14001 signal

aa2du at netcom.com aa2du at netcom.com
Mon Dec 18 10:50:52 EST 1995

<unceremonious deletion>
>Back to 14001 - there's an article by VE3ONT in the Dec '95 issue of
>Break-In, the NZART magazine on carriers around the bottom of 20m - with
>details on this going back to mid-1993.  Wonder why we hadn't noticed it
>73, VS6BrettGraham aka VR2BG bagraham at hk.super.net


Brett, that's because KM1H (KQ2M) has always been there. 

73, J.P. AA2DU

J.P. Kleinhaus, AA2DU  ARRL CAC hudson Div. Rep.  
E-mail:              aa2du at netcom.com
Compu$erve:  74660,2606

It's not a bug...It's a feature!

>From kp4xs at ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Ramirez )  Mon Dec 18 12:58:19 1995
From: kp4xs at ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Ramirez ) (Kenneth Ramirez )
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 04:58:19 -0800
Subject: This Hobby is getting expensive...
Message-ID: <199512181258.EAA06160 at ix10.ix.netcom.com>

  HI OMs!
       This hobby sure is costing me money.We all have spent lots of 
our hard earned bucks on  transceivers,amps,towers,antennas,etc. How 
about the Miscellaneous dollars spent on things that will help ensure 
our continued enjoyment of the hobby?
           I have been slowly adding antennas here at my QTH. I now 
have them for 160,75,40,6,2,222,432,903,and 1.2 ghz. This qth is an 
extremely quiet one except for one thing. I have a wideband clock on 
every band from 160-6 meters. It is also known as an electric 
fence;about five miles worth. The tick,tick,tick does not interfere 
with dxing or contesting signals as would other types of noise but I am 
afraid that continued exposure to the tick,tick,tick could lead to 
insanity in a manner similar to a chinese water torture. Occasionally I 
can hear the arcing-sparking noise that is the telltale sign of the 
fence and vegetation coming into contact. Yesterday I met with the 
owner and explained to him the basics of qrn. I also "volunteered" to 
keep a 1/4 mile stretch of fence,bordering my property, clear of 
vegetation. It took me 2 hours to clear massive amounts of 
hemlock,weeds,vines,and a fallen tree from the fence. How much is that 
in time for dollars? The tick,tick,tick is still there and I'll monitor 
closely for the occasional arcing noise. I now  "own" the maintenance 
rights to an electric fence. If you want to play...
       More expenses-
      I hadn't spoken to my next door neighbor for awhile so in the 
spirit of Christmas I decided to scoot over to his yard and say hi.
 After the customary greetings he asked me the one question I had hoped
he would never ask. "Do you own a CB?"  Visions of @$#@% ran through my 
head as I wondered (but knew) what the next comment would be." Well it 
isn't CB but actually..." was my response. "Why do you ask?"
  I braced for the bad news knowing that my contesting days were over.
 "I hear interference on my cordless phone" he said. Those damn ,piece 
of crap, cordless phones! Probably my 6m kw signal. Nothing I can do 
will ever keep my 6m signal from getting into his 40-60mhz bandwidth 
cordless phone. I explained the nature of the beast and that I would 
try to come up with a solution. I have. I will spend 150 dollars more 
of my hard earned money and buy him a 900 MHz spread spectrum type 
cordless phone.
 This will solve the problem for him but create a problem for me. What 
if his wide screen projection TV has problems next?
     I won't even get into the money spent on wining and dining the XYL 
the week prior to a contest. There are countless other expenses that go 
under the Ham Radio related items debit column. If I added them all up 
over my ham radio years I probably would have had enough to put up a 
few 200 ft towers with contract maintenance!. If you want to play...
   This hobby is getting expensive.    Merry Christmas and HNY de Ken 
  P.S. I suppose there really is nothing that can be done for the 

>From floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd)  Mon Dec 18 15:50:54 1995
From: floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 11:50:54 -0400
Subject: ARRL 10 Meter Contest 95 Scores IV
Message-ID: <199512181651.LAA20566 at moe.infi.net>

ARRL 10 Meter Contest 1995
Raw Scores

Compiled by

Date Posted: 12/18/95

CALL              HRS        SCORE      QSO'S     PTS      SEC      DX

Single OP/QRP



WF2V                            160        12                    4

Single OP/HP/Unassisted

ZS9F                        195,716       866    1732      42        70
ZS6BRZ                      150,876       762    1524      39        60
K4VUD                        78,800       704              44        12
ZS6BRH                       67,490       397              35        50
N3BB  (OP AA5RB)             66,660       555              42        18
N8RA/1                       65,800       731              32        13
KE5FI                        37,026       363              29        22
KQ4HC                        21,620       235              35        11
WB1GQR                       16,056       223     446      28         8
KF8UM             18          7,488       117              26         6
N9ITX/7                       4,524        78              22         7
VE6JY                         2,268        63     126      10         8

K1ZX/4                      151,956       567              45        22
N4BP                        122,264       493    1972           62
KM9P                        102,620       420              48        14
W3GN                         68,000       326              41        11
N8RR              10         24,300       135              36         9

