New CQ Contest magazine is out!

Mon Dec 11 15:14:31 EST 1995

Just received the first copy of the new CQ Contest magazine today at the PO
box. 52 pages, including covers.  Another new ad from Force 12 Antennas (Do
these guys ever get to use their antennas themselves?  They seem to have a
new antenna or new version every month!  They must spend all their time
writing ads and taking pictures!)
Have not read any of the articles yet.  Several seem interesting form the
titles and pictures.

Have not seen any other posting about this as of 3pm EST, so I thought I
would let those who are anxiously awaiting their issue know that it is out.

Had a great time operating with AA4NC this past weekend in the 10 meter
contest.  Wish conditions had been better.  Tried to work all that called,
but a lot were really down in the noise due to the band conditions.

Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
henrypol at

>From rjohnson at (Roger D. Johnson)  Mon Dec 11 20:17:45 1995
From: rjohnson at (Roger D. Johnson) (Roger D. Johnson)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 15:17:45 -0500
Subject: 160m DX Window
Message-ID: <199512112017.PAA17956 at>

 I didn't receive as many flames as expected. However, I did receive an
interesting reply from a WB2 in New Jersey. He stated the he did operate
in the DX window but only until sunset. Holy Cow, Batman!!! Does this guy
think that the sun sets everywhere at the same time? According to Miniprop
Plus, my sunset, during the contest, was 26 min before his. For the VE's,
up to an hour earlier! Are there really contesters out there who don't 
realize how the Grayline works and that folks to the northeast can hear the
europeans before they do?  Boggles the mind! In addition, the rules don't 
mention any times, only that stations should use this portion of the band
for intercontinental QSO's. Did this guy read the contest rules? Hard to say
whether these guys are operating from arrogance or ignorance. Hopefully, we
can educate the ignorant and stomp on the arrogant. 
 This chap went on to say that he didn't hear any key clicks on WB1GQR. That
it probably was receiver overload or an AGC problem on my end. Isn't it always!
No one EVER tunes up their Loudenboomer MkVII amplifier or turns up the drive
too high on their $3000 Nipponese transceiver and causes clicks or splatter.
It's always the other guy's receiver at fault! Notwithstanding the fact that
there were plenty of equally loud stations on the band that didn't have key
 Anyway, I think it's really an isiduous plot by the goverment to take over
our frequencies. Give a ham license to every yahoo and mental defective, turn
the ham bands in a replay of 11m, everyone gives up in disgust and the bands
can be reclaimed for worthwhile useage. Do you suppose these militia nuts have
something after all?

                                     'till the next one,
                                      Roger, AD1G


>From Jim Hollenback" <jholly at  Mon Dec 11 20:33:55 1995
From: Jim Hollenback" <jholly at (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 12:33:55 -0800
Subject: New Categories - there goes the neighborhood
References: <199512111801.MAA08951 at>
Message-ID: <9512111233.ZM4296 at>

On Dec 11, 12:01pm, RUSSELL S. RINN wrote:
> Subject: Re: New Categories - there goes the neighborhood
> >      The 1996 SSB and CW World Wide WPX contests will initiate
> > three new categories in an effort to encourage entry level and
> > average antenna stations.
> Just a further watering down of the results into what will eventually turn
> into just an alphabetical list of everyone that operated the contest.
> Why bother improving skills and upgrading stations?  Just wait long enough
> and there will be a tailor made category for you to "win".

Gee, Russell, I'm glad you have such a neat, positive attitude towards this.
I've been competing in the TS category for a long time, only it wasn't
the Tri-band and Single element category. I don't have a big tower and
gain on 40, 80, or 160. Probably won't soon, perhaps ever. I can improve my
station to the cows come home, but I still won't be able to compete against
the guy that has gain on 40, and the guys the have a four square. Not that
I expect to win, but I sure would like to see how I compare with a station
like mine ... and that is what this category will do.

