CN2PK cqww cw soab lp score

Thu Dec 21 11:02:11 EST 1995


call:  CN2PK (OH6KIT), Zone 33 Morocco
class: Single operator all band, low power (100 w)

160        3        7     2.33      2       3
 80      395     1175     2.97     13      55
 40     1068     3183     2.98     20      75
 20      764     2282     2.99     20      73
 15      810     2416     2.98     23      75
 10       28       64     2.29     13      20
Totals  3068     9127     2.97     91     301  =>3,577,784 p

Transceiver: IC 725
Antennas: Butternut HF6V, Cushcraft A4S(no rotator)
Computer: 386SX laptop with CT 9.x software

QSL-address:         OH1KIT 
                     Pekka Kaar
                     Kerttulinkatu 4 f 36
                     FIN-20500  Turku

Sorry for very late posting.
I got my CN-licence 10 days before the contest. Luckily got a cheap tourist
flight to Agadir, Morocco at the Monday 20.11. I carried all the
equipment with me to Morocco - so made a one man contest pedition
(excluding the A4S which I sent with air cargo to Agadir). I had some
'minor' problems with Agadir customs - it took me 1.5 days to get my
equipment into country. Finally got my station ready at Friday
morning, 15 hours prior the contest. Hotel roofs are easy places to
build antennas - there were a lot of good structures for antenna
mounting and many helpful tourists. I had been very busy for four days
and no doubt I was very tired at the beginning of the contest.

During the contest conditions were OK on 80, 40, 20 and 15 meters.
Especially 40 m was very productive. Most of the 28 qsos on 10 m were
to Africa -only a couple of stations from EU and SA. In all bands most
of the qsos were to EU and NA. Could not reach Far East or Oceania (1
qso to ZL and one to XZ). Got only 3 qsos on 160 m - the lack of 160 m
antenna cost me many multipliers. 

It is surprising how little conditions differ on higher bands (20,15
and 10 m) between Finland (up from 60 N degs) and Morocco (ca 35N
degs). The real difference arises on low bands (80 and 40 m) - from
southern latitudes you can work whatever you want with 100 watts and
small gp, and this can not be beaten from northern Europe, not even
with yagi antennas and high power.(For an interesting comparison: see
my cqww ssb high power summary at the end of this message). 

Most of the time IC-725 performed satisfactorily. Major problems
occurred when pile-ups or noise got too high - the receiver fell down
and audio became severely disturbed (this was especially on 80 m).
HF6V performed OK. Did not get my A4S high enough above the hotel
roof, resulting HF6V performing most of the time better than A4S. The
station is not the critical factor affecting on the qso number: from a
dx location it is easy to make many qsos with small equipment - but it
is much harder to collect enough multipliers without proper antenna
set-up. For all the weaker openings and dx multipliers one would need
a station with higher antennas with rotator etc.
I had great time in Morocco as well as very nice contest. I would like
thank all the people who helped me before and during this pedition -
especially those more experienced peditioners who gave me their
advises during the autumn. Moroccan people were very kind and I'd
really like to return there to work an another contest. Anyone who
wants more information on operating from CN - please feel free to
contact me.

73's de Pekka CN2PK (OH6KIT)

see also...
      Call: OH6KIT    Country:  Finland
      Mode: SSB       Category: Single Operator-High                   
      160       54       59     1.09      6      34
       80      155      176     1.14     11      48
       40      235      374     1.59     14      51
       20     1049     2333     2.22     34      95
       15      724     1740     2.40     37     100
       10       53       70     1.32      7      21
     Totals   2270     4752     2.09    109     349  =>2,176,416
All reports sent were 599 15.
Equipment Description:
ICOM-761 + AL-1200
Antennas:160 - 1/4 slooper,80 - gp,40 - Cushcraft 40-2CD
20 - 5 ele monobander,15&10 6 ele monobanders

