protection engr breaks arm!

Tue Nov 1 10:39:04 EST 1994


the right hand works.  typing speed down to 30wpm.  We'll be qrv for ss
cw with ah8i and km6as to supply two hands when necessary.

update on projects that i asked for help from all you experts:

        1:      tri-bander repair hints -
                        We found corroded self - tapping screws
                        on the tubular match on the th-3.  changing
                        these out to stainless bolts and cleaning
                        the match up fixed all problems.  we will use
                        this for a rcv ant (low) for ss.

        2:      40m klm matching methods -
                        used 2 parallel pieces of rg-59, 1/4 wave at
                        7.1 mhz, between balun and 50 ohm feedline.
                        swr now <  2:1 7000 to 7200 - yay

i bet yall thought this was going to involve some I and W2 type guys,

we played wid cqssb - about 185q's, 60z and 95 countries.

cu on ss
eric nv6o
edwoods at

>From Rick Zabrodski <zabrodsk at>  Tue Nov  1 20:15:04 1994
From: Rick Zabrodski <zabrodsk at> (Rick Zabrodski)
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 13:15:04 -0700 (MST)
Subject: cqww ssb qrp results (or lack of)
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.941101130759.20259A-100000 at ume>

      Call: VE6GK                    Country:  Canada
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator QRP


       20       90      185     2.06     13      19

     Totals     90      185     2.06     13      19  =>  5,920

Equipment Description:  icom 751a  five watts output
			3 element monobander up 65 feet

Comments:  Condx less than ideal. Howover, with the exception of 
a few weak europeans I worked what I heard and pileups were actually
EASIER to break up sometimes.  I must admit to only spending 6 or 7 
hours this time round and watched my kids hockey games instead!

Dr. Rick Zabrodski BSc, MD, CCFP(E)       *               VE6GK 
EMAIL:  zabrodsk at          *     
Packet: VE6GK at       *      "Power is no subsititute 
Phone: (403) 271-5123   Fax: 225-1276     *               for skill."

>From CHARLES MINK <MINKC at LAKEHURST.NAVY.MIL>  Tue Nov  1 20:17:12 1994
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 1994 15:17:12 -0500
Subject: CT Keyboard Delays
Message-ID: <seb6685d.088 at LAKEHURST.NAVY.MIL>

>CT Comments:  Used version 9.13.....
>             1)  Keyboard would slow down and not respond to my
>                 sometimes laging from .5-1 second.
>             2)  While logging a station and hitting enter it would
>                 freeze up and would say "IC-765 Radio Timed out".

I had the same thing happen with 9.10a and an FT-1000.  I think I've
traced it to RF getting into the Yaesu interface or the RS-232 line
that connects to it.
More work to do before SS.


I experienced the same phenomenon with my FT-1000 and CT 9.13.  I
also think it relates to RF being introduced into either the serial
card or the FIF-232C.  The delay was typically accompanied by a
"Yaesu Radio Timed Out" message.  I haven't yet solved it but intend
to use more ferrite and improve grounding.



>From fish at (Bill Fisher, KM9P  Concentric Systems, Inc.)  Tue Nov  1 20:44:44 1994
From: fish at (Bill Fisher, KM9P  Concentric Systems, Inc.) (Bill Fisher, KM9P  Concentric Systems, Inc.)
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 12:44:44 -0800
Subject: Force-12 Dipole Summary
Message-ID: <199411012044.AA12242 at>

I heard from alot of folks on this one.  However, most of you said something
to the effective of "you need to talk to _________".

There is an upgrade for this antenna.  The 1st versions used the galvanized
guy wire as part of the linear loading.  Tom (N6BT) discovered later that
this added .8db loss to the system compared with using copper.  They have
fixed the problem and will fix it for anyone with an older version of the
antenna.  Just call them.


I talked to K9UWA on the phone.  He has one up at 150+'.  He says it is
always down 10-20db from his K8UR phased array.  He is using the one with
the galvanized guy cable.  This still doesn't sound right to me.  If I were
going to guess, I'de say he has something else wrong.  Maybe bad coax or
some kind of other problem.  

