Contest Station Registry

WX9E at WX9E at
Sat Dec 2 20:20:02 EST 1995

Here is the latest list....  it keeps growing and growing and growing....
 like our favorite bunny.  Let's see some people take advantage of these

K1KP              Andover, MA
K1VR             Lincoln, MA
K5ZD/1         Wocester, MA
KY1H             Western MA
W1FY             Framingham, MA
K1TR             Southern NH
KB1GW          Avon, CT
N1QVE           CT
W6XR/2        Ithaca, NY
K2ZJ             Syracuse, NY
K2XA             Albany, NY
KE3Q             Bowie, MD
ND3F             Baltimore, MD
W3GG            Derwood, MD
KA4RRU         Northern VA
AA4NC          Raleigh, NC
N4ZC             Charlotte, NC
K1ZX/4         Tampa, FL
W4NVU         Miami, FL
KM9P/4        Atlanta, GA
AB4RX          Louisvlle, KY
WB4FLB        Bowling Green, KY
AE4AP          Western KY / Southern IL
N5RZ             Midland, TX
AC5CT           Dallas, TX
WX0B/5        Dallas, TX
KS1G/5         Dallas, TX
WB5VZL        Austin, TX
N3BB/5         Austin Tx
NI6T             Los Gatos, CA
W8AKS/6      Tehachapo, CA
WA6IET         Nipomo, CA
N6KI             San Diego, CA
K6XO/7         Salt Lake City, UT
K7FR             Eastern WA
N0AX/7         Seattle, WA
W7LZP           Seattle, WA
K9JF/7         Vancouver, WA
N6TR/7         Portland, OR
AI7B             Portland, OR
N7UJJ           Phoenix, AZ
K7NO            Phoenix, AZ
W8FN            SouthWest OH
W8FJ            Norristown, PA
KF9PL           Central IL
K9ZO            Central IL
KO9Y            Indainapolis, IN
K9SD/0        St Louis MO 
K4VX/0        Hannibal, MO
KM0L            Kansas City, MO
NX0I             Kansas City, MO
WA0PUJ       Northern MN
N2IC/0         Denver, CO
W0CP           Denver, CO
W0AIH          Eau Claire, WI
KS9K            Racine, WI
WD0T            Pierre, SD


              DX Stations
F5VCO       (TM1C, TM2Y....)
ON4UN       (OT5T....)
PA3ERC     (PA6WPX and PI4COM)
6E2T   (Mexico)
KH0AM Saipan  (CQ WW only)

A while ago, Greg KC4ZV, came up with this idea:

>>Maybe someone could offer to collect logs, write a computer
>>program and post a list of callsign's  with a check of 94 or 
>>95 and their state. I'd offer to send anyone in ALABAMA a 
>>letter of encouragement for operating and provide a list of 
>>upcomming contests.

I think it's a great idea!  If no one wants to take on this challenge, how
about something a little more simple.  Why not send some or all of the guys
with newer checks a QSL card with a little note on it encouraging them to get
on for the NAQPs, or 10m, or DX.....   or maybe even offer to let these guys
do a contest from your place if they live within driving distance?

Anyone have any other ideas to attract new blood?  I'm running out of ideas
for my column....  any help will be appreciated. 

As usual,  anyone wanting to be included in the list, email me with your call
and QTH, and what contests are available.

Please reply direct to me


Paul  WX9E at

>From Jeff Bolda <0005782837 at>  Sun Dec  3 01:50:00 1995
From: Jeff Bolda <0005782837 at> (Jeff Bolda)
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 95 20:50 EST
Subject: FWD: from K4VUD
Message-ID: <55951203015055/0005782837DC4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

-- [ From: Jeff Bolda * EMC.Ver #2.03 ] --

A message from Charlie K4VUD:

Hello Contesters,
So you got a big break on this SS SSB weekend because the doctors opened 
up my chest to check to see if I had a heart.  My heart was in there, 
alright, but it had shrunken from mucho pile-up busting and freq. 
stealing during contests.  Doctors did a triple by-pass on me on Nov. 8.  
Bad timing for SS !
So that was where this NFLA was hiding -- in hospital bed begging for a 
radio -- but to no avail.  
You guys got by on a fluke this SS, but no such luck next year cause I'll 
be busting your collective rear ends again next year!

73, K4VUD
Charlie Harpole, Ph. D.               Bands:  160m thru 440; SSB, CW, Pkt.
3100 North Hwy. 426                   Mobile: 80-10m (100 w) & 146 & 440
Geneva, FL  32732-9761                DXer and Contester:  237 confrmd.

Send Well wishes and Replies directly to Charlie:
E-mail adr:  harpole at

>From Danny Eskenazi <k7ss at>  Sun Dec  3 07:18:44 1995
From: Danny Eskenazi <k7ss at> (Danny Eskenazi)
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 23:18:44 -0800 (PST)
Subject: KR0Y CQWW CW
Message-ID: <199512030718.XAA27438 at>

>Date: Fri, 01 Dec 1995 23:11:25
>To: Jeff Steinman <Jeff.Steinman.0247501 at>
>From: Danny Eskenazi <k7ss at>
>Subject: Re: KR0Y CQWW CW
>Jeff , 
>I KNEW there was something different about your sending!!  NOW I get it!!
>And all this time we thought you were so good at doing 2 radios!!!    
>So tell us the truth....does she get the run rig or the multiplier rig?
>Do you guys share a keyboard or does she get her own?
>It now makes perfect sense....
>73  de Danny
>>BIGGEST SURPRISE: My 9 month old daughter would sit on
>>my lap for up to 45 minutes at a time while I operated!
>>Let me tell ya', my wife is one concerned lady about the
>>possibility of having a JR op around !
>>Jeff  KR0Y

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