Captive Rovers
N0bsh at
N0bsh at
Thu Oct 6 17:33:53 EDT 1994
I don't have a big problem with "captive" or "affiliated" rovers
per se. If I happen to be operating near a 4 grid intersection and
my friend Joe Tech decides to throw his 144, 220, and 440
handhelds in the car and throw on three 1/4 wave magmounts and
drive out to the intesection I can work him 12 times! But it is
unlikely that he will be able to work anyone else so he could be
considered "captive" (though I would encourage him to work others
if he could.) And I would encourage him to send in his log of these
Qs or at least give me a copy to submit with my log.
What puzzles me is why, so often, you never see a log or checklog
submitted for/by the "captive" rovers. So what if your line score
reads something like 42 Qs x 42 Gs (that's 7 bands, one Q on each,
from 6 grids.) Why the reluctance to send in the logs??
BTW, CT v8.52 (and up I believe) allows you to flag the mode in
VHF 'tests (C, S, or F.) I think someone inquired about that.
Mike N0BSH
n0bsh at
>From k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) Fri Oct 7 01:12:01 1994
From: k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) (John Zapisek)
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 17:12:01 PDT
Subject: (fwd) VHF QSO Mfg
Message-ID: <9410070012.AA15334 at greylock.local>
MGEF'er Don/KE2TP tried to post this reply to CQ-CONTEST, but it bounced.
I volunteered to QSP for him. 73. --John/K2MM
> From: perley at (Don Perley)
> Subject: Re: VHF Manufactured Contacts
> Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 5:05:57 PDT
> > [Gary/K9GS/garyk9gs at] Would it also be OK to tune the
> > WARC bands during CQWW looking for multipliers that could be moved to
> > the contest bands??
> >
> > I think not..........just my thoughts. It seems that VHF contest
> > operators have a very different set of radio ethics that govern them.
> > It seems that this would violate the "spirit" of the competition and
> > possibly encourage the writing of new rules every time a new "loophole"
> > is discovered.
> The ethics wrt skeds and contacts have a different thrust in vhf contests,
> at least as coded in the rules. Its mostly geared towards not pissing off
> users of the band who are not participating in the contest. So, generally
> no liason or contacts on 2 meter repeaters, standard simplex (FM) calling
> channels, 6 meter DX area is left clear, etc.
> As someone who doesn't do HF contests, I can say that it is very difficult
> to do "normal" hamming while one is going on.
> -don perley - ke2tp
> By the way, I am not on the CQ-contest list; if you reply, make sure my
> address is in the copy list.
>From Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at> Thu Oct 6 21:19:04 1994
From: Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at> (Randy A Thompson)
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 21:18:04 +0059 (EDT)
Subject: FYI
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9410062109.C24838-0100000 at>
On Wed, 5 Oct 1994, Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA wrote:
> Concerning the rules, I always thought the full rules were in CQ magazine.
> I'm sorry to say that this one sublety has escaped me these past 25 years.
> Thanks for the info about the Handbook. 73, David XE1/AA6RX
If there are "supplemental" rules...there should be some reference in the
official rules telling us where to find them.
Dear K3EST, think of it as a source of free advertising. You can suggest
that everyone purchase the supplemental rules...
k5zd at
>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at Thu Oct 6 07:13:14 1994
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 1994 02:13:14 EDT
Subject: Baluns/Weatherproofing/Short Towers
Message-ID: <2e939583.k1vr at>
On Tue, 4 Oct 94 14:15 EST, "Lee Hiers" <0006701840 at> wrote:
> My question is: is there any advantage
> in placing the balun in a piece of PVC (like many of the commercial ones), or
> is it OK to just put a PL-259 on the coax and seal it up well? The only
> advantages I see to using the PVC are 1) aesthetics and 2) maybe easier to
> weatherproof; or, am I missing something? Any comments would be appreciated.
The problem is that beads are brittle - especially when cold.
One way or another, you must protect them from bouncing in the wind aga
against the boom and chipping.
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
home + office telephone: 617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
internet: k1vr at
"Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low."
>From pub703 at (Rod Greene) Fri Oct 7 03:20:57 1994
From: pub703 at (Rod Greene) (Rod Greene)
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 20:20:57 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Phased Verticals
Message-ID: <m0qt4vZ-00010nC at>
I've had so many requests for the phased vertical detail responses that I
decided to take the easy way out and post it here. From: W7ZRC
Re: Vertical Antenna Phasing
Here are the responses:
Message 35/44 From Andy Burns Sep 27, 94
01:29:40 pm -0400
Rod, couldnt resist replying to your note on phasing arrays.
I now have two 4 square phased arrays, one for 40m and one for 80m and
have a few years experience of them.
All mine use the Collins hybrid coupler technique to phase the power
properly (as per ON4UN's book-an absolute must if you are doing this).
