Score Corrections
Fri Apr 14 22:44:04 EDT 1995
Seems to me Dave, WX3N's idea was a good one about earlier
publishing of claimed scores, etc.
I have also wondered about a volunteer group of ACTIVE
contesters who get to view the write-up/results BEFORE
they are cast in concrete, to look for obvious mistakes
(like lost guest ops, missing scores, etc.). Doubt they'll catch
all the errors, but they are bound to catch most of the "biggies".
Jeff KR0Y
jsteinman at
>From Jim Stevens, KI4HN" <ki4hn at Sat Apr 15 02:59:15 1995
From: Jim Stevens, KI4HN" <ki4hn at (Jim Stevens, KI4HN)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 21:59:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Score Corrections
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950414215209.912B-100000 at server0>
From: Doug Grant, K1DG
> I vote for corrections being published with the results of the next year's
> running of the same contest.
> You have no idea how much additional work it is to comb through decades
> of QSTs trying to find dinky little "Strays" with corrections when trying
> to compile contest score and record data.
I vote for publishing them both ASAP and in next year's results.
This double-use of mag space is the penalty to the mag for "busted Qs".
73, Jim, KI4HN
ki4hn at
>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at> Sat Apr 15 03:44:44 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 22:44:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Score Corrections
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.950414223841.11565C-100000 at>
On Fri, 14 Apr 1995 JSTEINMAN at wrote:
> I have also wondered about a volunteer group of ACTIVE
> contesters who get to view the write-up/results BEFORE
> they are cast in concrete, to look for obvious mistakes
> (like lost guest ops, missing scores, etc.). Doubt they'll catch
> all the errors, but they are bound to catch most of the "biggies".
Well...that did happen in this case. I read through the results before
they were printed looking for mistakes. Found a few, but it's hard to
know which logs are missing! It is harder than you think to read through
6 pages of score listings under a deadline and try to devine the errors.
I am sorry to see all the mail regarding log errors. There seem to be
enough data points that indicate there is a data handling problem. But
again, pick up a stack of logs about 6 feet (or more) high and pull out
all the entries. The problem many people have is that they use
extraordinary means to send in their logs, but they have no consideration
as to how the logs are "assembled"! Are you sure your summary sheet is
going to stay attached to your log? Are any pages going to fall out?
Did you write clearly? Did you pack your CW and Phone logs together so
they get stuck together? You get the idea.
In any about that write-up? (I really would appreciate some
feedback. Could use the ideas for next year.)
Randy Thompson, K5ZD
Note new address (9 Dec 94): k5zd at
WANTED: 10 and 15 meter beams. Two sections of Rohn 25G. Gotta keep up
with the Jones'.
>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at> Sat Apr 15 03:47:19 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 22:47:19 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Dayton Room
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.950414224504.11565D-100000 at>
It looks like I have gone from looking for a room, to looking for a room
mate. Have a room in Stouffers for Thur, Fri and Sat. Need someone to
share expenses. Reply direct.
Randy Thompson, K5ZD
Note new address (9 Dec 94): k5zd at
OK, OK. I didn't unsubscribe. I'm too addicted. I tried to stop,
honest. But I just couldn't live without the scintillating [bet you
can't spell it either] dialog.
>From Steven Sample <aa9ax at> Sat Apr 15 04:12:54 1995
From: Steven Sample <aa9ax at> (Steven Sample)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 23:12:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Another log bites the dust... part deux
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.950414225918.19464A-100000 at>
On Fri, 14 Apr 1995, Jeffrey Clarke wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Apr 1995 WX9E at wrote:
> > Thanks to all the replies! It's good to know that I am not the only one who
> > has had logs mishandled or lost..... actually I guess it's not that good. I
> >
> > See everyone in the Sultan's suite Thursday night
> >
> > Paul WX9E
> Paul sri about your problems with logs being lost
by the >
> ARRL. I don't buy the fact that logs are getting lost... I think
> it's just a screw up on their part after they getting the logs
> just proves that the people who
> run the contest desk at ARRL are a bunch of boneheads!!!!
