CQP Score - AB6FO

KWIDELITZ at delphi.com KWIDELITZ at delphi.com
Mon Oct 3 20:40:03 EDT 1994

                      California QSO Party -- 1994

      Call: AB6FO                    County:   Los Angeles
                                     Category: Single Operator High Power

                                CW      SSB   MUL 
                       160     8  0     5  0      
                        80   128  1   111  0      
                        40   224  0    56  0      
                        20   273  0   279  1      
                        15   178  0   314  2      
                        10    14  0    64  0      
                       VHF     0  0     0  0      
                       ALL   825  1   829  3   58 
                           CQP Score: 239,714     

      MODE      QSO    QSO PTS  MULTS

      CW       825     2475        0
      SSB      829     1658        0

      Totals  1654     4133       58  =   239,714

Equipment Description: Radio A     = TS-950SD, Alpha 87A, Drake MN 2700
                       Radio B     = TS-950SDX, MLA 2500, Drake MN 2000
                       Antennas    = 10-40  Mosley PRO96 up 80'
                                     10-40  Mosley TA-33 up 36'
                                     40-160 W9INN Sloper
                                     80  Inverted V from 70'
                       Computing = Micron Pentium 90Mhz, CT9.03

Excuses: Couldn't run full power on 40 & 80 meters as keying would lock down.
         Could have sworn I fixed that problem last week.

         Using two radios in a multi-mode contest is harder than in a single
         mode contest

         Using two tuners for high power is much harder than built in auto
         antenna tuners for low power.


Boy, was that FUN. Maybe it was because this was first time I've done  high
power.  Maybe  it  was that for the first time I can say I  never  hit  the
doldrums.  Perhaps  it was working ND for a sweep about  15  minutes  after
waking up and getting on 40 meters CW at 5:30 AM PST. I had 57 mults within
4 hours and then had to sweat the last one all night. Having ND call in  on
40 meters so early in the AM made me feel great about my off time strategy.
Or,  perhaps it was all the activity, or maybe it was 10 meters opening  in
the  last  two  hours. Or maybe it was, all Saturday night  on  40  and  80
meters, never working a CA station with a higher QSO Number (except for two


>From Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA <hodge at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx>  Tue Oct  4 01:52:13 1994
From: Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA <hodge at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx> (Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA)
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 18:52:13 -0600 (CST)
Subject: CQP
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.90.941003183852.10436C-100000 at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx>

I certainly get a kick out of reading the comments that accompany people's
scores.  They are more interesting generally than the scores themselves.  For
instance, I TOO will check the Novice bands next time!
With just the 40m vertical dipole and 100W I was really frustrated.  I cannot
believe I spent most of the contest period (minus sleepy time) trolling for
CA stations who generally couldn't hear me anyway!  And not having an 
effective signal on 20m really hurt.  I don't know how the 14 guys I worked
on 20 CW in the first few hours heard me.  For the rest of the contest 20 
was a complete bust, though I sure tried!  In general I had much better
luck being heard by the out-of-state competitors.  From a good station, 
though, I can imagine having made 500 QSOs or so.

The numbers:  88CW + 62SSB for 140total X 50 Counties  score  19,300 points

I was hoping this would be the year I posted a sizable score from XE...
Maybe next year.   73 and thanks for all those weak signal QSOs,   David
Darn it!  I heard K6LL, but he was signing /7!!!

>From Jim Reisert AD1C  03-Oct-1994 2103 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com>  Tue Oct  4 02:00:22 1994
From: Jim Reisert AD1C  03-Oct-1994 2103 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> (Jim Reisert AD1C 03-Oct-1994 2103)
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 21:00:22 EDT
Subject: Individual Scores on the Reflector
Message-ID: <9410040100.AA25826 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>

Another vote for not posting every score to the reflector.

Someone should volunteer and announce *BEFORE* the contest that they will be
collecting scores *AFTER* the contest.  Collect the scores and the comments,
and maybe put out a summary posting at the end of each of the first few
days, then a week later.

Some people pay to receive messages (though I can imagine one going broke
just on CQ-CONTEST alone).  And I'm sure that 90% of the (how many, Trey?)
subscribers don't care to see scores from each participant for every
contest, especially for the minor ones.

73 - Jim AD1C
reisert at eng.pko.dec.com

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