PerryB1237 at PerryB1237 at
Mon Dec 4 09:54:00 EST 1995

Score for NC0P in ARRL 160 CW Contest:

1308 QSOs  x  90 Multipliers = 241,650 Points

Class: M/S


Submitted by,

>From Wassell, James T.,  Ph.D." <jtw2 at NIOSR1.EM.CDC.GOV  Mon Dec  4 14:57:00 1995
From: Wassell, James T.,  Ph.D." <jtw2 at NIOSR1.EM.CDC.GOV (Wassell, James T.,  Ph.D.)
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 95 09:57:00 EST
Subject: K3JT 160 M test results
Message-ID: <30C28F70 at>

878 Qso's
68 sections (where was ND, ORG, ID, VE6 ?)
19 countries
(9A2, KP4, CU3, DJ, F, FG, G, I, OK, ON, OZ, S58, SM, TI, V47, VP2V, 6Y5, 
Score:   160,341

(100 Qso's less than last year, but more Dx = higher score than last year).

73 de  K3JT,    Terry   in   WV .....

>From Stan Stockton <stans at>  Mon Dec  4 16:15:21 1995
From: Stan Stockton <stans at> (Stan Stockton)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 10:15:21 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.951204101003.14782A-100000 at>

On Fri, 1 Dec 1995, Larry Schimelpfenig wrote:

>     What is more awesome is to find that a K0 in the black hole not 
>     only beat the K5, but if memory serves correctly, K0KX just broke the low 
>     power unassisted record held by N8II. To accomplish this from Minneapolis 
>     requires once in a lifetime conditions, a really decent station, and a 
>     super operator. My hat's off to Mark. Super super job! That's not to 
>     slight K5GO!

Larry, I was Single Operator, HIGH POWER, not low power as was 
reported in the summary on the internet.

73, Stan K5GO  

>From alan at ES.COM (Alan Brubaker)  Mon Dec  4 15:31:08 1995
From: alan at ES.COM (Alan Brubaker) (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 08:31:08 -0700
Subject: ARRL 160 contest
Message-ID: <199512041531.IAA23313 at greely.corp.ES.COM>

K6XO/7 (+N5CT, K0FX), Utah section, Multiop, High Power

QSOs     527

Sections  72

DX         2

Claimed score:  81,326

Equipment:  FT1000, 1KW, Inverted L, and a short, low RX antenna.

The only DX that I heard was XE and JA. Not sure what Jim and Don
heard. We were on the air most of the time, sundown until sunup.
It really felt like the black hole here. Draw a line down the
middle of the continent and that is about where the curtain seemed
to be hung. Most of our QSOs were west of that line. Thanks to all
the 5s, 6s, 7s and 0s who called us, as well as anyone else. Missed 
Delaware for WAS. Heard AA1K once, very weak. Also missed VI, PR, 
MAR and PQ. 

Alan, K6XO/7

alan at

>From B.KNEZOVIC at ZAMIR-TZ.ZTN.APC.ORG (Boris Knezovic T94EU)  Sun Dec  3 18:04:55 1995
From: B.KNEZOVIC at ZAMIR-TZ.ZTN.APC.ORG (Boris Knezovic T94EU) (Boris Knezovic T94EU)
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 1995 19:04:55 +0100
Subject: T99MT WW CW Score...
Message-ID: <43.21096 at>

                   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  1995

      Call: T99MT                    Country:  Bosnia and Herzegovina
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single


      160      109      112     1.03      5      31
       80      604      948     1.57     17      65
       40      613     1124     1.83     23      74
       20      593     1137     1.92     23      67
       15      309      769     2.49     28      64
       10        2        1     0.50      1       2

     Totals   2230     4091     1.83     97     303  =>  1,636,400

Operator List:  Boris T94EU, Elvis T94NF, Ferid T94TF, Pedja T94TU

Equipment Description: ICOM IC-728 + TL-922 (tnx T93M for tubes)
                       160m : 1/4 wave sloper (east/wast)
                        80m : Oblong 
                        40m : Oblong
                        20m : TH3 3.el tribander
                        15m : 3.el monobander
                        10m : TH3 3.el tribander
                        AT286/20 + CT v6.26
no multiplier station - no packet - no electricity sat2200z-sun0600z

Club Affiliation: Sarajevo Contest Group (SCG)

That is all for this year from T99MT. Thanks for all of You give us call
during all three parts of WW DX Contest and WAE RTTY. See You next year in
all major world contests with T99MT or T91ENS callsign.

Do not forget to send QSL to our QSL manager K2PF.

73's from Sarajevo

                                          Boris T94EU & T91ENS Contest Crew

>From B.KNEZOVIC at ZAMIR-TZ.ZTN.APC.ORG (Boris Knezovic T94EU)  Sun Dec  3 18:05:45 1995
From: B.KNEZOVIC at ZAMIR-TZ.ZTN.APC.ORG (Boris Knezovic T94EU) (Boris Knezovic T94EU)
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 1995 19:05:45 +0100
Subject: T94ON 160m LowPower Score...
Message-ID: <53.21097 at>

         Hello there !

         Just get following score by the phone from Samir T94ON.

