Pennsylvania QSO Party
WR3G at
WR3G at
Fri Oct 7 12:38:20 EDT 1994
The PA QSO Party is one of the biggest State QSO Parties around and is an
absolute great time to
operate. Below is the announcement(soory for any typos!) for the 94 edition
which will take place
this weekend. There should be lots of activity and fun, so if you get a
chance, get on and work it for
a few hours, I think you'll have a good time.
We will be operating the K3LR station multi-multi this weekend. Please give
us a call if you hear us.
It will be operated by members of the Mercer County Amateur Radio Club of
which Tim, K3LR and I
are members. There will be a number of op's who have never operated a
contest before and we thought
this would be a good chance to expose them to one. It should be fun. Other
Mercer Co. ARC members
will also be active including, WR3D in the mobile category and KE3FO in the
portable category.
Thanks for reading this and see you on the bands this weekend.
73 - Scott, WR3G
The 37th Annual PENNSYLVANIA QSO PARTY will be this weekend, October 8th and
Operating Periods: 1600z Oct. 8 to 0500z Oct 9
and 1300z Oct 9 to 2200z Oct 9
Frequencies: SSB: 1850, 3980, 7280, 14280, 21380, 28310
CW: 40 KHz from bottom of the band and 1810 KHz
Look 10KHz up from NOVICE subband for Novice Q's
MOBILE WINDOW is 5 KHz below listed frequencies
Exchange: Sequential serial number plus COUNTY for Pennsylvania stations
Sequential serial number plus ARRL/RAC section
County line station give out 1 serial number but all
counties count as mults.
Work stations once per band and once per mode.
Work mobiles again as they change counties.
Scoring: CW QSO's on 160 and 80 are 2 points each, other CW is 1.5 points
Phone QSO's are 1 point each.
Multipliers: Pennsylvania stations - ARRL(69)/RAC(13) sections + PA
Counties(67) + 1 for DX (150 total)
Out-of-State stations - Pennsylvania Counties (67 total)
Final score: Total points X Total multiplier + Bonus points.
QRP (less than 5 watts) - multiply final score by 2
Novice/Tech Bonus muliplier - mulitply final score by 3
if a novice or a tech
PA Mobile bonus points - Add 500 points to your final
score for each PA county
from which you made
at least 10 QSO's
Entry Divisions: Single-op medium power (<150 watts), Single-op QRO (>150
QRP (5 watts), Multi-single, Multi-multi, Portable
(single-op or multi-single),
Novice/Technician, Mobile.
The Nittany Amateur Radio Club will operate Special Event Station W3YA during
the QSO Party.
W3YA will be active on 80, 40 and 20, both modes. Each QSO with W3YA on a
different band/mode
will add 200 points to your final score. Total score in normal way, then add
W3YA bonus at the end.
(maximum of 1200 bonus points)
Award: Plaques to top entries in all entry divisions plus single-op (Eastern
, Central and Western Time
Zones), Sinle-op EPA, Single-op WPA, plus others as warrented. Certificates
to county and section
winners. Trophies and gavel to winning big and local club.
Logs must be submitted on an official form or facsimile. Entries with 100 or
more QSO's MUST include
a dupe sheet. Computer logs and dupe sheets are welcome. Computer logs MUST
include a completed
summary sheet. 100 points will be deducted for each duplicate QSO found.
SEND LOGS by November 15, 1994 to:
Doug Maddox, W3HDH
Nittany Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 614
State College, PA. 16804-0614
Thanks again.
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