WAE need Low Power Class

jh4rhf at ppp.bekkoame.or.jp jh4rhf at ppp.bekkoame.or.jp
Thu Aug 10 12:49:53 EDT 1995

PY2NY wrote
> I believe that is time to Work All Europe have separate class for Low Power 
> High Power participants, like other big contests.
Yes, I agree. And add single op/single band. 
Single op/high band class of several yrs ago was good encouragement for ones 
who has only trinbander like me. 
Anyway, I like WAE 'test with thrilling QTC traffics !


Junichi Tanaka Ph.D. JH4RHF
e-mail: jh4rhf at ppp.bekkoame.or.jp
P.O.Box 61 Toyonaka, Osaka 560 JAPAN
ph:  +81-6-846-5927
fax: +81-6-846-0073

>From n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM)  Wed Aug  9 19:45:00 1995
From: n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM) (LondonSM)
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 1995 12:45:00 -0600
Subject: To Move or Not To Move -Reply
References: <s028a4e3.086 at City.Winnipeg.MB.CA>
Message-ID: <9508091245.ZM5013 at dr.att.com>

On Aug 9, 12:02pm, Derrick Belbas wrote:
> >>> kn5hose <kn5hose at acca.nmsu.edu> 08/08/95 04:53pm >>>
> So, I am wondering what, if any opinions exist regarding  the refusal  to
> move to another band when 9 out of 10 times, the "asker" is gonna find
> me later.
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> Exactly correct.  "Askers" are very frequently guys that we all bump
> signals with for ten hours.  I try to accommodate requests, but if rate is
> good, I don't hesitate to say no.  I'm usually the only guy on in my section,
> so I'm sensitive to these requests.
> But, if I can't work MB, WHY SHOULD ALL YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!
> Sorry for not being around very much this time.  I had an excellent first
> two hours, but then it was mother-in-law-->heart attack-->hospital..>no
> radio time.  She'll be okay.  The score didn't make it.
> See you Saturday.
> 73..  Derrick  VE4VV       dbelbas at city.winnipeg.mb.ca
>-- End of excerpt from Derrick Belbas

Derrick (Derek, Derrik, etc.) presents a perfect example of why I would rather
try to move a good multiplier NOW, even if I think he/she will be on the other
band(s) later.  You never know if he/she is going to be there later.

Really now, is the QRM level that high in the NAQP that you couldn't find a new
run frequency on the run band quickly after moving to other bands ?   If so, I
suggest you get a new set of 500 Hz filters.

On a more sarcastic note, it was really gratifying to note in the NAQP how
quickly K3ZO's "don't ask first" philosophy has spread within the contest
community. Really appreciated the "CQ NA" dumped on top of my 10 meter QSO's,
who were, no doubt, within the skip zone of the offender.

Steve London, N2IC/0
n2ic at dr.att.com

>From kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart)  Thu Aug 10 05:29:22 1995
From: kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 00:29:22 -0400
Subject: Windows 95
Message-ID: <199508100429.AAA17389 at cais.cais.com>

>Have any of those who have had the opportunity to use the beta copy of 
>Windows 95 tried it's compatibility with the various contest programs? I 
>understand that there is no real DOS prompt in Windows 95 and that it may 
>not like programs like CT. It would be good to know before installing 
>Windows 95 on your computer!
>		Bill, W5VX 

My main computer (a 486DX66 VL bus) is running the pre-final beta version of
Windows 95 and I can tell you that it IS more stable than 3.1 and you can
run CT in it's window...but I still dont.  I use it as a dedicated "DOS"
program just to be safe.  I will say that NA seems to have problems with Windows
95: it crashed immediately when I ran it in a window.  But it ran fine from a
dedicated pseudo-DOS shell.  I ran NA networked between this 486 and a 386 
running MSDOS 6.2 during NAQP CW and they worked fine.  73, Tyler KF3P

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