KB5YVT at aol.com KB5YVT at aol.com
Sun Aug 6 20:56:48 EDT 1995

NAQP CW   W5NN/ op KB5YVT (Mike TX)
QTH KK5GJ Magnolia,Tx

Station: 3 ele. Tribander @ 70' / Dipoles @ 60'

Band      QSO     MULTS

160         6         5
 80        64        30
 40       147        41
 20       159        45
 15       114        39
 10        61        28
          551        188     Score 103,588

First real serious attempt at a single op CW
contest from a better QTH than mine. The extra
30' of tower really does make a difference. Learned
importance of moving mults and staying alert to
changing condx. We need to add some low band antennas
and EWE's and David will give the Pistol
 Plus stations
a run for their money!  My goal was 600 and 200, fell
short but know what to try to make it next time.
Second try at NAQP, can't wait for the next one!

P.S. Thanks a bunch David for the use of the station!!

Thanks all for the contacts!
73  Mike KB5YVT

>From Dave Lance <NF8R at internetMCI.COM>  Mon Aug  7 01:49:03 1995
From: Dave Lance <NF8R at internetMCI.COM> (Dave Lance)
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 1995 19:49:03 -0500
Subject: Windows 95

-- [ From: Dave Lance * EMC.Ver #2.3 ] --

Dont think booting from a floppy is what he had in mind !

Gee, what is this 1980. I played with 95 a while and went back to good ole
DOS and Win 3.1 for a while.I did get quite a few things to work but didnt
trust it with NA or CT.
-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

Date: Saturday, 05-Aug-95 05:43 PM

From: Greg Becker              \ Internet:    (gb546 at bard.edu)
To:   Bill Parry               \ Internet:    (bill at tenet.edu)
cc:   CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM.      \ Internet:    (cq-contest at tgv.com)

Subject: Re: Windows 95

> Have any of those who have had the opportunity to use the beta copy of 
> Windows 95 tried it's compatibility with the various contest programs? I 
> understand that there is no real DOS prompt in Windows 95 and that it may
> not like programs like CT. It would be good to know before installing 
> Windows 95 on your computer!

Yup. Ran CT 9.23 on FIeld Day under Win95, on an IBM (honest!) 486DX66 
with 8 meg. Way I did it was to boot the machine from a Win95-created  boot
floppy. This gives you a DOS-type prompt, then just ran TSRs & CT  from the
prompt. Never had one glitch during the entire contest.

FYI - this was in the CW-only station at the Hudson Valley Contester's  and
DXers / W2XL 3A effort in ENY. The K5NA fiber-optic interface worked  GREAT,
, as usual. We're going to miss him...

73, Greg NA2N

Greg Becker NA2N
gb546 at bard.edu

-------- REPLY, End of original message --------

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