California QSO Party.

zf8bs at zf8bs at
Tue Oct 4 09:58:08 EDT 1994

So what was your QSO number with Jenny, KD6KKP?  I got her sometime
early Sunday afternoon on 15 CW, and it was #89 for her.  I'm real
curious how she came out, since I worked very hard to pump her up for
this one.  I'd just love to see her take the Novice/Tech plaque from

>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM  Tue Oct  4 17:25:00 1994
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 94 09:25:00 PDT
Subject: FW: Individual Scores on the Reflector
Message-ID: <2E9183AB at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>

From: owner-cq-contest
To: Daniel R. Violette; CQ-CONTEST
Subject: Re: Individual Scores on the Reflector
Date: Monday, October 03, 1994 3:41PM

KI6X writes:

     I personally do not like to see every individual score posted.

My 2 cents' worth:

I don't necessarily like to see each of the *scores* posted, but I
thoroughly enjoy studying the comments.  Besides the entertainment
value, many are educational . . . I firmly believe that my position in
several contests was improved significantly by paying attention to
remarks made here about things like propagation and times for band
changes during the week before the contest (e.g., cw sprint and SS data
the week before the phone events).

Keep 'em coming.

       -Bruce  AA5B


2 more cents:

I also learn a great deal from seeing what antennas were used, which
antennas did better than others over certain distances, which antennas
really performed and which ones really sucked.  There are also
comments which get me thinking about new ideas for the station.
Please, don't be hesitant to share what worked FOR YOU!
Thanks...73, Tom WB4iUX

>From DAVID ROBBINS KY1H W-413-494-6955 H-413-655-2714 ROBBINS at GUID2.DNET.GE.COM <robbins at>  Tue Oct  4 17:17:06 1994
From: DAVID ROBBINS KY1H W-413-494-6955 H-413-655-2714 ROBBINS at GUID2.DNET.GE.COM <robbins at> (DAVID ROBBINS KY1H W-413-494-6955 H-413-655-2714 ROBBINS at GUID2.DNET.GE.COM <robbins at>)
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 12:17:06 EDT
Subject: duplicate messages
Message-ID: <9410041616.AA12497 at>

sorry about the exams message confusion.  it is indeed from some other mailing
list.  now i have to figure out how to stop it from there!

73, Dave KY1H  Robbins at

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