N5RZ at N5RZ at
Tue Aug 22 17:29:47 EDT 1995

N5RZ  NAQP SSB  Aug 19-20, 1995    Name:  Gator   QTH: TX

Single Op

 BAND   Raw QSOs      Mults   

  160SSB       3                3 
   80SSB      36               14 
   40SSB     162              43 
   20SSB     325              51 
   15SSB       0                 0 
   10SSB       2                 2 

 Totals      528                 113    =   59,664   4.5 hours operating time

This was a bit of fun. Some incredible rates - guess being "fresh meat"
helps!  Too bad the station wasn't put together!  Was working on my EME
switching when the contest started & just listened to some loud sigs on 10M,
but didn't tune much.   I have my WX0B switch box down now, so hooked the TH6
Stack together (105' over 65') with a T-connector & connected to one port of
the switchbox, and the KT34XA at 75' on a separate tower to another port.
 The match was good so I put the high TH6 at 300 deg, low fixed at 45 deg &
XA about 80 deg.  No switching was hooked up, so all three antennas were
always "in".  

First hour on 20M was 143, then QRT for chores; the antenna spray really
seemed to keep the freq clear & my 150W felt real loud! .  Back on to the 20M
bottomless pit late afternoon with continued good rate,0  then  QRT agn for
XYL's spaghetti dinner (MMMMMM).  Went to 40M about 30 min. B4 sunset with
402CD @ 112' to NE.  First hour there was 126.

CQ'ed occaissionally on 10M & 15M but no activity when I tried.

Made all 80M & 160M qso's with 80M sloper system tuned for CW.  SWR about 6:1
on 3.820 & unmentionable on 160M  - N0AXL & KK9V have GOOD ears on top band!!
 Had to call VZL for several minutes to get his attention on that band & he
is only 200 miles away!!    Hmmmmm  maybe this phone contesting ain't so bad
----  HUSH!!!   CU in the code sprint & on the moon!!

73,  Gator   N5RZ   ---------------------------;--;<<   N5RZ at

>From Martin Durham <MDurham+aENG%EFJohnson at>  Tue Aug 22 21:29:00 1995
From: Martin Durham <MDurham+aENG%EFJohnson at> (Martin Durham)
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 95 15:29 EST
Subject: MLS
Message-ID: <93950822202939/0005058293DC1EM at MCIMAIL.COM>


>From broz at (John Brosnahan)  Tue Aug 22 22:06:03 1995
From: broz at (John Brosnahan) (John Brosnahan)
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 1995 15:06:03 -0600
Subject: Integrated Rig and PC by Steve Runyon WQ5G
Message-ID: <199508222106.PAA02053 at>

>Bill's right, this could be designed and built today!

Actually, Comer Communications sold a number of these rigs at Dayton this
year.  Their ISA card for a PC when combined with an appropriate sound card
is a complete 450 KHz to 30 MHz transceiver.  The software provides an
emulation of a transceiver front panel under Windows.  While the output is
only 0.1 mW on transmit it does provide a glimpse of one possible future.  I
find the controls to be very counter-intuitive but maybe I am becomming an
old dog.

Comer Communications  619-599-0476

(No involvement with the company -- only a customer who thinks it might make
a good basis for an ionosonde-(-doesn't every good contest station have
their own ionosonde?))
John Brosnahan    W0UN
La Salle Research Corp      24115 WCR 40     La Salle, CO 80645  USA

>From Steve Runyon WQ5G  512-838-7008 <steve at>  Tue Aug 22 23:16:05 1995
From: Steve Runyon WQ5G  512-838-7008 <steve at> (Steve Runyon WQ5G 512-838-7008)
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 95 16:16:05 -0600
Subject: Force12 Email Address
Message-ID: <9508222116.AA26168 at>

Natan, W6XR/2, responded to my query for the new email address
for Force12. I had quite a few requests to pass it along, and 
figured this would be of interest to others as well. Here it is:

force12e at

>From mraz at (Kris I. Mraz)  Tue Aug 22 22:20:14 1995
From: mraz at (Kris I. Mraz) (Kris I. Mraz)
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 95 16:20:14 CDT
Subject: Modelling & reality
Message-ID: <9508222120.AA07759 at>

Working without benefit of an antenna modelling program, I had assumed
that stacked yagis produces a lower radiation angle than either of the
yagis individually. Now that I've been toying with YTAD this program
predicts that there will be no change in the radiation angle. (I am
modelling over flat terrain). Is this what other programs like 
ELNEC/EZNEC or YO predict?

Kris AA5UO
mraz at

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