CQP Software

zf8bs at twg.com zf8bs at twg.com
Fri Sep 16 13:42:05 EDT 1994

>Subject: CQP Software

>I've upgraded my computer since the last CQP and have lost
>track of the freeware CQP software that it had.

>Which FTP site has it?

>Is there a new version this year?

>73 de bob  nd1h

I believe you are referring to the Beta version of CT which was passed around
in 1991 to verify the changes that were added for the California QSO Party.
This was a variant of CT Version 7.  I have been told that this version 
was very buggy, but I used it myself and never saw any problems with it.
I don't think it was exactly freeware--it was given to licensed CT users
to test during CQP.  I do still have it here myself and would be willing to
share it if somebody can convince me it is legal to pass it out.  (I don't
honestly believe that is the case, though.)  A much better idea would be to
go ahead and purchase CT Version 9, which has good coverage for the California
QSO Party in it.  The only thing I see that it doesn't handle gracefully
(actually, it doesn't handle it at all!) is California stations operating
from a county line.  (Like I will be doing!)  If you don't want to pay the
YCCC guys, there are a couple of other options you may want to pursue.  Both
AD6E and AE6Y have written their own contest loggers for CQP and will share
them freely.  If you send a blank diskette to either or both they will gladly
give you their contest logger for CQP.  I personally haven't seen either of
these programs, but I have heard several of the NCCC members absolutely rave
about them.
                                        Bruce Sawyer, AA6KX
                                        President NCCC, the CQP Sponsor
By the way, you better hurry.  CQP starts just two weeks from tomorrow!k

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