'Twas the night before Contest...

John D. Nicholson jnichols at ednet1.osl.or.gov
Tue Dec 19 14:33:03 EST 1995

A little holiday cheer - Enjoy!

-- 'Twas the night before Contest! -- K7FD

'Twas the night before Contest
and all through the house,
not a keyboard was stirring,
not even a mouse.

The antennas hung by their masts in despair
with hopes that big signals soon would be there.
And the op's were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of DX danced in their heads.

Then at 00:00 UTC there rose such a clatter!
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter!
And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a Jolly Old Fellow -- sending code loud and clear!

His fingers glowed with experience so rare,
he turned out great code with a brass pounders flair.
More rapid than bullets -- dots and dashes they came,
and he pounded and clicked and called them by name:

On Twenty! On Frequency! On Zero Beat!
On Kenwood! On ICOM! On QSO's complete!

His eyes glazed over, fingers nimble and lean
from weekends and nights -- his CW was mean!
A wink of his eye and twist of his head
soon gave me to know his score was ahead.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work
turning carrier into code, then turned with a jerk,
and laying his finger upon the brass key
he smiled and logged another -- QSO 923!

The QRM all faded; the bands were depleted.
The runs were gone and last exchanges completed.
He made each contact and waited for the final bell
with nary a bend, and all had gone well.

The contest was finished, another effort concluded,
and the log's last changes were even included.
And he exclaimed with a laugh and good cheer
"Maybe not this time, but wait 'til next year!"

73 and Happy Holidays! John, K7FD


>From claver at noao.edu (Chuck Claver)  Tue Dec 19 23:45:25 1995
From: claver at noao.edu (Chuck Claver) (Chuck Claver)
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 95 16:45:25 MST
Subject: Hawaii QTH for ARRL DX CW
Message-ID: <9512192345.AA13398 at taco.tuc.noao.edu>

Greatings fellow contesters,

My science research will be taking me to Hawaii the 21, 22, and 23 of
February emediately following the CW portion of ARRL DX contest.  It would
be possible for me to come a week early and participate in the contest if
I had a QTH to opperate from.  Is there anyone on the contest reflector
in Hawaii that needs a CW op in a multi-whatever effort or who would be
willing to let me contest from their station?  Else, if you know someone in
Hawaii that is not on this reflector and can forward this request I would
greatly appreciate it.

Thanks much,

Chuck Claver
de NJ6D (N7DD CQWW 40M CW)
claver at noao.edu

>From Bill Turner <wrt at eskimo.com>  Wed Dec 20 03:11:37 1995
From: Bill Turner <wrt at eskimo.com> (Bill Turner)
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 19:11:37 -0800
Subject: Contest Exchanges
Message-ID: <199512200311.TAA16572 at mail.eskimo.com>

At 09:14 AM 12/19/95 PST, rsamoian at CCGATE.HAC.COM wrote:
>Re: Contest Exchanges and the ol' 5X9
>I think the international grid locator system is the ideal exchange for all 
>contests. This is now being used in most VHF contests, it tells all
>exactly where each station is located (within a 2 degree X 1 degree)
>No more asking, where was that guy located Zone 3 or 5 (like N6AR/4) and
also no 
>need to send any / or identify your station as portable what-ever.  ie: my
>location is DM13.  It is a short,  but it contains a "real" exchange of 
>de Rick, WB6OKK DM13.......... 
Excellent suggestion!  I retract my earlier post about "real" signal
reports.  This is better yet.

73, Bill  W7LZP
wrt at eskimo.com

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