Bob, your doing the right thing. Keep it up !!! And Thank You for your

73, Jim, WA6SDM
jholly at

>From RUSSELL S. RINN" <miltex at  Mon Dec 11 21:09:29 1995
From: RUSSELL S. RINN" <miltex at (RUSSELL S. RINN)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 15:09:29 -0600 (CST)
Subject: New Categories - there goes the neighborhood
Message-ID: <199512112109.PAA29646 at>

> On Dec 11, 12:01pm, RUSSELL S. RINN wrote:
> > Subject: Re: New Categories - there goes the neighborhood
> > >      The 1996 SSB and CW World Wide WPX contests will initiate
> > > three new categories in an effort to encourage entry level and
> > > average antenna stations.
> >
> > Just a further watering down of the results into what will eventually turn
> > into just an alphabetical list of everyone that operated the contest.
> >
> > Why bother improving skills and upgrading stations?  Just wait long enough
> > and there will be a tailor made category for you to "win".
> >
> Gee, Russell, I'm glad you have such a neat, positive attitude towards this.
> I've been competing in the TS category for a long time, only it wasn't
> the Tri-band and Single element category. I don't have a big tower and
> gain on 40, 80, or 160. Probably won't soon, perhaps ever. I can improve my
> station to the cows come home, but I still won't be able to compete against
> the guy that has gain on 40, and the guys the have a four square. Not that
> I expect to win, but I sure would like to see how I compare with a station
> like mine ... and that is what this category will do.

1) My attitude is based on what I see as something detrimental to 
the spirit of true competetion (in anything, not just contesting).  I don't 
view it as positive.

2) When I'm operating I have a pretty good idea of all the similarly 
equipped stations out there,  I don't need a category to list 'em all.  

However, I didn't want to compare myself with those similary equipped, I 
wanted to take on all stations in my category.  I get satisfaction from 
trying to operate my way past better equipped stations (and not be 
outdone by those less equipped).

Don't assume that just because you don't win or place highly that others 
dismiss your efforts!

When I look at results I look at certain stations who I know have only 
wires or low power or deed restricitions and judge their scores accordingly.
It's not hard to tell if someone did a good job.  I feel all these new 
categories will make people gloss over the results with just a yawn.

Also don't sell yourself short on making minor improvements to your
station.  I remember building a 2 el quad for 10m prior to a CQWW or 10m
contest.  I mounted it at 20', below my TH3 at 39', my 4el 15m yagi at 30'
and adjacent to a 5el mono at 30' on a push up mast.  40m and 80m? 
Inverted V at 35'.  160m? Inv L, vert portion 30' high. 

Maybe I'm from the old school?

I remember getting visited by a ham for the first time.  He looked at my 
antenna system and said you made the top 10 from here???  That was worth 
alot to me.

I guess it's simply different philosophies. 

> Bob, your doing the right thing. Keep it up !!! And Thank You for your
> efforts!!!
> 73, Jim, WA6SDM
> jholly at

Good luck to you Jim in all your efforts.

73, Russ--

Russell Rinn
miltex at

>From floydjr at (jim floyd)  Mon Dec 11 20:40:06 1995
From: floydjr at (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 16:40:06 -0400
Subject: ARRL 10 Meter Contest 95 Scores I
Message-ID: <199512112139.QAA28716 at>

ARRL 10 Meter Contest 1995
Raw Scores

Compiled by

Date Posted: 12/11/95

CALL              HRS        SCORE      QSO'S     PTS      SEC      DX

Single OP/QRP



WF2V                            160        12                    4

Single OP/HP/Unassisted

K4VUD                        78,800       704              44        12
N8RA/1                       65,800       731              32        13
KE5FI                        37,026       363              29        22
KQ4HC                        21,620       235              35        11
WB1GQR                       16,056       223     446      28         8
N9ITX/7                       4,524        78              22         7

K1ZX/4                      151,956       567              45        22
KM9P                        102,600       420              48        14
N8RR              10         24,300       135              36         9

AA7BG             31         21,000       172              25         6
WX9E                          2,272        42                   16
VSYBG                             4         1               1

AC4NJ  (OP WC4E)            245,952       820              86        26
K3ZO              28        197,802       669              69        30
WM2C               9         51,688       324     994      44         8
KI8W               3          9,042       274                   33
WF1B                          6,500       100     260      24         1
AE2T                            384        15               7         1

