ARRL 160 results
Sun Dec 3 17:49:15 EST 1995
This was fun!!! A local friend, John-N8RFK has recently become contest infected
He worked 73 qsos in CQWW on 160 ONLY LOW POWER! So, he says you want to play
ARRL 160 ? I says YES.
NI8G multi
938 Qsos, 71 sections,12 countries=total score 160,439.
Equipment; Ten-Tec Omni VI and Centurion amp on 110 fer 1000 watts out.
Antennas:inverted 1 1/8 L (90 up and 400something over) beverages in 8 dir-
Operators:Tom,NI8G-Dave,KF8TM-John,N8RFK-Dan,W8CAR (N8RFK owns the Tentec
Comments:I started on 1821 and had best ever 160 hours with 90 and 80.
TNX to Tom, NI8G for use of his fine Antenna system (it deservess to be capit
alized!) KF8TM and N8RFKare 'newbie' contestors and boy do they love it!!!
Omni VI lives up to its rep and then some-I used a 775 on 80 in WW and the
Omni rcvr is almost the same. (having beverages hlped)
The window was observed more than I have ever noticed it and I'm not turning
in names-let's just do it BETTER for CQWW160!
HIGHLIGHTS:Finally finding kindred souls locally who are nuts enough to
contest. Being called by EU while CQing (tns G3LXS!) Best 160 rate ever.
Probably the best thing is 3 really nest people are HOOKED on contesting.
NI8G has a really KB ant system fer 160 and TNX to him for sharing and allowing
us to invade his QTH.
Questions ;Where was KN8Z ?*
So. who is collecting scores ?
* W8CAR pems_st_dk at *
* Dan Kovatch *
* Antennas are the key - BUT an ALPHA sure doesn't hurt! *
>From Mr. Brett Graham" <bagraham at HK.Super.NET Sun Dec 3 23:01:37 1995
From: Mr. Brett Graham" <bagraham at HK.Super.NET (Mr. Brett Graham)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 07:01:37 +0800 (HKT)
Subject: ARRL 160 high claimed scores #1
Message-ID: <199512032301.HAA10530 at>
Didn't see anyone else pick up the task & figured WA4ZXA could use a break
from his stellar efforts.
Single op
Call Qs Qpts Ss Cs Score
KC8MK 1280 (98) 265874
NW6N 725 (83) 124583
W1IHN 711 1455 60 11 103305
NS0B 656 1327 72 5 102179
AA5B 585 74 4 ~97000
W7RM 572 72 4 ~96064 op:AA7NX
N0DH/7 546 72 7 91561
W2UP 450 984 59 12 69864
WF3T 462 966 59 13 69552
ON4UN 460 920 53 0 48760
W6XR/2 103 41 4 9810
KM0L 103 209 41 1 8778
NG3K 80 160 27 0? 4320
VS6BG 1 5 1 5 Did I calculate that right?
Call Qs Qpts Ss Cs Score
WD9INF 1129 (92) 223192
W2CRS/0 985 (85) ~174335 +KF7MD
N8RR 444 74 16 85050
Corrections to me direct, please. New scores direct or to the list.
73, VS6BrettGraham aka VR2BG bagraham at
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