RADIOSPORTING magazine and Loop Feedpoint

kd5pj at kd5pj at
Fri Sep 16 10:00:34 EDT 1994

Ooops, forgot to put the YEAR that the article appeared in: 1985!  I
don't know what happened to this magazine.  I only have a few copies
that were given to me by friends.

> There is an article in the Feb or Mar or Apr issue of RADIOSPORTING
> (forgot the author, sorry) that addresses the proper way to feed a
> Delta Loop to enhance it's vertical radiation pattern.  The idea is to
> feed it at a point 1/4 wave down from the apex.  I don't have the
> article here with me, but would gladly dig it out and make copies if
> anyone is interested.

                      /   \      
                     /     \
                    /       +  <-- feed point
                   /         \

Charlie  KD5PJ          kd5pj at

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