ag6k's rebuttal

Tue Apr 11 18:45:43 EDT 1995

I have obtained AG6K's unpublished response to the highly critical QST
technical correspondence (see Sept. 1994 QST, p.71) concerning his 
"Parasitics Revisited" article that appeared in September and October
1990 QST. The contributors to the technical correspondence represented
amplifier and tube manufacturers but, curiously, Rich was not permitted
to answer their emotional criticism within the pages of QST. Rich's contract
with ARRL to author the HF amplifier chapter for the 1995 ARRL Handbook was
also cancelled. His rebuttal answers the technical correspondence point-by-
point and also provides an interesting account of Rich's involvement with
VHF - UHF parasitics. Rich requested me to share this information so if 
there is any interest please email me at the address below.

73 de Bill, N6CQ (n6cq at

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