AA7BG             31         21,328       172              25         6
K7FR                         19,000       190     680      28         6
K3JT                         18,176       142              29         3
KM0L                          1,920        32     128      14         1
VSYBG                             4         1               1
VR2GO                             4         1               1

AC4NJ  (OP WC4E)            245,952       820              86        26
K3ZO              28        197,802       669              69        30
NC0P                        143,000       473                  102
K6LL                        103,500       493    1500      51        18
W9XT                         99,120       415    1180           84
KE9A              13         97,328       426              58        19
N3II                         83,520       349    1044      56        24
AA6WJ                        69,564       356              51        11
WD0T                         55,700       287              54        15
WM2C               9         51,688       324     994      44         8
W9UP  (OP N0BSH)             19,902       151                   43
KI8W               3          9,042       274                   33
WF1B                          6,500       100     260      24         1
K6XO/7                        3,058        96                   11
KD6DAE                        1,656       184                    9
AE2T                            384        15               7         1

Single OP/LP/Unassisted

N3ADL             13         38,352      408               30        17
N9ISN                        16,926      217               25        14
WA4ZXA             9          5,640       94               18        12
KB4OGM                        3,720       62      124      21         9
GW0GEI                        3,360       80                         21
KK5DK                             4        2                     1
N2IC/0                                   412               36        10

AC1O/4                       82,700      397               40        12
W5HUQ                        56,000      280               39        11
KP4VA  (OP KP4TK)            31,960      170      680      36        11
N9XBM  @KO9Y                 29,184      191               29         9
KR4DL                        24,864      168      672      29         8
WA2SRQ             6         21,080      170               26         58
K8HVT/1                       7,912       86               18         5
W3CPB                         6,480       90      360      15         3
K7NPN              4          5,400       90                    15
K7MM                          5,112       71      284      13         5
NF6H                            552       23       92       5         1
WB0OLA                          448       16       64       5         2
AB7GM                           204       17                     3
KD0AV/9            1            204       17                2         1

W3EP                        108,000      484               59        17
AA4GA                        73,472      315      896      65        17
WA6KUI                       48,768      247                    64
K2UF                         41,600      211               45        19
WA0QOA                       30,184      232      686      33        11
WA0X                         28,600      276               30        17
WA7BNM                       26,600      242               31         7
KJ6HO                        21,518      250      742      24         5
WA8YRS                        8,532      109      316           27
K8JLF              4          7,776      109      324      20         4
WF2L                          7,600       59
WX9E                          2,272       42                    16
N7STU                         2,204       40      116      15         4
KK7A                            820       27       82       8         2

K0LUZ                        23,120      170      680      28        6

Multi/OP/Single Transmitter

N4ZC                        263,000      723               83       36
WS4F                        180,576      572               80       34
NU4Y                        170,000      671               77       27
K3WW                        150,858      560               64       23
NC0P                        140,000      473                   102
AA4NC                       127,000      585               72       31
N2BIM                       126,000      516               62       20
AA3JU                       100,864      610     1576      47       17
WB8NER                       90,480      350               62       25
WS1C              13         89,200      415               62       13
AA5UO                        71,500      398               45       28
N5RP                         63,992      291      842           76
N2MZH                        46,176      315               40       12
WC9M                         42,840      630                    68
KR4YL  @WB2LES               37,576      246      616      42       19
K7UP                         30,000      200
AB4RU                        27,000      170               43       12
WF3T               6         23,124      138      492      36       11          
K0LUZ                        23,120      170      680      28        6
PI4COM                       29,700      205      594       0       50
WA8QYJ                       29,464      202      508      40       18
K0RC                         16,000      127               35        7
KC4UCK/T          13          8,878      157      386           23
AA8SM                         5,366       74      186      23        3
VE5MX                           784       19                6        8


You will notice that I changed the MultiOP class. I had several people tell me
that this is what it is called. Well according to rules in QST it is called
Multi-Operator. I know in the past it may have been called this but you are
operating this years contest and not last years. I am not taking sides with
ARRL, just pointing out how confusing the new write ups are.

I guess this score posting is like a pileup. Until you are on the other end
you do not realize what is going on. I get scores with no totals, no score at
all, no class, multis added together and the info imbedded into 2 pages of
reading. Also some people state that they are in a certain class and then
someone says that is not a class and writes me. Well I am not on any rule
committee and do not care if you operate in a class from the bathroom. I will
only put down what you send me. If anything is wrong with it that is between
you and the ARRL. So there is no need to email me about it. Questions have 
rose on packet. I know what it was in the past but what is it this year? Not
very clear in QST. Again I want to say that I only put down what you send me.
It does make me look like a dummy sometimes, I am sure but believe me I do
know the difference in classes but will argue with no one. These are your
scores and will be posted as you want them to be. I am doing my best to make
them right. 

Also if you do not send me a class, I will put you in the highest class I 
can find. I have no other choice. Comment was made that single ops where in
the Multi class. Well they either sent me no class or said they were there
because of packet.

73's Jim

Amateur Call: WA4ZXA
       Email: floydjr at nr.infi.net
 Packet Node: N4ZC

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