phil.finkle at sid.net phil.finkle at sid.net
Sun Dec 17 14:33:19 EST 1995

>From Pete Smith <n4zr at ix.netcom.com>  Sun Dec 17 22:00:44 1995
From: Pete Smith <n4zr at ix.netcom.com> (Pete Smith)
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 14:00:44 -0800
Subject: CQ Contest Magazine
Message-ID: <199512172200.OAA12437 at ix11.ix.netcom.com>

At 05:23 PM 12/12/95 -0800, Howard wrote:
>To Bob Cox and everyone working on the new magazine..Congratulations
>and thanks for doing it.  It's great.  I've read most of the articles
>One suggestion.  How about more information on the cover photo?  Same
>problem with CQ Magazine; great cover shot and some funky one line
>caption inside that doesn't tell me what I'm looking at.  How tall
>are VE3EJ's towers?  What antennas does he use?  Radios?
>The photograph is a real teaser, but there is no followup inside.  Most
>magazines use the cover photo as a lead-in to their main story.
>73, Howard WZ6Z
Amen!!!!  A fwew months ago K5ZD was on the cover of CQ and posted the
article that should have run with it.  Today I got the January CQ with
K5VT's picture and no station description at all.  When will CQ get the word
and cut some of the drivel that they fill pages and pages with, in order to
cover these stations from whom we could all learn a lot?
73, Pete Smith N4ZR
n4zr at ix.netcom.com 

>From Steven Affens <k3sa at access.digex.net>  Sun Dec 17 22:26:43 1995
From: Steven Affens <k3sa at access.digex.net> (Steven Affens)
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 17:26:43 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Dayton Hamvention URL
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951217172252.11889B-100000 at access2.digex.net>

I have put the Dayton Hamvention web site on the CQ CONTEST web site 
under Other links/Hamfests.  The Rocherster page is there too.

Steven C. Affens
also on the PVRC page.....

Thought I was going to give you the weather in Dayton didn't you?  hi hi
Happy Holidays.....and 73   Steve

>From Walt Kornienko <k2wk at crystal.palace.net>  Sun Dec 17 23:10:02 1995
From: Walt Kornienko <k2wk at crystal.palace.net> (Walt Kornienko)
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 18:10:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: TopBand: Breverage advice please
Message-ID: <199512172310.SAA00136 at crystal.palace.net>

Denis ei6if writes:
>  I want to put up a good rx antenna for NA which is roughly to my north
> west but a road running north/south on the western side of my house means
> there is no way a breverage can be ran into the north west. Plenty of 
> room into the south east though! Will an unterminated wire be bidirectional
> ie. no f/b ratio or is it possible to get gain towards the rx end?

Have you ever considered a two-wire beverage?  I have the same problem
as you, towards Europe I can't run a wire. So, I constructed a two-wire
affair. I have two of them covering NE/SW & SE/NW. They are each 492'
long with tapered end sections. The taper starts at about 70' before the
end of the wire.  Get ON4UN's book "Low Band DXing" he does a good job
of explaining the construction of the antenna, building the matching
transformer and the phase reversal transformer at the end of each antenna.
His work is based on Misek's (W1WCR) work which is detailed in his
"Beverage Antenna Handbook."  He goes into the analysis in depth and
expalains the construction of all sorts of beverage antennas. The two-wire
beverage can be be center-fed, if offers another alternative strategy
for you antenna project.
> The land here is "busy" so just to get in a beverage some sections will have
> to be as high as 15 feet and others an inch under the sod. It will also have
> to pass under a 20KV line and also a 220v line. Better to abandon the beverage
> idea altoghter and go with something else I wonder??
Mine runs thru a cow pasture and I took W3LPL's advice and installed the
antenna at 1.1 cow-heights above ground (about 8' :^)
> A beverage towards JA should be easier. I guess the feedpoint should be some
> distance from the house and fed with underground coax to avoid noise pick up.
> How is the transformation from wire to coax normally made? I have had good
> sucess with L networks on tx antennas but want something more broad banded
> for rx.  
I have had no luck with the single wire unterminated antenna. It just
plain stinks. My two-wire towards Europe exhibits 20-30 dB F/B (depending
on signal arrival angle), which is a great thing for cutting down all the
local QRM. Especially useful in pileups.  Try it, you'll like it.

Transformers are easily fashioned by using small (0.5") ferrite
beads, or toroids. Use one with a high-u, it'll require less wire.

*                                                               *
*              73 de Walt Kornienko - K2WK (FRC)                *
*        K2WK at crystal.palace.net  or  K2WK at N2ERH.NJ.NOAM        *
*                                                               *

>From Craig Cook <ccook at agora.rdrop.com>  Mon Dec 18 02:47:00 1995
From: Craig Cook <ccook at agora.rdrop.com> (Craig Cook)
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 95 18:47 PST
Subject: 14001 carrier
Message-ID: <m0tRVcB-000AleC at agora.rdrop.com>

The 14.001 carrier is also loud here in NW. If you tune higher until you
almost hit zero beat, you can here a repeating sequence of pulses. Too short
to be data, maybe some kind of synch signals? If they start to play the song
from "Close Encounters"...........