> CU in Dayton OM Jeff
I think it's lousy what happened to your logs, too. And I would be
pretty incensed if I ever topped the pack and was left out, but I just
wanted to respond to the last comments (not your's):
I think the guys up there (and I refer specifically to Billy Lunt if
not others) do a pretty good job most of the time. Contest reporting can
be a monumental task, and I'm sure mistakes will happen. It is
unthinkable that it has happened to you so many times, and I AM SOLIDLY
IN YOUR CORNER on the issue, but I think we must refrain from lighting up
the flamethrowers again. Billy and his staff are not "Boneheads", and I
think we owe them much more than this.
Again, you haven't sent that signal, but I can't idly sit back and let
others go off the deep end without providing some defense to people that
deserve it. And I. too, look forward to seeing you and the guys at the
Sultans of Schwing suite Thursday nite. As I have told you by private
mail, you are doing a fantastic job in contesting. I'm really sorry that
it isn't being properly recognized in print, but at least everyone that
is familiar with you knows where you belong!
73 and C U Soon! Steve/AA9AX
>From Hans Brakob <71111.260 at> Sat Apr 15 06:00:50 1995
From: Hans Brakob <71111.260 at> (Hans Brakob)
Date: 15 Apr 95 01:00:50 EDT
Subject: Poisson d'May
Message-ID: <950415050049_71111.260_EHM140-1 at CompuServe.COM>
High Score Rumor - 1995 Poisson d'Avril
K0HB - Single Op, unassembled
Station: Heath HW-8, unassembled
Amp, pair of 1N914 in grounded grid
Inverted Dipole, circular polarization
Multipliers worked = 3
Multipliers missed = 327
Total Multipliers = (-324)
Stations worked = 2
Stations missed = 2,499,888
Total Stations = (-2,499,886)
Final score = (-324) x (-2,499,886) = 809,963,064
All log detail safely stored in WOM (Write Only Memory).
Best fist: K1MAN
I hereby certify that I am not aware of any rules.
>From Lew Sayre <lew at> Sat Apr 15 07:12:12 1995
From: Lew Sayre <lew at> (Lew Sayre)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 23:12:12 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Poisson d'Avril Contest Result
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950414214809.26452A-100000 at>
The result for this most august contest is hereby submitted on April 15
Class: M/M,Multi-Location...Rover,Red Rover send Slash right Over
Gear: Driver: 256Hz "C" Tuning fork
Amp: Nuclear Reactor at Reed College
Receiver: Roland D-50
Antennae: Columbia River, differential off a '43 Willys jeep
Time on: 1954Z, 1 April 1932
Time off: Yes
Logs: Hidden in old Growth
# of Cues: Several I'm told
# of Mulch: Population of P5...Check-Logs coming soon
Score:Pick one.. # of whiskers in Judge Ito's beard, Avogadro's number,
Deja Vu, or calories in a FT-1000d
Social Director: Double Stranded DNA
Soapbox: "QRM from local gaseous felines really stunk up our score" ....
.........Wish I could remember this contest.....
Submitted by Team Flatulence-..N7AVK/W7AA/0ZZ1E
Thank you and good night.
>From jallen at (John D. Allen) Sat Apr 15 14:13:09 1995
From: jallen at (John D. Allen) (John D. Allen)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 1995 08:13:09 -0500
Subject: Contest logging software for Macintosh
Message-ID: <199504151212.IAA21289 at>
Re: MAC Contest SW -
Yes, John Seney, WD1V has MAC contest SW along with all other types
of ham related MAC SW. He sells a whole package for a very nominal
For More information, Email Him at jseney at for the details.
73, John, K1FWF (Not a MAC user anymore, just passing along the info)
John D. Allen, jallen at 508-779-6189
>From Pete Stafford <mxyztplk at> Sat Apr 15 14:45:43 1995
From: Pete Stafford <mxyztplk at> (Pete Stafford)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 1995 09:45:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Log losses
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9504150904.B6939-0100000 at>
I can sympathize with any who have lost submissions, but let's realize
that ALL contests in the not-too-distant future will have totally
electronic logging and submissions through this very medium (or something
similar). So paper (and the USPS) will be a thing of the past.
What I'm waiting for is electronic QSLing!
