ARRL 160 - AA8SM

Mon Dec 4 11:23:53 EST 1995

From: V.LONG.SA at OCGRV02
Date: 12/4/95 8:41AM
To: >INTERNET:cq-contest at at OCF_INFORM
*cc: V.LONG.SA
Subject: ARRL 160 - AA8SM
    ARRL 160 METER CONTEST -- 1995

    Call: AA8SM         Country:  USA
    Mode: CW            Category: SO/HP/Assisted
    Section: OH                   

    Total Q's: 331
    Dupes:       3
    Valid Q's: 328
    QSO Pts:   668
    Sections:   58
    DX:          4

    Total Operating Hrs: 11.7

    Total Pts:  41,416

    Equip: Yaesu FT-890AT, Dentron MLA-2500 (600w), Inverted-L
           Bencher paddles with internal keyer.


    Never had any idea I would even break 200, that was my goal. Wish I
    would have had more time, but had family stuff involved in the weekend.

    Worked VP5A, only heard him once in the contest, anyone else work him?
    Couldn't hear NL7GP here, never heard KH6CC for PAC either. 

    I think this pair of 8875's should put out more than 600w with 110w
    drive power. Any ideas out there?  Anyone converted there MLA-2500 over
    to 3CX800, or can this be done?

    Thanks to everyone for the Q's.

    Scott AA8SM

>From floydjr at (jim floyd)  Mon Dec  4 16:28:08 1995
From: floydjr at (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 1995 12:28:08 -0400
Subject: ARRL 160 Meter 95 Scores I
Message-ID: <199512041637.LAA17064 at>


Compiled by

Date Posted:12/04/94

CALL/OP                    SCORE     QS0'S     PTS   SECTS   DX


AA9AX                      40,120     340              59     0
NG3K                        4,320      80      160     27     0

Single/OP/Low Power/Unassisted

NW6N                      124,583     725                 83
WF3T                       69,552     462      966     59    13
KN6EL                      11,395     128      265     41     2

Single/OP/High Power/Unassisted

WZ3Q                      274,680    1188              73    32
KC8MK                     265,874    1280                 98
W1IHN                     103,305     711     1455     60    11
NS0B                      102,179     656     1327     72    16
AA5B                       97,000     585              74     4
W7RM  (AA7NX)              96,064     572              72     4
N0DH/7                     91,561     546              72     7
W2UP                       69,864     450      984     59    12
ON4UN                      48,760     460      920     53     0
AD4TU                      25,020     275      586        45
W6XR/2                      9,810     103              41     4
KM0L                        8,778     103      209     41     1
VS6BG                           5       1        5      1     0
K8HVT                         ?       437              64     9


AB4RU                     407,277    1538              74    43
WB9Z                      336,552    1384              75    36
WD9INF                    223,192    1129                 92
K3WW                      189,786     957              71    23
W2CRS/0                   174,335     985                 85
WB9CIF                    162,951     911     1873     73    14
NI8G                      160,439     938              71    12
W6GO                       91,166     541     1154     74     5
N8RR                       85,050     444              74    16

Operator List for Multi-Op

Call         Ops
AB4RU        AB4RU,AA4GA
W6GO         W6GO,N6IG


Thisis the first 160 Meter contest I have done. From reading QST these
are the classes that are used. If you do not put a class, you will be
put in Single HP/Un. Let me know of any corrections. When you see the
number in between Sect and DX, that means whoever submitted the score
added together their multis.

73's Jim 

Amateur Call:  WA4ZXA
       Email:  floydjr at
 Packet Node:  N4ZC   

>From Dan Norman KJ1N <dnorman at niwot.scd.ucar.EDU>  Mon Dec  4 16:47:51 1995
From: Dan Norman KJ1N <dnorman at niwot.scd.ucar.EDU> (Dan Norman KJ1N)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 09:47:51 -0700 (MST)
Subject: ARRL 160 CW
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951204090139.578A-100000 at>

                     ARRL 160 METER CONTEST -- 1995

      Call: KJ1N                     Country:  United States-Colorado 
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator-High power


     Totals    226     458     2.03         65          2    =   30,686
                                                                 (3.5 Hours)

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description: Yaesu FT990             Pentium PC running CT9.24
                       AL811H Amp.             
                       Antenna: Inv. "v" at 40'  
                       ICE 123BX preamp 
Club Affiliation: MHDXA

               Dan Norman  KJ1N
               1132 Rudi Lane
               Golden, CO 80403

Played around Fri/Sat. night, had other stuff going on all weekend, missed
the openings to JA/VK. Heard Europe (ON4UN) but sigs were too weak to 
bother. Hope to get it together for CQ 160 in January. 