Single OP/LP/Unassisted

ZS9F                        195,716      866     1732      42        70
ZS6BRZ                      150,876      762     1524      39        60
ZS6BRH                       67,490      397      794      35        50
N3AL                         38,352      408               30        17
WA4ZXA             9          5,640       94               18        12

KM9P                        102,672      420               48        14
AC1O/4                       82,700      397               40        12
W5HUQ                        56,000      280               39        11
KP4VA  (OP KP4TK)            31,960      170      680      36        11
N9XBM  @KO9Y                 29,184      191               29         9
WA2RSQ             6         21,080      170               26         5
W3CPB                         6,480       90      360      15         3
K7MM                          5,112       71      284      13         5
AB7GM                           204       17                     3
KD0AV/9            1            204       17                2         1

AA4GA                        73,472      315      896      65        17
K2UF                         41,600      211               45        19
WA0X                         28,600      276               30        17
WA7BNM                       26,600      242               31         7
WF2L                          7,600       59
K6XO/7                        3,058       96                    11
KK7A                            820       27       82       8         2

Single OP/HP/Assisted



N4ZC                        263,000      723               83       36
NU4Y                        170,000      671               77       27
NC0P                        140,000      473                   102
AA5UO                        70,500      398               44       28
N5RP                         63,992      291      842           76
WD0T                         55,700      287               54       15
K0RC                         16,000      127               35        7
VE5MX                           784       19                6        8

KR4YL  @WB2LES               37,576      246      616      42       19

N2BIM                       162,000      516               62       20
K3WW                        150,858      560               64       23
AA4NC                       127,000      585               72       31
AA3JU                       100,800
WS1C              13         89,200      415               62       13
AB4RU                        27,000      170               43       12


73's Jim

Amateur Call: WA4ZXA
       Email: floydjr at
 Packet Node: N4ZC

>From David O. Hachadorian" <74752.115 at  Mon Dec 11 21:34:17 1995
From: David O. Hachadorian" <74752.115 at (David O. Hachadorian)
Date: 11 Dec 95 16:34:17 EST
Subject: K6LL 10M score
Message-ID: <951211213416_74752.115_EHL99-1 at CompuServe.COM>


Callsign Used : K6LL
Operator : K6LL
Category : Single op, Mixed mode, High power
Default Exchange : 59(9) AZ

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   10CW      257      257          1028      37        10 
   10SSB     238      236           472      14         8 

 Totals      495      493          1500      51        18 

Final Score = 103,500 points.

Equipment: TS-850, SB220, KT-34XA @ 49'

With the exception of one opening to the east coast, lasting
one hour and forty minutes, it was pretty dull from out here in
the wide open spaces. That one short run produced 166 cw qso's.

Terrible multiplier on ssb. Maybe I'd be better off cw-only,
counting the ssb qso's as a check log?

QRATE Stats (during the Saturday morning east coast run on cw):
      1716:          4 per minute     (240/hr)
      1716:         30 per 10 minutes (180/hr)
      1742:        119 per hour

Sent an e-mail message to Tree at 11 a.m. Saturday, crabbing
about a  bug in the way TRLog displayed needed multipliers. Two
hours later, Tree put out a new version of the program, fixing
the bug. Downloaded it from the bbs and used the new version for
the rest of the contest. Pretty good service!

Most frequent multipliers:

   1.           WA  102
   2.           LU   44   <--- !
   3.           TX   42
   4.           OR   35
   5.           FL   31
   6.           CA   28
   7.           VA   17
   8.           AZ   15 
   9.           MD   15
  10.           NY   15
  11.           PA   12
  12.           NJ   10
  13.           MA   10
  14.           PY   10
  15.           OH    9
  16.           SC    8
  17.           GA    7
  18.          VE7    7
  19.           CT    5

Not exactly 1989, when the solar flux was 181 and the A-index
was 1, with 3670 Q's and a mult of 237, but it was fun anyway.
Thanks for all the Q's. See you all in the sprINT right after
Christmas. Happy holidays.

Dave, K6LL
74752.115 at  <--- note. vanity user id's are coming
                               to compuserve. Several "gates."

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