KR2J at KR2J at
Sun Nov 6 22:07:56 EST 1994

KR2J Single Op Low Power  NNJ
671 x 75 
Did not hear KH6 or KL7 at all.  #75 was EWA.
Lots of KP2 and KP4 stations.
No qsos on 10m.
Runs were very difficult to establish with crummy wire antennas.  Most qsos
were S&P.
N4RJ was the loudest.

Not much fun.
Bob KR2J

>From tree at (Larry Tyree)  Mon Nov  7 05:05:23 1994
From: tree at (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Sun, 6 Nov 94 21:05:23 PST
Subject: SS CW at N6TR
Message-ID: <9411070505.AA12060 at>

Good news: New best first hour, 108, on 15, but with a dozen 2nd radio
QSOs on 20.  Clean sweep before going to bed for another first.

Bad news: The solar flare.  Rates on 20 on Sunday morning were about one
third of normal.  After the 3rd or 4th ten minute period with ZERO QSOs,
I decided hacking blackberries would be more fun.

1050 x 77 in about 18 hours.

Tree N6TR/7

>From ni6t at (Garry Shapiro)  Fri Nov  4 21:16:08 1994
From: ni6t at (Garry Shapiro) (Garry Shapiro)
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 1994 13:16:08 -0800
Subject: Return to Tonga
Message-ID: <199411042116.NAA03460 at>

Paul Kidd, KK6H, returns to Tonga as A35RK from November 24, 1994 until 
February 7, 1995. he will be QRV from Tongatapu Island, (OC-049).

Paul will emphasize 160-30m CW and will enter the following contests: 
CQWW-CW, ARRL 160m (CW only), and CQWW-CW 160m. Paul plans a better 160m 
setup than on his initial trip, although Fiji has a 100W limit.

QSL via KK6H to callbook address WITH SASE!! or via W6 bureau.

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