On 80m I started last year with a 2 el array, each vertical being only
38' high (linear loaded to resonate on 3.750). The phase box was a copy
of the circuit in ON4UN's book using 50 ohm cables. Providing you can
measure capacitance and inductance it is very easy to build it all
yourself. I used the amidon cores suggested in the book.
With this system and only 10 radials I had about 2 s units f/b or abt
10db. It was orientated e/w so I could work the US without all the 'crap'
from Europe of the back. The 2 sunits reduction in Eu noise helped
dramatically in picking up lots more US signals - but I could still
receive more on the beverage.
With this, I came #3 world in CQWW SSB last year which I was pleased
with. So this summer I converted it to a 4 square. Again all elements are
38' high with 10 radials each. Used the same phase box but a few more
relays as per ON4UN's book. ...... I then saw the new ON4UN's book which
has a few more hints and hence I have just added the circuit to measure
power reflected to the dummy load and am adding relays to the bottom of
each element to enable them to resonate on 3.5 or 3.65 meq.
Some observations. Now get between 2 to 4 s units abt 10 -20 db front to
back. I doubt if I will need the beverage now to the US. I will let you
know in November! Super directivity to 4 points with good rejection off
the sides. Actually one of the 4 elements is 50' which I think is causing
some degredation of the f/b. Elnec shows this up quite well. All my
elements are wires hung from overhead ropes between trees. SWR bandwidth
is very wide. 3.5 to 3.8 no problem! (as described in the book) ..but
more than 100 Kcs away from design freq, you loose power to the dummy
load. At 3.5 meg I loose 75% of the power hence the need to switch each
antenna. Well worth building the power meter mod in the book.
I used 50 ohm cable in the system despite ON4UN's view that 75 is best
(to match better) because I couldnt afford more 75 ohm cable but find it
doesnt seem to matter. If you have lots of money then buy the commercial
unit, but it will only take you 10 hours to build it. (and about 3,789
hours to put the 4 verticals up, trim the phasing lines, put down the
On 40m I started 4 years ago with a 2 el quad spaced 1/4 wave using this
type of phasing design -wires again almost on the ground. Super signal
but only good for 2 directions (not a good idea from hear). I managed #8
in ARRLDX SSB a few years back with this antenna against CT1BOP ON4UN and
G3FXB all with big beams. This summer again I have converted it into a 4
square vertical array exactly as for the 80m but this time with fullsize
elements. I swear it works as well as a 3 ele yagi at 80' except I can
switch it in seconds to beam other ways. F/B is often 5 sunits on the
strong Eu signals or 25 db and sometimes more. I put the improvement in
F/B down to the symmetry of the antenna (compared to the 80m) again
believing the Elnec programme. If you can get a full size 4 square for
80m then you should get the same.
As for transmitting power on both arrays, I will have to wait and see
what reports I get in CQWW SSB. I know I am usually loud but will I still
be? I hope so. My problem is usually hearing stations through the noise
so this should help me.
I'll be on single band 80 or 40 in CQWW so see you then.
Let me know if you want clarification on anything
burns_al at
Message 2/26 From Jim Koehler Sep 24, 94 06:42:06 am
Return-Path: <aj956 at>
I have been using the Comtek box for two years now. I have a 40 meter
4 square array and it seems to work well. I did experience a situation
last year where the box at the antennas burned up. I was able to repair
it and everything appears OK now. I am not totally sure why it burned
up but I did notice one of the direction indicating LED's was not
working on the control box about the same time. The LED's on the control
box must be operating for the switching box at the antennas to work
properly. They are more than just an 'indicator'! Overall the system
works well and it does work with 2 antennas per the instructions (I have
never tried it with 2 antennas).
Good luck with the project. I would be interested in seeing a summary of
the comments you receive if you publish it.
73 Jim WG8M aj956 at
Message 8/26 From C. Frank Gilmore Sep 23, 94 08:50:18 pm
Return-Path: <fgilmore at>
Rod my earliest experience was with three ten meter verticals and a crude
but effect switching system...this was in 1958. Very effective for DXing.
Later in the mid sixties I was a Hy-Gain dealer (owned a ham store) and
sold a lot of their verticals...I have had three 18HT Hytowers myself and
still have one I use regularly....and quite a few people experimented
with phasing three 14AVQ verticals, later 14AVS models. They worked
pretty well. Hy-gain had a good pamphlet they provided those who
requested it on systems that had been experimented with in their test
grounds and ideas submitted by others. I don't think I still have a copy
in my files.
If memory serves me Mosely (sold them too) also had a single page info on
how to phase theirs. They vertical was very inferior to the Hy-Gains
though. They built a good beam but never got it together in some other
On ten meters I found approx 6 db gain in the favored direction. The
front to back ratio was not that great as compared to a beam.