73 de Pete, K2PS
>From jallen at (John D. Allen) Sat Apr 15 15:59:13 1995
From: jallen at (John D. Allen) (John D. Allen)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 1995 09:59:13 -0500
Subject: Lost Scores
Message-ID: <199504151358.JAA22223 at>
Re: Electronic Receipt for electronic submission (below):
Billy Lunt is now doing this.
I think it is automatic, but you can always request it at the front
of you log email submission.
John, K1FWF
> > write-ups. My May QST came yesterday and I was upset to learn
> I have not received my May QST yet, either. As a life member, I was
> often curios as to why I get mine late, I guess the feeling is that they
> have "nothing to lose", who knows...
> As for submitting logs, I have been lucky, but I have also been careful.
> I always make copies of my logs, I send paper and disks in the mail, I
> send logs Certified Mail with a return receipt. I want to know they get
> there; this seems to work.
> I submitted logs once via the ARRL BBS dialup. They did get there, but I
> had no confidence in this method. I had no proof I had submitted them
> prior to the deadline, nor did I know if the Contest branch had actually
> received the logs. So, I called on the phone; Billy Lunt said, "oh it
> takes a couple of weeks to get that stuff from the BBS people", but he
> did later confirm that the logs were there. From that point on, I sent
> the by Certified Mail once again.
> For electronic submission, I think there needs to be a "receipt" sent
> back to the sender, acknowledging receipt of the file, and stating that
> it was received prior to the deadline. Until that happens, I will take
> the time to go to the post office and send my logs in an envelope with a
> return card from the PO.
> By the way, I use the PO card, not a card in the envelope. That way, I
> have a signed card from the league (or whomever) stating the actual date
> the logs were received in the mailroom, not the date someone opened the
> envelope and looked for a postcard. This isn't much of a problem with
> ARRL, but for CQ, it could be. Their logs get sent so many places so
> many times, I am amazed they keep track of them!
> Speaking of deadlines, back to my income taxes...73!
> Jim N6IG
John D. Allen, jallen at 508-779-6189
>From wings at (Will Roberts) Sat Apr 15 15:55:41 1995
From: wings at (Will Roberts) (Will Roberts)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 1995 07:55:41 -0700
Subject: Poisson d'Avril- AA4NC/Tracie Lords/Sharon Stone Multiop
Message-ID: <199504151455.HAA21304 at>
Since North Carolina is now the #2 movie producing state, we have a lot
of stars in our midst. In my tireless efforts to introduce amateur radio
(and contesting) to new people, it made sense to involve two of
Hollywood's finest ladies(?) Tracie Lords and Sharon Stone, in a multiop
effort of sorts...PDA seemed like the perfect 'test:
After many rigorous "training" sessions involving Radio Shack code
tapes, Barry White tapes, a specially equipped code "buzzer", a
Wuoff-Hong device, and lots of Jell-o, Tracie and Sharon were licensed.
They got tech plus licenses, but a brief meeting with FCC chairman Reed
Hundt later that week produced honorary Extra class plus priveleges.
When asked about the extra plus license, Hundt replied "these two can
operate any *%$^ place they want"!!
Tracie had certain special oral skills that made her a natural for phone
operation. The only problem was her tendency to swallow the microphone
when she was excited by a "big run" on 20 meters. Sharon's digital
dexterity made her a crack CW op.
The PDA contest was a rousing success to say the least. In part, because
of the girls' rather loose interpretation of the rules, and the parts I
added about extra point in-shack multipliers that could be obtained by
"special" eyeball QSOs between the guest ops and the station owner, and
the lingerie multiplier.
The BOTTOM Line:
QSOs: 1 (with W6HLH)
Mults: 1 (far western United States)
"Special" eyeball QSOs:6,969
Lingerie multiplier: 4,268,946 (just Sharon alone)
Final SCORE: 2.97x10e10 (But who's counting?)
EQUIPMENT USED: All homebrew: BIG EXCITERS, liquid cooled "finals"
Antennas: dual front loaded circularly polarized arrays
Special videotapes of this operation will be available at Dayton, or by
calling 1-900-BIG AMPS...
73 'til next time :>)
Will AA4NC
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