Sweepstakes - N5RZ
N5RZ at aol.com
N5RZ at aol.com
Mon Nov 7 23:18:50 EST 1994
1994 CW Sweepstakes from West Texas - N5RZ
After going "A" power the past 5 years with good results (3
from WTX & 2 from my old qth east of Dallas), I decided to
see if I had learned anything about SS CW and turn on the
amplifier in 1994. A major rebuild of the antennas took place
this summer; I ran out of time to finish, but had enough to
do SS. Admittedly, my QTH near Midland, Tx definitely has a
positive effect on my score - I am NOT geographically
disadvantaged for Stateside contests.
Final Score: 1543/76 (no VE8)
Equipment: FT1000D+AL1200
Lotsa Switches & Little Boxes
Antennas: Stacked TH6DXX-105'/60',top rotary, WX0B Stackmatch
204BA @ 65' Rotary
KT34XA @ 75' Rotary
402CD @ 112' Rotary above TH6DXX
Cushcraft 40M Rotary Dipole above KT34XA @ 82'
Elevated wire vertical - 80M
2 beverages
Breakdown: Band QSO
80 119
40 615
20 470
15 339
Looks like this was a good place to be this year; I am
pleased with the results, especially since my previous dismal
B power efforts in the 80's forced me into self imposed exile
to the 150W class. "Q" & "A" power can be fun, but IT'S FUN
TO BE LOUD!!!! It felt so good to actually have rate on
I made a last minute decision to start on 15M; for the first
few minutes, I thought I'd made a mistake - then I guess the
pack finally found me; 103Q first hour, 108Q second hour on
21049 - even made 7 qso's on second radio during this time.
Things dried up shortly after 23Z, so off to 20M. Was able
to find a good freq quickly; still good rate; at 0049Z went to 40M (I
really dreaded this move - a carryover from the low power
days) but was able to stay on 7039.4 for the next 6 1/2
hours. I noticed the skip was rather short, and that 40M was
not normal, but I don't think the Aurora or disturbance or
whatever affected me - perhaps being south helps ?!?!
Good little run on 80M before bedtime at 0900Z - 922 Qs.
Back up at 1237Z CQ'ing on 80, S&P on 40. Wow a 60 hour!!
After sunrise, I opt for a rapidly opening 20M - good rate
for 2 hours into east coast/midwest (68 & 62) & since most of
the boys were still on 40M, it was real QRM-free ... I like
Things really get slow after I pass the 1300 mark. Luckily
15M was good for another 120 qrm free qso's throughout the
day. What a bloodbath on 20M!!
I'd taken all offtime by 0000Z so I set up shop on 40M
running & 80/20 S&P for 120 QSO's in the last 3 hours -
seemed like I CQ'ed forever between qso's!! Hard to find new
meat on 2nd radio!! 0300Z - finally over with no VY1/VE8 in
log; heard VY1JA about 1/2 kc from a 40 over 9 VE7 on 15M
Saturday but couldn't dig him out.
Looks like the pack has already jumped on the bandwagon of
some items I was thinking about while running:
1) There's a real good reason I'm on a frequency - it's
clear!! Most of the time the most leeway I can tune is
about 70 Hz either side. In DX pileups, the little
pistol can have good luck calling off frequency. In
SS, if your more than 100Hz off my frequency, you're
going to get smashed by the guy in the next slot!!
2) Send the exchange ONCE, no matter how weak you think
you are!! If I miss anything I'll let you know.
3) The QRL stuff is going to happen; like Trey sez, I'll
finish the QSO then run off the new intruder. What I
REALLY REALLY REALLY see NO EXCUSE for is the guy who
answers my cq with one of his own!! That's pure BS!!
I used the N6TR logging program to key both radios - sure is
slick & I just about got it tamed!! His report sez I made
192 band changes & 81 second radio QSO's.
Having no other serious B power effort and very few other
efforts in a relatively rare section really helps also. No
more low power SS for this guy!! Also no more serious SSB
single ops.
Thanks to all those appearing in my log & cu next year.
Congrats to KR0Y at WM5G (I'm gonna get you sometime Jeff!!),
KM9P at N4RJ & K5GA at W5WMU (neck & neck with a sweep but a
few less q's).
73, Gator (Ralph) -----------;--;<<
N5RZ N5RZ at aol.com
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