ericm at ericm at
Mon Nov 7 13:22:36 EST 1994

               ARRL SWEEPSTAKES 1994 & Collegiate Championship
      Call: KP4VA (KP4TK, op)        Country: Puerto Rico  
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator Low Power
      160        0        0        -
       80       11       22        -
       40      477      954        -        Missed: AK, VY1 and ND
       20       87      174        -                Heard VY1 BEFORE
       15      279      558        -                contest :-(
       10        3        6        -
     Totals    857     1714       74
     Score:  126,836
     Power Output:  100 watts   
     Equipment Description:
          Kenwood TS-830s @ 100W
          80m, 20m, 10m wire Dipoles @ 150ft
          40m & 15m wire Dipole @ 140ft

>From jholly at (Jim Hollenback)  Mon Nov  7 17:53:36 1994
From: jholly at (Jim Hollenback) (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 09:53:36 -0800
Subject: N4RJ SS CW
References: <199411071503.AA17162 at>
Message-ID: <9411070953.ZM10175 at>

On Nov 7,  7:03am, Bill Fisher, KM9P  Concentric Systems, Inc. wrote:
> Subject: N4RJ SS CW
> Talked to KR0Y this AM.  We both couldn't believe how many people fired up
> CQ's without even a question mark first.  I couldn't believe some of the
> guys doing it.  People who I thought would know better.  Alot of you are on
> this reflector.  What's up with this?  Do you not care, or do you consider
> it OK if you hear a clear frequency to assume that it is not in use?  BAD

Or send the ?, followed 4 1/2 milliseconds later by the CQ, and when
asked to QSY because frequency is in use, the response is CQ CQ ....
Yes, they heard me, but decieded they wanted my frequency.

Happened several times this weekend. Really pissed me off, because I 
hate getting into a CQ pissing contest. And the guys that walk over my
frequency blast away at 30 wpm. Guess my 20 wpm is not deserving of the
frequency so it's okay. 

But there are some decent ops out there. Couple times when asked to QSY,
they at least moved to where they were on the edge of the filter. I can
live with that.

It's a hobby, but sometimes you wonder.

73, Jim, WA6SDM

Score, yeah I got one. About 350 Q's, 70 sections or so for around 50K.
Don't think I threatened anyones plaque or certificate, certainly not
in SCV. At any rate, CW is getting to be a better mode, but I still like
the green keys better.

>From 07-Nov-1994 1307 <lint at>  Mon Nov  7 18:08:30 1994
From: 07-Nov-1994 1307 <lint at> (07-Nov-1994 1307)
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 13:08:30 EST
Subject: K1HI Sweeps score
Message-ID: <9411071808.AA06871 at>

                              ARRL SWEEPSTAKES  1994

      CALL: K1HI                     COUNTRY: 
      MODE: CW                       CLASS: SO


      160        0        0           0
       80      120      240          14
       40        0        0           0
       20      225      450          53
       15        0        0           0
       10        0        0           0

     Totals    345      690        67   =>  46,230

Power Output: ____ watts

Equipment Description:


This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.



               REX LINT  K1HI
               26 BREK DRIVE
               MERRIMACK, NH 03054

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at  Mon Nov  7 18:10:33 1994
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 10:10:33 -0800 (PST)
Subject: N0AX SS Score
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9411071033.F24683-b100000 at>

Hi Gang -

602 x 74 = 89.1k and may squeek into Top Ten box.

After a nice Saturday afternoon with Q's on 10(!) and 15, it was as if the
Ionosphere Janitor woke up and said, "Hey! Who let those bands out again?"
and put them all away for the rest of the weekend.  The lower bands were
reasonably productive, but from up here, there was no way to get a
frequency for CQing except way low in the Extra segment.  Nothing heard on
15 Sunday but Texas.  20 was the only game in town Sunday and required
endless S&P tuning (remember - QRP) combined with an occasional foray to
15 to see if a four or eight would sneak through...nope...

Missed ME (heard lots of W.Coasters pleading for this one), SC (did
Hurrican Hugo wipe out EVERY antenna there?), and VE2 (heard lots of
suth'riners working inaudible VE2s)...sigh...thanks to VE8RCS who pulled
"\QRP" out of the mess and logged me.  (Sometimes it pays to put the \QRP
out there!)  KM9P's comment about repeating info if you're QRP is true
(and I don't do it most of the time), but if it takes 3x just to get the
call through, there's a good chance you'll have to repeat something, so I
tend to repeat in those cases, but not always.

Never heard AA2U, who apparently took QRP  with 800+.  Very depressing
to work W2GD with serial number over 100 ahead on Sunday morning!  Bah! 
But that's propagation, I guess.  It was a real struggle, but the bright
spot was having the new 40m beam up to save the day.  No new 80-meter
states, but did hear K1RU Sat night...too weak to hear me, though.  K1ZX,
never heard you on 80, but was listening.  We're just about 400 miles too
far north.

Just think, someday I'll actually have a real RUN again! ;-)

73 and thanks for the Q's
Ward N0AX

>From Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at  Mon Nov  7 18:26:41 1994
From: Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at (Tim Coad)
Date: 7 Nov 1994 10:26:41 -0800
Subject: SS and CW filters.
Message-ID: <n1427918168.34620 at>

                       Subject:                               Time:10:21 AM
  OFFICE MEMO          SS and CW filters.                     Date:11/7/94

I couldnt believe how narrow people have their filters set. I did a very
casual S&P effort this weekend and was surprised many times by guys with BIG
signals in the clear that I had to call 3 times (no one else was calling)
becasue I didnt call on just the right freq. 
It might help your rate if you open those things up a bit and check the
environment your CQing in once in awhile.

Tim - NU6S

>From Alan Brubaker <alan at nah.dsd.ES.COM>  Mon Nov  7 18:54:52 1994
From: Alan Brubaker <alan at nah.dsd.ES.COM> (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 94 11:54:52 -0700
Subject: SS and CW filters.
Message-ID: <199411071854.LAA07561 at nah.dsd.ES.COM>

Hi Tim...

I too had some trouble with this. I was running with the 500 Hz filter most
of the time. If I opened up to 2.0 Khz, there were just too many signals in
the passband for my taste, especially on 20, but often on the other bands as
well. Most of the time there was someone else above and below me, and if a 
weak station called far enough off frequency, he would just get eaten by the 
strong station that was running above or below, whichever applied.

Alan, K6XO

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