>From N3RS today...  Thanks Sig!

Well I suppose one weekend of contesting with the EF-180A under really piss
poor conditions does merit at least a preliminary report.  The bottom line is
that we will definitely keep the thing in the air!  It was used almost exclus-
ively during the contest for our 80M effort.  It has the new wire & is at 140
feet, up ten feet above the top of my new 55G tower.  We had the following
results with it:

No      77 QSO's
South America      17 QSO's
Europe             90 QSO's
Asia                1 QSO's
Africa              7 QSO's
Oceania             6 QSO's

Total             198 QSO's     23 Zones, 81 Countries

It was the first time we were actually able to call CQ and get answers from
here.  I think it will perform even better when conditions favor higher angle
propagation.  If it hold up during the winter wx, I will likely move to add
another element and make a beam out of it.

I also talked to AA6MC about his, but he is also using the galvanized wire
version.  He also doesn't have anything else to compare it to at his place.  

I think anyone would benefit from a high flat top dipole.  I know the KLM at
RJ works and K4VX's wire at 170' is better than anything else he has put up
including bobtail curtains.  Maybe Dave will elaborate.  I'll be placing the
order with Force-12 when the tower is up.


Bill Fisher, KM9P   -    Concentric Systems, Inc.  

>From scotty at (scotty neustadter)  Wed Nov  2 06:32:04 1994
From: scotty at (scotty neustadter) (scotty neustadter)
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 1994 00:32:04 -0600
Subject: CQWW QRP
Message-ID: <m0r2TY8-0003EJC at>

CQWW Score Single Operator Assisted  ORP
     Q     Z     C
160  2     2     2
80   6     3     5
40  11     9     7
20  72    18    48
15  89    19    58
10  53    11    22
ALL 233   62   142  Total Points = 117300
Time On: 11.7 Hrs
Time Off: 35  Hrs

No major problems, was suprised that I was able to even get one 40 meter QSO
with Europe. F6BEE has good ears! Worked the 80 meter QSOs just before dusk
on Saturday night before the big guns showed up.  The 160 meter Qs were US
and Canada. Fortunately was able to build QSO total by working South America
and Caribbean Going QRP means that there is no reason to stay up at night!
73 Scotty, N4PYD
Scotty Neustadter, N4PYD
North Alabama DX Club
Huntsville Hamfest Chairman

  "Entropy is not what it used to be"

>From Richard Hallman <ki3v at>  Wed Nov  2 00:39:33 1994
From: Richard Hallman <ki3v at> (Richard Hallman)
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 16:39:33 -0800 (PST)
Subject: CT Keyboard Delays
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.941101163737.7537A-100000 at>

  I Understand the RF problem with CT....But why doesit do it with
all the new versions past 9.02???    I have had no problems with 9.02
and 765 Time outs.   Ill move this off to the CT-USER list after
this message.    See Ya!  Rich  KI3V/7

Richard Hallman                 Internet: ki3v at
11870 Heartpine St             IP Address:
Reno Nevada 89506              Amateur Radio: KI3V

On Tue, 1 Nov 1994, CHARLES MINK wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >CT Comments:  Used version 9.13.....
> >             1)  Keyboard would slow down and not respond to my
> input.
> >                 sometimes laging from .5-1 second.
> >             2)  While logging a station and hitting enter it would
> >                 freeze up and would say "IC-765 Radio Timed out".
> I had the same thing happen with 9.10a and an FT-1000.  I think I've
> traced it to RF getting into the Yaesu interface or the RS-232 line
> that connects to it.
> More work to do before SS.
> Bill
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> I experienced the same phenomenon with my FT-1000 and CT 9.13.  I
> also think it relates to RF being introduced into either the serial
> card or the FIF-232C.  The delay was typically accompanied by a
> "Yaesu Radio Timed Out" message.  I haven't yet solved it but intend
> to use more ferrite and improve grounding.
> 73,
> Charlie
> KF2U

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