New contest publication by CQ?
AA6KX at
AA6KX at
Mon Aug 7 22:21:12 EDT 1995
In a message dated 95-08-07 17:53:03 EDT, you write:
>While browsing the world wide web today, I came across a web page by OH2KI
>with this information at the top:
>Updated Aug 1, 1995
> is the name of the new magazine!
> First 50 page issue will come out in November 1995,
> editor in cheaf K3EST, publisher CQ publishing.
>I don't want to start any rumors, but it sounds like the NCJ/QST thing is
>in the works at CQ... a specialized contest publication.
>Anybody know more?
I should let "editor in cheaf" Bob Cox respond to this one, but I know he
probably won't. According Bob, this publication will be a color glossy
magazine which has a different target audience than the NCJ. First off, it
will be international in scope, whereas the NCJ is U.S. only. Secondly, per
Bob, the NCJ is for the "already converted", whereas "CQ Contest" will be
aimed at Joe Ham with the intent of getting him interested in contesting.
K3EST claims the magazine will be oriented toward beginning contesters and
is not intended to compete with the NCJ. I know N6KT (a.k.a. HC8A) will have
a regular column, as will several other easily-recognized names.
73...Bruce, AA6KX
>From Jack Fleming <oolon at> Tue Aug 8 02:33:18 1995
From: Jack Fleming <oolon at> (Jack Fleming)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 18:33:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: "Drug Testing"
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950807183154.24126A-100000 at>
On Mon, 7 Aug 1995, Brian Short wrote:
> >> In keeping with the world trend towards honesty and fair play, The ITU has
> >> announced an alliance with the International Olympic Committee and will
> >> initiate random drug testing for all participants in future IARU contests.
> I think drug testing is a good idea. Who would want other than the highest
> quality drugs especially on a contest weekend?
Reminds me of when they asked the former baseball player, Bill "Spaceman"
Lee about manditory drug testing. His reply, "I don't know. I've tried
just about everything, but I don't think they should make it manditory."
Jack Fleming, WA0RJY ex-CN2JF ex-CT1/WA0RJY oolon at
Seattle, WA DON'T PANIC!
>From Will Sill <will at> Tue Aug 8 02:37:40 1995
From: Will Sill <will at> (Will Sill)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 21:37:40 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Windows 95
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950807213244.802B-100000 at>
On Mon, 7 Aug 1995, Mitch, WA4OSR wrote:
> if a 486dx4-100vlb, cirrus vlb video with 2mb of ram, vlb ide controller,
> ide cd rom, 16 mb of ram. . . . .
There's yer problem. Don'tchya know you ain't really WITH IT unless you
got 32 mb of ram????
Good grief!
Bill Gates would be horrified.
How can anybody run CT or NA with such a puny setup?
will at - KD3XR - who takes an old 640k Compact luggable to Field
>From Will Sill <will at> Tue Aug 8 02:48:25 1995
From: Will Sill <will at> (Will Sill)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 21:48:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: August CQ Magazine Cover
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950807213831.802C-100000 at>
On Mon, 7 Aug 1995, John Brosnahan wrote:
> Just wanted to respond to the comments about N0RR on his CRANK-UP tower.
> Ron is an extremely meticulous guy when it comes to anything mechanical and
> an antenna engineer by profession.
> There are nine (NINE) (yes, 9) things that need to fail at each telescoping
> section before we can start calling him Lefty (or Stumpy, as he suggested
> when I spoke with him this evening). The WINCH cable only has enough
> tension on it to keep it from rattling inside the tower in the wind. Each
> telescoping section sits on a 4 x 4 x 1 inch thick block of steel (one for
> each leg) that has been machined (and galvanized of course) to clamp around
> each lower tower leg with hardened bolts. Each leg also has a second 4 x 4
> x 1 inch block that clamps each leg on the inner section to each leg of the
> outer section to allow for micro-positioning of the tower (before guying) to
> vertical.
> And the guying for each tower is done with double anti-torque guys to a
> "star" of 3 x 3 x 1/4 steel that clamps on the inner legs and sits on the
> tops of the outer legs. All of this is done for safety, a special concern
> at his location where he often has winds in excess of 125 mph.
