Re; Pho Netics

joelth at joelth at
Sun Aug 6 10:49:40 EDT 1995

How 'bout....

    Will Any One Zap Your X-Ray
      W   A   1   Z    Y    X

        See ya,  Joel
                             Joelth at
                       WA1ZYX @ WA1YTW.FN33TA.NH.USA.NOAM

>From wfeidt at (Bill Feidt)  Sun Aug  6 15:02:59 1995
From: wfeidt at (Bill Feidt) (Bill Feidt)
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 1995 10:02:59 -0400
Subject: NG3K NAQP CW Result
Message-ID: <199508061403.KAA29517 at>

Kensington, MD

20 Watts
Half length G5RV (All bands)

           QSOs    Multipliers       

  3.5       21         13             
  7.0       91         32            
 14.0       92         35            
 28.0        2          2               

Totals     206         82    =  16,892 points

Had very thunderstormy weather this year.  The half
length G5RV doesn't do all that well on 3.5, but I
was surprised to work 21 on that band.  Was able to 
sustain only one short run on 20 Meters and two on 
40 Meters. The balance was S&P.  Thanks to all who 
struggled to copy my feeble signal.

wfeidt at

>From km9p at (Bill Fisher)  Sun Aug  6 16:21:38 1995
From: km9p at (Bill Fisher) (Bill Fisher)
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 1995 11:21:38 -0400
Subject: NAQP: S/O M/Callsign
Message-ID: <199508061521.LAA03947 at>

OK, I wanted to try something different.  So... I decided to try my hand at
doing two radios, with two callsigns, full time.  I used W4NT and N4RJ (both
licensed to the N4RJ QTH).  I did not pass any station to the other
callsign, tailend a mult that the other call found, ect...  Basically a one
radio contest for each callsign.  97% CQing by both.


I must be nuts.  This was 10 times harder than I thought it would be.  After
8 hours of trying to copy stations simultaneously, it wasn't going to take
much to break me.  I had a ringing headache and was totally fatigued.  So...
at 10:30pm when I went to 80 for the first time as N4RJ and found the 80m
antenna position produced no signals, I decided to call it quits.  

Both stations made about 550 QSO's in 7 hours.

Lessons learned:

-I'm crazy.
-S&Ping on a 2nd radio is a piece of cake.
-Don't expect much from a station that gets operated 4 times a year.

Thanks to those of you that had to hear me send ? when you were 20db over 9.
Now you know why.



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