KE5FI 10 Meter phone only HP-Unasst

KE5FI at KE5FI at
Mon Dec 11 12:52:21 EST 1995

Do I have to go assisted or Multi if Murphy operated with me?  I lost my amp
on the first day, the high beam developed SWR, I had hum, RF AND some good
time radio broadcast on my transmit audio!  The accordian music was
disconserting on the monitor!  All that along with electrical problems, noise
at S9+5 and the regular computer problems...

I guess if there had to be problems, this was the best time of the sunspot
cycle to have them.

I am in Houston, Tx  and could hear the stations further north having more
sporadic E than we were having.  We never developed as much north-south stuff
as usual either.  

KE5FI single op  Phone only High Power (for a little while!) Unassisted

 Q's      States/Prov      Countries                Total Points
363              29                   22                         37,026

Countries: 9J, CE, CP, CX, FR, HC, HK, HR, KP2, KP4, LU, OA, PY, TI, VP2V,

Best Rate: 18-1900 first day = 75

Next year I hope to be at a new QTH on eleven acres, maybe I can get away
from the noise then!


>From RUSSELL S. RINN" <miltex at  Mon Dec 11 18:01:42 1995
From: RUSSELL S. RINN" <miltex at (RUSSELL S. RINN)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 12:01:42 -0600 (CST)
Subject: New Categories - there goes the neighborhood
Message-ID: <199512111801.MAA08951 at>

>      The 1996 SSB and CW World Wide WPX contests will initiate
> three new categories in an effort to encourage entry level and
> average antenna stations. 

Just a further watering down of the results into what will eventually turn
into just an alphabetical list of everyone that operated the contest. 

Why bother improving skills and upgrading stations?  Just wait long enough
and there will be a tailor made category for you to "win". 

I guess next year we can expect a "tribander, assisted, low power" category?

When will we see categories for those people that can't figure out when to
change bands, can't copy code, or can't work zone 24 on 80m? 

Why give handouts?  

I don't have a problem with encouraging people to operate, but why must
everyone have to "win" a category or see their call in a box so they can 
feel good about themselves.  Why not be satisfied with doing the best you 
can and figuring out how to do better next time.  My biggest motivator is 
myself.  I kick myself everytime I feel I missed an opening or made a bad 
decision.  If I finish 15th next time I try for 10th.  I believe it falls 
into the category of desire, hardwork and self-respect. 

If you give stuff away, it loses value pretty fast.

73, Russ--

Russell Rinn
miltex at

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