XX9TZ QSL Status

David George al434 at freenet.carleton.ca
Mon Sep 19 16:53:38 EDT 1994

	Has anyone received a QSL card, or does anyone know the status of
sending cards, from the Macao DXpedition of March 1994?  KU9C is the

	Thanks! . . . . David    VE3UOL

>From Michael Owen <MOWE at SLUMUS.STLAWU.EDU>  Mon Sep 19 21:26:45 1994
From: Michael Owen <MOWE at SLUMUS.STLAWU.EDU> (Michael Owen)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 94 16:26:45 EDT
Subject: Yeah, right
Message-ID: <19SEP94.17761723.0082.MUSIC at MUSIC.STLAWU.EDU>

>Word has it (from one of the K3MQH ops) that Dick had no prior knowledge
>of the antenna setup and solicitation that occurred and doesn't even know
>who pulled it off.  I chatted with the chap at the hamfest and he obviously

Yeah, right.  And I'm the tooth fairy.  K3MQH can play "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell" all he wants.  It doesn't alter the situation.


Michael R. Owen, Ph.D.                        a.k.a.: W9IP
Department of Geology                         Northern Lights Software
St. Lawrence University                       Star Route, Box 60
Canton, NY  13617                             Canton, NY  13617
(315) 379-5975             -  voice  -        (315) 379-0161 (6-9pm)
e-mail: MOWE at SLUMUS            FAX   -        (315) 379-5804

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