WF1B RTTY Summary Sheet is OK!

WF1B at WF1B at
Thu Sep 29 22:58:55 EDT 1994

There has been some question concerning the 'rolling together' of
multipiers as stated in CQ magazine.  I called Roy(KT1N) as soon as I
heard the rumblings and chatted with him.  I guess he decided to add
emphasis to the rule because many summaries were sent in which had all the
mults together.  Apparently, this makes cross checking the logs more

Bottom Line: Summary Sheet as generated is fine.

73, Ray

wf1b at

>From Roy Hradilek <73374.2465 at>  Fri Sep 30 04:37:47 1994
From: Roy Hradilek <73374.2465 at> (Roy Hradilek)
Date: 29 Sep 94 23:37:47 EDT
Subject: PHASED Half Squares!
Message-ID: <940930033747_73374.2465_DHS76-1 at CompuServe.COM>

I have  been modelling  half squares  with ELNEC  and AO and find
them very interesting. Results using ELNEC differ from those with
AO,  and  are  suspicious  (there  is  no  perceptible difference
between the half square and the full Bobtail using ELNEC models).

Looks like the simplest  half square  is corner  fed at  the top:
easy 50  Ohm match. I have tried this and it works. What I had in
mind was something fancier: phased half squares.

My initial  experiments were  on 17  Meters using  a second half-
square  as  a  parasitic  reflector  or director (switchable with
jumpers).  ELNEC  modelling  showed  this  would  produce awesome
results, but  in practice  I couldn't get it working. The project
was abandoned, and I have since junked ELNEC in favor of AO.

Phased half-squares look pretty good on the model, and I am still
interested in  putting something  together that works (spacing of
about 1/4 wavelength and  switchable  in  two  directions). These
show excellent  front-to-back, with radiation patterns similar to
a yagi and very low radiation  angles. The  antenna is vertically
polarized. Would  be nice to have a pair of these on 80 - switch-
able for 4 directions. The  patterns  look  especially  nice over
good ground (salt water) or with a radial system of some sort. My
trees aren't tall enough  to try  this on  80, but  on 40  I need
something  better  than  what  I've  got  (delta  loop) because I

When you start adding  phased elements  or parasitics  to a half-
square, the  radiation resistances  drop. The  corner feed method
may not be the answer. I thought I'd throw this  idea out  on the
reflector and  see who  plays around  with the  idea: PHASED HALF
SQUARES ON THE LOW BANDS. How is the  best way  to feed  them and
switch them? When you start modelling these antennas you will see
why this project would be worthwhile.

Good Luck -- de Roy, AD5Q               73374.2465 at

>From Storage Management Group - Digital Equipment Corp  29-Sep-1994 2142 -0600 <boone at>  Fri Sep 30 04:48:18 1994
From: Storage Management Group - Digital Equipment Corp  29-Sep-1994 2142 -0600 <boone at> (Storage Management Group - Digital Equipment Corp 29-Sep-1994 2142 -0600)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 20:48:18 PDT
Subject: Sound Blaster Voice keyer from LTA
Message-ID: <9409300348.AA07269 at>

I would like to get some feedback on how well the voice keyer software offered
by LTA (using SOUND BLASTER) works.  It claims to be compatible with NA and CT
but I am curious about ease of use, fidelity, flexibility, does it record
received signals, memory and disk requirements, etc.

Please send comments directly to me and I will summarize if the response

Tnx and 73,

-Steve,  WA8SWM/0

>From Rudolf_Hein at (Rudolf Hein)  Thu Sep 29 23:27:29 1994
From: Rudolf_Hein at (Rudolf Hein) (Rudolf Hein)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 23:27:29 +0100
Message-ID: <88177301%fidonet at>

WAG-Contest 1994 Rules

The Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) has the honour to
invite amateurs all over the world to participate in the

1.Contest periods: October, third weekend,
  1500 UTC Saturday to 1500 UTC Sunday
  1994 : 15/16 October
  1995 : 14/15 October

2.Modes and bands: SSB, CW, 3,5-7-14-21-28 MHz
  According to IARU-region 1 regulations contest
  operation is not allowed on the following contest
  free sections :
  cw:  3560-3800; 14060-14350
  ssb: 3650-3700; 14100-14125; 14300-14350 kHz

  a) Single operator - all bands - cw
  b) Single operator - all bands - cw + ssb
  c) Single operator - all bands - cw + ssb - QRP
                             (max. 5 Watt Output)
  d) Multi operators - single transmitter (only one
     signal on any band at the same time is permitted)
  e) SWL

Note: DX cluster support is allowed for all classifications

4.Exchange: A contest QSO can only be established
  between non-German and German stations and also
  between German stations. Give the usual five or
  six digit RS/RST +DOK (lokal area code). A station
  may be worked once per band per mode.