Pekka Käär, University of Turku, Department of Biology, Laboratory of Ecology
Home:Kerttulinkatu 4 F 36, FIN-20500 Turku. p.921-2331168(koti), 6335767(työ)

>From robbins at (David Robbins)  Thu Dec 21 18:45:00 1995
From: robbins at (David Robbins) (David Robbins)
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 10:45:00 -0800
Subject: TS-850 Advice ?? or how to use bev's on 870.
Message-ID: <01BACF91.80B58FE0 at>

this brings to mind the ts-870 and how i am using bevereges on it now.  =
i'm not sure if the 850 has the same arrangement on the remote plug but =
if it does it would provide an easy way to use bevs with it also.  =
basically, the 870's amp keying relay is floating with all 3 terminals =
brought out to the remote jack. (instead of one side being grounded =
internally like some other radios).  what i have done is to wire the din =
plug so the moving contact is grounded.  this provides a ground on the =
n.o. contact to key an amp like normal, but it also provides a ground on =
the n.c. contact during rx.  this i use to key an external relay to =
switch from the tx antenna to a beverege antenna.  just note, you =
transmit through this relay so it must be able to handle the current.  =
also note, this requires an external 12v (or whatever) power supply to =
power the relay, and the relay should be reasonably fast so you don't =
have a dead time when you return ot rx.

there is also another solution on the 870.  on the remote jack there is =
a 12v on tx pin.  you could use this directly to switch a relay on =
transmit.  i see this having two problems though.  first you are relying =
on a relay to be energized to prevent you from transmitting into your =
beverege.  and second, if you want to listen on your tx antenna you have =
to have another switch to 't' it into the rx line or something because =
there is no power available to hold the relay keyed during rx if you =
want to... so you end up with an external power supply anyway.

i will draw up my schematic and put on my web page shortly. =20

73, dave
ky1h at

From: 	Jeffrey Clarke[SMTP:jdclarke at]
Sent: 	Wednesday, December 20, 1995 16:55 PM
To: 	Larry Novak
Cc: 	cq-contest at
Subject: 	Re: TS-850 Advice ??

On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, Larry Novak wrote:

> Hi,=20
> I'm getting pretty close to actually getting a new CONTEST radio. The
> TS-850 is high on my list and I wonder if there are things to watch =
> for, like good/bad serial numbers. I DO NOT want general info (e.g., =
> an Icom IC-765 instead) - just stuff I can use if I do decide to get =
> 850.
> Thanks,
> Larry, K3TLX
> --=20
>      =
>      | Larry Novak            \-\-\         email:   lnovak at |
>      | Century Computing, Inc.  |             Tel:   (301) 953-3330 |
>      | 8101 Sandy Spring Road   |      Tel (@NRL):   (202) 404-7682 |
>      | Suite 200                |             Fax:   (301) 953-2368 |
>      | Laurel, MD 20707         |   Amateur Radio:    K3TLX, C6AHE  |
>      |      |                                   |
>      =
>      =

              I have a TS850S and I like it a lot...... but one thing

     I don't like about it is that they didn't put the RCV line on the

     din plug like on the TS830S... so if you plan on doing any 160=20

    meters you will have to modify the radio to use a beverage.

                                     Jeff  KU8E

 *      Jeffrey D. Clarke   jdclarke at       *

>From r.johnson at (Richard Johnson)  Thu Dec 21 12:46:44 1995
From: r.johnson at (Richard Johnson) (Richard Johnson)
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 12:46:44 GMT
Subject: mail
Message-ID: <9512211246.AA05234 at>


>From Ronald D Rossi <rrossi at>  Thu Dec 21 14:55:14 1995
From: Ronald D Rossi <rrossi at> (Ronald D Rossi)
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 09:55:14 -0500
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9512211455.AA25485 at>

I seem to remember some discussion of active noise canceling microphones 
on the reflector previously.  I found the following comment on the MWave 
reflector (mwave-l at  This is apparently a recent 
offering from IBM and the price doesn't seem ridiculously expensive.  I 
read the product announcement for this today and for what it's worth it 
says that "The active noise canceling technology with this microphone is 
provided by Andrea Electronics in the ANC-100 microphone".  This looks 
like a nice avenue to get clear recordings for the F1 key on our CONTEST 
keyboards and maybe straight into our CONTEST rigs.