> If any nickname should be applied to Ron it is Ron "never-fail" Stockton.
> 73
> John Brosnahan W0UN
> La Salle Research Corp 24115 WCR 40 La Salle, CO 80645 USA
As a retired Safety Engineer I assure you that there will be far more
fallout from the subject picture than from the tower. The thing we all
need to learn about this stuff is that appearances are important. Even if
the bloody (sorry) tower was WELDED (and might as well be from yer
description) it remains a picture that need not have been printed. There
are (IMO) already too many hams using chintzy towers and/or climbing on
stuff they ought not.
But I just gotta ask - why have a crank-up tower if it can't be cranked
down without a half day's work because of all the leveling and safety
devices? Am I missing something here?
will at - KD3XR - W F Sill, Tunkhannock, PA
>From Don Anderson <bigdon at> Tue Aug 8 04:11:53 1995
From: Don Anderson <bigdon at> (Don Anderson)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 20:11:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: August CQ Magazine Cover
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950807200437.3382B-100000 at>
On Mon, 7 Aug 1995, John Brosnahan wrote:
> [...]
> There are nine (NINE) (yes, 9) things that need to fail at each telescoping
> section before we can start calling him Lefty (or Stumpy, as he suggested
> when I spoke with him this evening). The WINCH cable only has enough
> tension on it to keep it from rattling inside the tower in the wind. Each
> telescoping section sits on a 4 x 4 x 1 inch thick block of steel (one for
> each leg) that has been machined (and galvanized of course) to clamp around
> each lower tower leg with hardened bolts. Each leg also has a second 4 x 4
> x 1 inch block that clamps each leg on the inner section to each leg of the
> outer section to allow for micro-positioning of the tower (before guying) to
> vertical.
> [...]
> 73
> John Brosnahan W0UN
Isn't it necessary to climb the tower, after cranking up, while it is
extended with only the cable holding it, in order to install these 4x4x1
pieces? What happens if the cable fails during this operation?
Don N7EF
>From Paul Mackanos <pmackano at weather.Brockport.EDU> Tue Aug 8 04:45:06 1995
From: Paul Mackanos <pmackano at weather.Brockport.EDU> (Paul Mackanos)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 23:45:06 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RDXA FD Results ?????
Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.91.950807234023.8622A-100000 at>
Hi, Paul here. I remember seeing the RDXA (Rochester DX Association) FD
results posted here in the last few weeks. I accidentally must have pushed
the DELETE key, as it is no longer in my files. Can anybody tell me if the
messages are archived, and be retrieved, or if someone has the results, could
they forward the original file to me ?? Thanks, 73 de Paul K2DB, RDXA/VP
>From kn5hose at (kn5hose) Tue Aug 8 05:00:39 1995
From: kn5hose at (kn5hose) (kn5hose)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 22:00:39 -0600
Subject: Windows 95
Message-ID: <199508080400.WAA19303 at>
Without sounding like a total A hole, who, on this ham radio contest
reflector, gives a hoot about Windows 95???? QSY to REC.COMPUTER.NERD
or some other usenet. de Hose KN5H
>From James White <0006492564 at> Tue Aug 8 05:02:00 1995
From: James White <0006492564 at> (James White)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 95 23:02 EST
Subject: Early team score Florida Contest Group
Message-ID: <82950808040228/0006492564PK1EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
I) Congratulations TDXS for a great showing - you guys are really awesome
....many many moons ago K7VPF wrote a letter to NCJ stating how he would
like to do some domestic contesting from TX - since then the WA5LES /K5PFL /
K5LZO secret has been outta the bag!
II) Dear K8MR, re the Sprint you mentioned, the bulk of us were at the W1CW
QTH that weekend - doing endless antenna least we Social
Security collecting retiree types here in Florida know our own sexual
identity - Erin is a woman's name, fellas......what has happened to Mad
River, have they all turned into girlie-men?