That's about all I can contribute on the subject. Good luck with your
73, de K0JPJ ex-W5PVX ...-.-
Frank Gilmore
fgilmore at
Message 10/26 From ken silverman Sep 23, 94 04:06:15
pm PST
Return-Path: <ken.silverman at atlas.ccmail.AirTouch.COM>
Only times I've phased verticals, I've gone the simple T-connector
ON4UN's NEW (as well as old, but the new book is fantastic) book is chock
of phasing schemes for verticals. It is a must read for this kind of work.
Best of Luck, Ken WM2C
Message 12/26 From Marc Willis Sep 23, 94 04:54:54
pm PDT
Return-Path: <willis at>
For W6REC Duane Ausherman has 4 phased 80 meter verticles in Galt, CA.
He may be able to help you with this.
You will be very pleased with the results of the antennas and the way they
Duanes phone number is (209)745-3935
Good Luck, 73's Marc Willis KN6SO
Message 13/26 From Alan Kaul Sep 23, 94 04:07:06 pm
Return-Path: <kaul at>
Rod .. suggest you read Devoldere's ''Low Band DX'' for various ways to
phase 2 verticals. 2nd edition now available from ARRL -- and various
book stores. Radio Shack doesn't handle them, but I bought a copy this
week at Ham Radio Outlet in LA-area. Several goodie stores will sell
via telephone and a few even ship postpaid.
[<Alan Kaul, W6RCL>] kaul at
Message 16/26 From Steve Kelly Sep 23, 94 02:53:38 pm
Return-Path: <srkelly at>
I have been using one of the Comtek boxes for about 5 years now. It is
installed as part of a 4-square array for 75/80m. I have never had any
trouble with the switchbox. I beleive the units currently being built by
Comtek use much heavier components (torroids etc.) than the ones in mine.
I only know of a few of the Dx Engineering boxes in use and believe they
are just as rugged if not more so, compared to the Comtek. I consistently
get fb/fs of 20 to 30dB depending on the angle of arrival. I homebrewed
my vertical elements using 40 feet of 4" irrigation tubing and 24 feet of
3" tubing (total height 64'). The swr on my system which has 90 1/4 wave
radials under each element is less than 1.4:1 across the entire band.
More important is the amount of power being dissapated in the 50 ohm dummy
load. In my case its about 8% at 3.500 and less than 1% at 3.800. I
recently measured the feedpoint impedance of each of the radiating
elements with an Autek RF-1 analyzer and found them to be 38 ohms at the
resonant point (3.575).
If you want any other info or have other questions let me know.
73, Steve Kelly, KC7EM
srkelly at
Return-Path: <"AMGATE::ANDRSKAA">
From: Anderson, Ken
To: .W7ZRC
When I was in England as G5CFJ in the early 80's our club station had a 4
vertical phased array on 40. It was built from an article in QST and the
handbook of the late 70's as I recall. It used relays and phasing lines.
was a tremendous ant! I ran a number of test with W6 land and it would
consistently show 20-30 db front to back and 40-50 front to side. These
were S
meter readings on both ends so not too scientific. The main thing is the
really played. I could hold my own with most of europe in contests (it's
to compete with some of the Italian boys). Took first on both modes in 82
for England using it. I might add though, the array was in an open field
no buildings, etc close by. Also we had 120 buried radials under each
Ken, K6PU anderson.ken at
Regards and Good Luck! Rod, W7ZRC pub703 at
Thanks to all who responded. Good luck on the low bands..... 73, Rod
Rod Greene, W7ZRC
InterNet: pub703 at
CompuServe: 71551,2401
>From John L. Rouse" <jrouse at Thu Oct 6 19:59:50 1994
From: John L. Rouse" <jrouse at (John L. Rouse)
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 14:59:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Another two cents worth
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9410061450.C22238-9100000 at>
I, too, enjoy seeing scores (log envy) and comments post-contest.
73 de John KA3DBN/VP2EBN
John L. Rouse
Capital-Gazette Communications FAX: 301-464-7027
jrouse at PHONE: 301-262-3700
KA3DBN at 410-268-5000
>From fish at (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.) Fri Oct 7 14:10:13 1994
From: fish at (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.) (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.)
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 06:10:13 -0700
Subject: Score Postings
Message-ID: <199410071310.AA27999 at>
May I make a suggestion?
If you have nothing of value to add to your line score then simply forward
your score to KA9FOX.
Something of value would be a neat experience, general comments, ect...
It makes no sense to post your line score ONLY to the entire reflector.
Send those to Scott and we'll all see your score anyway.
Bill Fisher, KM9P
Concentric Systems, Inc. (CSI)
404-442-5821 Fax 404-667-1975
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