Callsign  : T94ON
Category  : SingleOperator-LowPower 160m
QSO's     : 830
Zones     : 12
Countries : 72
Score     : 87,612 points

         Also will try to get scores from T92A and T99W in the next few

73's from Sarajevo

                                                         Boris T94EU

>From tom georgens" <tom=georgens%Eng%OpenSys at  Mon Dec  4 16:00:55 1995
From: tom georgens" <tom=georgens%Eng%OpenSys at (tom georgens)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 95 11:00:55 EST
Subject: W2SC SOU CQWW Score (Long)
Message-ID: <vines.vc59+rglkkA at>

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1995

      Call: W2SC                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator


      160       84     13      45      Inverted V, Vertical
       80      454     16      66      Inverted V, Wire Array	
       40      967     32     102      402CD @ 92'
       20      685     30      94      TH7 @ 86'  &  TH7 @ 54'
       15      703     26      95        "              "
       10       10      8      10        "              "

     Totals   2903    125     412  =>  4,514,022

Contest started slowly on 40 with a 58 hour.  Its not the number of
Q's but the fact that everyone was weak and every contact was a 
struggle.  Heard loud signals on 160 on the second radio and decided 
to try to pick up a few quick mults.  Worked 5 guys, a typical 
frustrating 160 trip for me.  At this point 20 was dead and 40 and
160 were tough so I had no choice but to try 80.  I usually do not
try 80 before 3Z but had no choice.  I was starting to get jittery.
Found a good freq and fired up.  Things were going well, about 15
Q's in 10 minutes, when a loud, northeast station with a big signal
started up right on top of me and would not move.  I had to QSY 
muttering something about it being the same guy every year.  Once
I found a new spot, it all started coming together and the next 46
hours were unforgettable - particularly on the low bands.  Ran on 80
for the next 4.5 hours and used the second radio to pull out Q's and
mults on 40 and 20.  

QSY'd to 160 at around 6Z to try working EU.  The band was full of loud
signals and I would either get through on 1 or 2 calls or I would
never get through.  Conditions to northern EU were incredible.  I even
tried a few CQ's since conditions were so good.  I was not wildly 
successful but I did work about 10 stations, most of them new mults.

Forty stayed open to EU until 1020 and my first EU on 20 was 1121.  
Used that hour for mults.  Usually there is a much bigger gap between
40 closing and 20 opening.  15 is usually my best band so I tend to
QSY as soon as I hear some of the multi's getting answers to their
CQ's which was 1242.  Neither 15 nor 20 stayed open as long as they
did on the phone weekend and I was back on 40 at 1930 (2:30 local).
40 was so good I was angry that I had not gone there an hour earlier.

Day 2 was similar to day 1 except that 15 and 20 shutdown about an
hour earlier and the opening did not seem overly strong.  The
lowbands remained phenomenal.

Overall, it was a great weekend and a good contest year for me.  It may
be the bottom of the cycle but my two highest QSO totals occurred in 
the 1995 ARRL CW and CQWW CW.  There is evidently more to propagation
and having fun than simply sunspots.  If this is as bad as it gets,
its hard to complain.  10 may have been a total washout but working
zones 1 and 40 on 160 was a pleasant surprise. 

In comparing past results against my competitors, I have found that 
my best hours are usually very competitive but I usually have many
very poor hours.  This year I resolved to stay focused and use the
second radio as much as possible despite being tired.  It seemed to
pay off as I had 7 hours over 100 but only 2 under 20.  

AS for the ongoing sleep and food threads,  I took 2, 15 minute naps
the second night.  This doesn't make me any less tired but it seems
to relax my mind.  For food, I had 4 cans of coke, a half gallon of
orange juice, and a tube of saltless saltines.  

Happy Holidays, thanks for the contacts,  and see you in the ARRL CW.


w2sc at 

>From Bob Patten <z002816b at>  Mon Dec  4 16:06:07 1995
From: Bob Patten <z002816b at> (Bob Patten)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 11:06:07 -0500 (EST)
Subject: N4BP 160M Contest, Single Op
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9512041016.A9172-0100000 at>

Call used: N4BP
Category: Single Op Single Band
Location: SFL
Power: 1500

band	QSOs	points
====	====	======
160	537	1140

TOTAL	537	1140	X	82 multipliers	=	93,480
				(66 sec, 16 countries)

Strung up a 260 foot inverted vee from my 40 foot tower to get on the top 
band for the first time in many years.  No room for a seperate receiving 
antenna and the ANC-4 that I ordered just prior to the contest was a 
dismal failure..  Thought a full size inverted vee and legal limit power 
would be competitive, but when I started reading the posts here...  My 
God, a 130 foot tower with 100 full size radials and 25 Beverage antennas 
in every conceivable direction!  Etc, etc, etc...  Learned some valuable 
lessons in this one.  Next year, will not bother staying up all night 
begging for contacts - could have slept from 1AM 'til sunrise without 
missing a thing!  And, I need to continue working on the rx noise 
problem, perhaps a DSP would help??
Biggest thrill was having about a half dozen Europeans answer my CQ's.  
Biggest downer was all night Sunday - not many new stations to work and 
seemed like condx dropped off drastically.  
Also been reading the thread about the window.  I too heard more W's 
calling CQ there than DX.  I tried to tell a couple of them "Window", but 
they came back with "WI?" like it was my call they couldn't quite copy??  
One Vermont station seemed to spend the entire contest in the low end of 
the window - didn't hear anyone ask him to move, maybe Vt counts as DX?
All in all, I don't think the W's hurt the effectiveness of the window 

Bob Patten
bobpatt at

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