>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at iconics.com>  Mon Dec 18 13:57:45 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at iconics.com> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 08:57:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: WRTC?
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.951218085613.856E-100000 at genesis.iconics.com>

The deadline for club nominations of team leaders for WRTC has passed.  
Haven't seen much discussion here on the reflector.

Who did the clubs nominate?  Have any teams been formed yet?

The Las Vegas book makers want to know so they can establish the line.

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
k5zd at iconics.com

>From kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart)  Mon Dec 18 05:06:40 1995
From: kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 00:06:40 -0500
Subject: CQ Contest Magazine
Message-ID: <199512180506.AAA04598 at cais.cais.com>

>At 05:23 PM 12/12/95 -0800, Howard wrote:
>>To Bob Cox and everyone working on the new magazine..Congratulations
>>and thanks for doing it.  It's great.  I've read most of the articles
>>One suggestion.  How about more information on the cover photo?  Same
>>problem with CQ Magazine; great cover shot and some funky one line
>>caption inside that doesn't tell me what I'm looking at.  How tall
>>are VE3EJ's towers?  What antennas does he use?  Radios?
>>The photograph is a real teaser, but there is no followup inside.  Most
>>magazines use the cover photo as a lead-in to their main story.
>>73, Howard WZ6Z
>Amen!!!!  A fwew months ago K5ZD was on the cover of CQ and posted the
>article that should have run with it.  Today I got the January CQ with
>K5VT's picture and no station description at all.  When will CQ get the word
>and cut some of the drivel that they fill pages and pages with, in order to
>cover these stations from whom we could all learn a lot?
>73, Pete Smith N4ZR
>n4zr at ix.netcom.com 

Yeah! And we all know that most of those "shacks" havent looked that good
in years!   And Randy, where are you eyeglasses?  Geez....where will it all

;)  Tyler KF3P

>From John D. Allen" <jallen at vhfcom.com  Mon Dec 18 08:25:27 1995
From: John D. Allen" <jallen at vhfcom.com (John D. Allen)
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 08:25:27 +0000
Subject: (Fwd) The Contest Computer ... FINDIRQ.COM
Message-ID: <199512181323.IAA03919 at nic.iii.net>

The direct path to the file (at least the path I found) is:

John, K1FWF
First I have to give you a homework assignment.  You thought that I 
was going to do it all? Nope. It is time for you to get actively involved.
The assignment is to obtain the utility program named FINDIRQ.  This
program was written by one of the PC Magazine DOS Garu's.  It is 
available on the CT-BBS in the files area and is called FINDIRQ.ZIP.
INTERNET Go to WW Web page at http://www.pcmag.com   Choose
download from the navigation bar. Gives a listing of available files. Go
to it!

Most of you have computers that have two serial ports.  In the older 
computers you will usually find that the serial ports are on the IDE 
hard drive controller card.  There are manual jumpers on the card to 
allow you to enable/disable each individual port and the jumpers offer 
limited control over com1-4 etc. Also the LPT (printer) port is usually 
on this card. Is this W3MM goof hinting that I may have to put my mitts
inside the confuser?   At some point yes you will have to open up the
computer, add a card, or change settings.  I suggest that you find the
instructions for this card.  You may need them.

This discussion will continue in the next post.

VY 73 de Dave  W3MM    w3mm at aol.com

John D. Allen, jallen at vhfcom.com

>From Wassell, James T.,  Ph.D." <jtw2 at NIOSR1.EM.CDC.GOV  Mon Dec 18 13:47:00 1995
From: Wassell, James T.,  Ph.D." <jtw2 at NIOSR1.EM.CDC.GOV (Wassell, James T.,  Ph.D.)
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 95 08:47:00 EST
Subject: K3JT 10 M contest results
Message-ID: <30D4F1A4 at SmtpOut.em.cdc.gov>

>>Apologies to at least 2 stations that did not get in my log on Saturday
>>I did not copy their section on meteor propagation -  when I asked for a
>>they were gone.

>Why apologize? It ain't your fault! I had several guys do this to me in 
>SS and ARRL 160. Guess what -- they **aren't in my log**! This has long 
>a pet peeve of mine. A contest exchange is required at both ends. If you
>don't uphold your end of the deal, you don't get the credit. Maybe the 
>violators will get penalized by the contest log checkers if they do it to
>enough people. Surely people realize that there's a chance a repeat will be
>needed when conditions are as crappy as they were in the 10M contest or as
>busy as they were in ARRL 160.

Thanks for your message Randy,
You were loud in the 160 contest!   The strange
thing about the meteor propagation was how the
propagation completely disappeared when the
meteor fizzled out.   My apology was because the
station sent their section but I wasn't sure or didn't get it
the first time.   Then after the meteor fizzled,  there was no
chance for any propagation.  (>300 db path loss).    I felt bad that I 
missed their
state the first time, and did not really catch on to the fact that
this was meteor progagation.  I guess the operating style for
meteor is to send very fast and many repeats hoping to complete
all information before the fizzle.  So, I don't think it was a case of
the station making a quick QSY but a case of complete loss of
propagation.   I agree that operators who are too impatient to
wait to see if you got their exchange OK deserve to lose out if you
ask for a repeat and they have left the frequency.

See you in the CQ 160 Contests!                   Terry,   K3JT......

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