FT1000 and LIne Noise

William P. Osborne wosborne at nmsu.edu
Fri Nov 4 08:51:32 EST 1994

I am using an ft1000 at a sight that has a lot of line noise problems.  The 
noise blanker in the 1000 seems to be usless as it distorts the signal so 
bad I can't copy phone stations and makes cw stations sound like chain 
saws. I was wondering if others have this problem or is it just my radio?  
Also has anyone found a DSP that helps in the presence of line noise?
Thanks for the help!

William Osborne, AA5ZQ        505-646-3919
Professor ECE Dept.           PO BOX 30001, Dept. 3-O
New Mexico State University   Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001

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