rimmel                                       |X|
k8unp at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us                   |X|
K8UNP at N4HHP.#HWDFL.FL.USA.NOAM (packet)     _______|X|______

On Mon, 31 Oct 1994, Paul Terwilliger wrote:

> Well, it's embarrasing, but here it is:
>                     CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1994
>       Call: K1RX                     Country:  Unite States
>       Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Multi
>       160       18       35     1.94      5      12
>        80      198      530     2.68     17      66
>        40      107      284     2.65     20      63
>        20      338      953     2.82     34     120
>        15      214      571     2.67     24     105
>        10      130      339     2.61     11      48
>      ---------------------------------------------------
>      Totals   1005     2712     2.70    111     414  =>  1,423,800
> Operator List: NX1H, K1XM, N1HFE, K1TR, NW1U, K1MNS, WZ1R
> Station Owner:  K1MNS.
> ===================
> This was supposed to be a multi-single, to challenge KC1XX.  But-
> Discovered S-9 power line noise Friday PM when I turned the station
> on.  Discovered that the noise peaked to the northeast (e.g. Europe).
> Noise is on all bands.  No way to run Europe.
> Managed to locate the power pole that was causing the noise.  Since
> the power Co. wan't interested in fixing it on the weekend, tried
> the K2TR/W2PV sledgehammer approach.  After a dozen or so good hits,
> the neighbors got curious.  Time to QSY.
> So, we just did a bunch of S&Ping, till the frustration got to us.
> K1XM & I pulled the plug at 2200Z Saturday, though I came back Sunday
> to get to 1000 Q's.
> Incredibly frustrating listening to KC1XX's 15M Eu run Saturday, and
> not hearing a SINGLE reply.
> This WILL BE fixed for CW.
> 73,
> Paul, NX1H

>From Ed Gilbert <eyg at hpnjlc.njd.hp.com>  Tue Nov  1 17:54:29 1994
From: Ed Gilbert <eyg at hpnjlc.njd.hp.com> (Ed Gilbert)
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 12:54:29 -0500
Subject: Which CW Filter for 765?
Message-ID: <199411011755.AA144462549 at hp.com>

>In preparation for CW contests, I am contemplating the addition of some 
>250 Hz filters to my 765. (As a side note, the stock CW filters in the
>765 are so much better than those of the 735 it's incredible). The 
>question is, if I add only one, which one should it be? There are
>two available, for the 9 Mhz. and 455 KHz IF's. Can anyone come
>up with a reason why it makes a difference?

Get the 250Hz filter for the 455KHz IF, and skip the other one.  The
9MHz filters have poor shape factor and higher insertion loss.  My
first Icom 765 was equipped this way and I've been very pleased with
all the filter combinations.  I recently picked up another 765 which
came with both 250Hz filters, and there is a very significant signal
drop (several S-units) when I switch to the narrow filters on this
radio.  I'll probably remove the 250Hz/9MHz filter from this one and
sell it.

Ed Gilbert, WA2SRQ

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