  -The multipliers for non-German stations are determined
   by the number of German districts (first letter of DOK)
   worked on each band regardless of mode.
  -German stations use the current DXCC/WAE-country-list.
   Each country counts one multiplier per band regardless of

6.Scoring: Each complete exchange counts 3 points for non-
  German stations. For German stations a DL contact counts
  1 point, a European contact counts 3 points and a DX contact
  5 points. The final score is computed by multiplying the
  total number of QSO points by the sum of multipliers from
  all bands.

7.Contest awards: Certificates will be awarded to the highest
  scorer of the different classifications in each country, a
  reasonable score provided.

8.Disqualification : Violation of the rules of the contest,
  or unsportsmanship conduct, or taking credit for excessive
  duplicate contacts will be deemed cause for disqualification.

9.Logs : The log must be accompanied by a summary sheet and a
  multiplier check list. Duplicate contacts have to be clearly
  marked in the log. If more than 100 stations have been worked
  on a band, a separate check sheet for duplicate contacts is
  obligatory. You may submit your contest entry on diskette in
  lieu of paper logs. The floppy diskette must be IBM-compatible,
  MS-DOS formatted, 3 1/2- or 5 1/4-inch (40- or 80-track). The
  log information must be in an ASCII file, following the WAG
  suggested standard file format and contain all log exchange
  information. One entry per diskette. An official summary sheet
  or reasonable facsimile with a signed contest participation
  declaration is required with all entries .

10.Special regulations for SWLs: SWLs get one point (ssb) or three
   points (cw) for logging each new German station with the sent
   RS/RST by DOK and the call of the station working with the German
   station. The multiplier is determined by the sum of German
   districts (first letter of the DOK) heard on each band.

11.Deadline and mailing address for log entries: Logs must be sent
   not later than 30 days after the contest (postmark) to:
   Klaus Voigt, DL1DTL, P.O. Box 720 427, D-01023 Dresden, Germany

C3 - CT1 - CU - DL - EA - EA6 - EI - ER - ES - EU - F - G - GD -
GI - GJ- GM - GM Shetland - GU - GW - HA - HB - HB0 - HV - I - IS -
IT - JW Bear - JW Spitsbergen - JX - LA - LX - LY - LZ - OE- OH -
OH0 - OJ0 - OK - OM - ON - OY - OZ - PA - R1/FJL - R1/MVI - RA -
RA2 - S5 - SM - SP - SV - SV5 Rhodes - SV9 Crete - SY Mt. Athos -
T7 - T9 - TA1 - TF - TK - UR - YL - YO - YU - Z3 - ZA - ZB2 - 1A -
3A - 4U Geneva - 4U1 Vienna - 9A - 9H

Dr. Lothar Wilke, DL5ATD/DF0HQ (Y24UK/Y34K)
DARC-Manager DX and HF-Radiosport

Uploaded by dk7np

*** FIDO 2:2490/3001.27  *** BSN 49:860/500.7 *** PACKET dk7np at db0box **
          *** INTERNET frgy01 at ***
***  FREENET bs102 at  ***  Compuserve 100120.1440  ***
          ***  Rudolf Hein - Am Uferholz 7 - 96047 Bamberg  ***

>From JA3ZOH Mt. RF" <kitagawa at  Fri Sep 30 07:08:11 1994
From: JA3ZOH Mt. RF" <kitagawa at (JA3ZOH Mt. RF)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 15:08:11 +0900
Subject: Voice PED
Message-ID: <199409300608.PAA19443 at>

> send me the latest info on how to get a copy of PED for SSB?

Hope this helps! SEE YOU ALL in the coming CQ WW on ALL BANDS!

de JA3ZOH/Mt.RF		Multi-Multi

Mt.RF is located at the mountain area deep in Kii-peninsula where
Japanese sovereignty is questioned by some radio historians. Mt.RF is
not recognized as a separate country by DXAC yet.

6. How to obtain VPED?

The latest version of VPED is available from the Internet by FTP or Mail.

[FTP]	You can always get the latest version of VPED by anonymous ftp from
the primary archive site;
	IP address:
	directory:	/pub/radio/vped
	filename:	(ver 1.05, for example)

[Mail]	You can also get VPED by mail. Send mail

	To: ped-request at

with body lines, for example,


to get through from which you can
reproduce See instructions given at the beginning of the
first file. If you don't have UUDECODE, see the Appendix.

Appendix: How to obtain UUDECODE and UNZIP?

If you get PED/VPED files by mail, you need UUDECODE. If you don't
have it, you can get it by sending mail

	To: ped-request at

with body lines,

	get uudecode.doc
	get uudecode.dbg

Save UUDECODE.DBG on your DOS and feed it to DEBUG (which should be on
almost all DOS) by typing


This will make UUDECODE.COM in a minute.

Just in case you don't have UNZIP, you can get it from the same place
in the same manner with the body line,


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