RTTY Reflector ????

aa9jy at comone.com aa9jy at comone.com
Thu Apr 20 13:56:24 EDT 1995

I would like to see how many would like to see a seperate RTTY

Is there any interest? If so please let me know, I will keep track and
post any results.

There already is some exsisting RTTY forums, and I have found no
activity on. Any one interested in getting together this way, works
similar to this reflector.

Thanks Dean
aa9jy at comone.com

>From J.P. Kleinhaus" <aa2du at netcom.com  Thu Apr 20 19:44:15 1995
From: J.P. Kleinhaus" <aa2du at netcom.com (J.P. Kleinhaus)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:44:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Contest News Release (fwd)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9504201113.A26414-0100000 at netcom23>

Hello to all:

The CAC is pleased to announce the results of a recent ARRL Awards
Committee vote. The Awards committee has approved all three of the
recent CAC recommendations for rules changes in the ARRL 10 Meter
Contest, ARRL 160 Meter Contest and the ARRL UHF Contest.

I want to thank everyone who took part in our discussions over the
first part of the year, and look forward to the next 8 months.

73, J.P. Kleinhaus, AA2DU
Chairman, ARRL CAC

E-mail:  aa2du at netcom.com

----------Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 95 12:41:00 EDT
From: Zimmerman, Tammy-Beth, KA1WWP <tzimmerman at arrl.org>
To: CAC Reflector <cac at arrl.org>,
    VHF Xerox <VHF.icon_fonts at xeroxaffiliates.xerox.com>,
    VHF Stanford <VHF at W6YX.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Contest News Release

The American Radio Relay League

225 Main Street, Newington CT USA  06111
Telephone: 203-666-1541
Telefax: 203-665-7531
MCI Mail ID: 450-7394
Internet: contest at arrl.org


April 20, 1995                For Further Information Contact:
                         Billy Lunt, KR1R


ARRL Awards Committee Accepts 3 CAC Recommendations

The ARRL Awards Committee voted unanimously to accept Contest Advisory 
Committee (CAC) recommendations to change the DX window in the ARRL 
160-meter contest to 1830 to 1835 kHz and to add a rover category to the 
ARRL UHF Contest.  The CAC is currently studying rover scoring for ARRL 
contests.  Nevertheless, neither committee wanted to delay the 
implementation of the UHF rover category

By a 6 to 1 vote the Awards Committee accepted a CAC recommendation to add 
club competition to the ARRL 10-meter Contest.  In a related matter the 
Awards Committee unanimously passed a motion to designate 28.3 through 28.35 
MHz as a noncontest window during the ARRL 10-meter Contest.  (This means 
that stations should not call "CQ contest" in this window.)

Further information will be included with the appropriate contest 
announcements in QST.

 - 30 -

>From tstader at tiac.net (Terry M. Stader - KA8SCP)  Fri Apr 21 01:18:24 1995
From: tstader at tiac.net (Terry M. Stader - KA8SCP) (Terry M. Stader - KA8SCP)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 20:18:24 -0400
Subject: cq-contest-digest batch 4836-4849
Message-ID: <v01510100abba0f6249b5@[]>

>Re: MAC Contest SW -
>Yes, John Seney, WD1V has MAC contest SW along with all other types
>of ham related MAC SW.  He sells a whole package for a very nominal
>For More information, Email Him at jseney at aol.com for the details.

I have a list of lots of the Mac Ham Radio software that I post to the
various radio newsgroups... e-mail me and I'll send it to you.

73 for now.... c u on the shortwaves
Terry Stader - KA8SCP
America Online Ham Radio Club Host
Macintosh Ham Radio Software List Maintainer
Internet: tstader at aol.com (e-mail only)  or
          tstader at si.tiac.net ( binaries/files >28K)
ka8scp at ka8scp.ampr.org []

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