I had great results CQing around 1.865, very little QRM up there.

Yes, the window policemen were out in full force.  I worked someone on 
1.837.3 and heard "DX window" repeated 2x after the QSO. guess the cop 
didn't have a 250/500 Hz filter.  Also heard an unsuspecting station call 
CQ in the window and there was literally a pileup of "DX window" responses.

Getting called by AH6AZ.

Overall a great contest, just wish I had more time to play!

'73 Dan KJ1N
Boulder, CO

>From Danny Eskenazi <k7ss at>  Mon Dec  4 17:10:18 1995
From: Danny Eskenazi <k7ss at> (Danny Eskenazi)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 09:10:18 -0800 (PST)
Subject: ARRL 160 Score (QRP) ATTN:K7SS
Message-ID: <199512041710.JAA03602 at>

Yeah!  I'll send you one...

WHATS THE POINT ?...I sure get as excited as the next guy when I can stretch
the envelope and work KH6CC with 5 watts....BUT ONCE IS ENOUGH....and surely
a whole weekend of it is WAY OUTA LINE!
and doing it YEAR AFTER YEAR????!!!     whew..........

Well QRP on 160 is some special kind of masochism...
suggest you find  as a 
support group  on www.

Fun is fun, and not getting anyone to answer after calling em for 2 hours is
NOT MY KINDA FUN! especially when its W0SD on 160 from  10PM to midnite.
Somehow the reward of that  599SD, after he has given it to hundreds of
others is really not  worth the effort.

If you use a KW amp I'lll send you a cigar, but if you plan on going 100
watts it 'll have to be a cigarillo.

Good luck in your NEW hobby of QRO, and Ill see you on 10 meters at the top
of the cycle with 5 watts and
have some REAL FUN!.

73 de K7SS

QRP Stations ALERT:  This message is being sent in humor. Please do not
flame with humorless responses.
(have my bucket of water ready, anyway.)

 11:06 PM 12/3/95 -0500, you wrote:
>Do you have any more cigars?  I've had it with QRP.  Tried it once couple 
>years ago in Field Day with some guys, and swore off it then. Tried it 
>again this weekend, and you're right: "Life's too short for QRP!"  Yuk!
>5 Watts to 160 meter loop up about 50 feet:
>340 QSO's   59 Sections  NO (0) DX    Total  40,120 points.
>NEVER AGAIN!!!!!         Steve/AA9AX

>From Stan Stockton <stans at>  Mon Dec  4 19:03:58 1995
From: Stan Stockton <stans at> (Stan Stockton)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 13:03:58 -0600 (CST)
Subject: L-4B on 160m?
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.951204130330.1399A-100000 at>

I would also like this information if available.  Thanks Stan, K5GO

On Sat, 2 Dec 1995, Jim Stevens wrote:

> Before I get a flood of e-mail, I made a mistake!  I realized this today even 
> before I saw Sandy's response.  I confused which band had which amp.
> The 160 station has an Amp Supply LK-500 on it.  Sorry for the confusion.
> 73,
> Jim, KI4HN
> ki4hn at  
> ----------
> From: 	WA6BXH/7J1ABV[SMTP:slay at]
> Sent: 	Saturday, December 02, 1995 11:16 AM
> To: 	Jim Stevens
> Subject: 	L-4B on 160m?
> >At N4ZC, I worked JA3ONB at 1220Z on 25-Nov-95.  We used an Inverted Vee
> >at 120 >feet, a North 500' beverage, TS-930, and Drake L4B.
> Really ???  I was told by a former Drake employee that modifying the L-4B
> for 160m was virtually impossible?  I'd be very curious to know the source
> of your mods for the L-4B?
> Thank you & 73
> Sandy WA6BXH
> slay at

>From ki4hn <ki4hn at>  Mon Dec  4 18:13:01 1995
From: ki4hn <ki4hn at> (ki4hn)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 13:13:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Jan. NAQPs
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951204131118.13523B-100000 at>

What are the dates for the Jan. 96 North American QSO Parties?

Jim, KI4HN (with 610-V form in hand and soon to be X4XX)
ki4hn at

>From ryansci at (Stephen Reichlyn)  Mon Dec  4 17:25:58 1995
From: ryansci at (Stephen Reichlyn) (Stephen Reichlyn)
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 1995 13:25:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: ARRL 160 test
Message-ID: <01HYET4160TU8WW29E at SUNBELT.NET>

---    ---     --------       ---------      ------
383    787     62             6              53,516

Five (5.0) hours of operating...just a couple of CQs kept me going of the FEW benefits of living in South Carolina. 73 Steve AA4V   

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