BTW the fact the I work for IBM (I design SRAMs...mostly L2 caches 
recently) is incidental.  Ken Prince is a Dupont employee.

On Wed, 20 Dec 1995 17:58:33 EST Ken Prince wrote:
>A short while ago there was a thread discussing the 'noisy' recordings 
>via a microphone. I had the same problem, all my recordings via the
>microphone were extremely noisy whether I used a $5 or a $25 microphone -
>all of which I returned. Then I saw an announcement from IBM about a
>microphone that they are now selling that has noise canceling circuits. I
>ordered one and am now able to record messages for my mailboxes that are
>crystal clear; if you have a need for clear voice recordings I suggest 
>try it. It cost $45+$5 shipping; the part number is 30H2343. It is called
>the IBM Voice Type Microphone - I suspect it is really made for voice
>dictation applications.
>It also comes with a battery box if your sound card is unable to power 
>mic; I am plugging into an IBM Multimedia Modem and don't need the 
>box. Also the mic is integrated with an earphone and the whole rig may be
>worn as a headset for telephone work. 

73 de N1PBT...ron (rrossi at <><

------- End of Forwarded Message

>From k3lr <k3lr at>  Thu Dec 21 15:30:17 1995
From: k3lr <k3lr at> (k3lr)
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 10:30:17 -0500
Subject: K2GL ops
Message-ID: <199512211530.KAA03705 at>

During some of the multi multi operations at K2GL the following
contest men were mentioned without callsigns:

Dick Dorrance
John Ryan
Gene Kern

These names came from the Sports Illustrated article about radio
contesting. Can someone tell me what are the callsigns of the ops then
and (now)?

The two other ops mentioned in the article are K2GM and K6SSS.

Thanks and have fun!
Tim K3LR

>From Eugene Walsh <0004504465 at>  Thu Dec 21 16:30:00 1995
From: Eugene Walsh <0004504465 at> (Eugene Walsh)
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 95 11:30 EST
Subject: K2GL ops
Message-ID: <41951221163014/0004504465PK5EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

The ops mentioned by Tim were before my time, I did not know

Dick Dorrance (I don't know his 
W2 call) is active now and then as PP2ZDD.
He has been there for many years.

John Ryan, W7KVU, disappeared in the early 60s,
probably into that nether world of normal (?!) people.

Gene Kern, W2BAK, is deceased.  He used to hang around,
for many years, on the high end of 20CW doing high
speed morse code.  I have heard him berate and humiliate
newcomers who blundered in to a QSO if they did not 
exhibit his level of "prowess" with the code.  Nice guy.

Please forgive me if I do not repeat Tim's message.

73 Gene N2AA

>From Kurt Pauer <0006743923 at>  Thu Dec 21 16:53:00 1995
From: Kurt Pauer <0006743923 at> (Kurt Pauer)
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 95 11:53 EST
Subject: Shame on N2AA for not repeating the message.
Message-ID: <81951221165318/0006743923ND2EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

Gene,  Words cannot describe how upset I am that you did not repeat
Tim's message in yours.  I will probably not have a beer with you 
at Dayton now.  (For people who don't know me or Gene, this is sent
in jest.)

Really, why do people repeat messages in reply messages?  I have not
been able to figure that out.  Is there any GOOD reason to retransmit
a message that has already been sent to everyone?  If there is a
doubt about the content, maybe a "Re:  Shameful N2AA" is sufficient
at the beginning.  

If you wish to comment on my observation, please don't repeat it.  I
have a hidden virus in this message that activates when you send a
copy of it from your computer.  It destroys any CT/NA contest files
that are in your computer and cannot be detected until it is too late.

                                   Kurt, W1PH

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