III) Dear K5GA are you sure your score is correct - aren't you off by one
mult? I never found that Kansas station willing to QSY - I planned on
catching one during the last 4 hours on 40 so I could move him to 20 meters,
I was SO sure I'd find another one......a Kansas in the hand is worth
IV) Congratulations to the Florida Contest group for again improving its
NAQP scores, and having three members break Florida's NAQP record score! The
totals below are first numbers in, more exact totals to follow....any one of
you who didn't have FL on 5 or more bands wasn't on in the contest, period!
NP4Z had a radio smoke 10 minutes into the contest - necessitating his
making up new cables for the backup radio, then that was followed by a
software crash necessitating changing from NA to N6TR in mid contest!!!!! I
am not going to cry any more about four Friday night hours of being unable
to get the Omni VI and NA to talk to each other without crashing. Changing
your logging program on the fly, WOW! Felipe (for the inquiring, Pipe is the
nickname for Felipe in P.R.) gets the DieHard, he's more like
the Energizer battery - he keeps running and running, and running,
K1ZX 704 X 212 149,248 ('KKN syndrome?)
AC4NJ (WC4E, op) 637 X 206 131,222 (host from Hell)
AC1O/4 620 X 188 116,560 (80M antenna broke)
WD4AHZ 519 X 175 90,825 (mr dependable)
NP4Z 530 X ? (see above-Pipe still merging logs)
guesstimate: 585K
....thanks to everyone who worked us - we appreciate your support! That is
unless you're that guy in Kansas who didn'y QSY for me - grrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Jim, zx k1zx at
>From oo7 at (Derek Wills) Tue Aug 8 05:16:11 1995
From: oo7 at (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 23:16:11 -0500
Subject: New contest publication by CQ?
>>K3EST claims the magazine will be oriented toward
>>beginning contesters and is not intended to compete
>>with the NCJ. 73...Bruce, AA6KX
Perhaps NCJ could do with some competition. I never received
my Mar/Apr 95 copy but did get the May/Jun 95 one. So I wrote to
the NCJ folks, who swiftly sent me instead a second copy of the
May/June one. I mailed this back to them, asking again for the
Mar/Apr 95 one, and got a postcard back saying that they have no
more issues of the Mar/Apr *93* issue. I'm trying a third time.
Derek AA5BT, G3NMX
oo7 at
>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at Mon Aug 7 14:37:18 1995
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 1995 09:37:18 EDT
Subject: Stereo Headphones?
Message-ID: <30261710.k1vr at>
On Mon, 07 Aug 1995 00:41:16 +0000, "Brian Short"
<ke7gh at> wrote:
> What is a good set of headphones for contest operation?
K1VR: If you prefer an occlusive earpiece, the AKG K240 is
popular among some YCCC types. If you prefer open cell
foam, non-occlusive earpieces, the Heil standard headset
(BM-10) is fine -- just be prepared to replace the sounder
(the round part with the transducer which actually produces
sound) every four or five years, when it begins to sound
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
home + office telephone: 617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
internet: k1vr at
"Big antennas, high in the sky,
are better than small ones, low."
>From shell at (William Shell) Tue Aug 8 06:11:07 1995
From: shell at (William Shell) (William Shell)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 22:11:07 -0700
Subject: Windows 95
Message-ID: <199508080511.WAA65229 at>
>Without sounding like a total A hole, who, on this ham radio contest
>reflector, gives a hoot about Windows 95???? QSY to REC.COMPUTER.NERD
>or some other usenet. de Hose KN5H
Hi Hose??
The totality of sounding of your comments, I won't judge, but the original
question, (See below) was a valid one about contesting programs by Bill, W5VX.
73, Bill
>Date: Sat, 5 Aug 1995 15:09:35 -0500 (CDT)
>From: Bill H Parry <bill at>
>Reply-To: Bill H Parry <bill at>
>To: cq-contest at
>Subject: Windows 95
>Have any of those who have had the opportunity to use the beta copy of
>Windows 95 tried it's compatibility with the various contest programs? I
>understand that there is no real DOS prompt in Windows 95 and that it may
>not like programs like CT. It would be good to know before installing
>Windows 95 on your computer!
> Bill, W5VX
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