bill.lumnitzer at paonline.com bill.lumnitzer at paonline.com
Tue Sep 20 11:55:37 EDT 1994

 >Now it may be that Dick did not know about this MQH/'fest scam, why should
 >he wasn't the 2m op...Tyler KF3P was.  He and Steve KA3UDW, the 'fest
 Mo> dude,
 >pulled off quite a stunt...especially trying to protect the innocent! 
 Mo> Anyway,
 >I believe they are all guilty...by associatation!

 Mo> Andy gets to the heart of the matter.  It's Dicks *responsibility* to
 Mo> know what's going on because he's the control op.  If the callsign-
 Mo> holder can't keep track of what his operators are up to then he
 Mo> shouldn't be participating in the contest.

I also heard that K3MQH called Billy Lunt about using this "technique"
and was assured that it did not violate the current rules.

Are you listening Billy?

73 Bill N6CQ/3

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