WB4iUX at WB4iUX at
Wed Dec 27 23:42:29 EST 1995

Are the dates in CQ correct for the NA QSO parties in January?
I heard one source that they are ok and one that they aren't.
CQ shows CW on Jan. 6-7 and SSB on Jan. 13-14. Pse reply
directly to me...tnx! 73 and Happy New Year...Tom WB4iUX

>From Larry Tyree <tree at>  Thu Dec 28 04:51:18 1995
From: Larry Tyree <tree at> (Larry Tyree)
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 20:51:18 -0800
Subject: SprINT scores
Message-ID: <199512280451.UAA15821 at>

There were a few scores collected on 3536 after the contest:

KM9P  178
N4OGW 175
N5RZ  113 (80 meters only)
AH3C  150
WQ5L  126
K1IU  102
N6TR  158
WX9E  115 (had a blast)
AA7NX 69  (suffered through terrible cdx first hour)

Final results in a couple of weeks on the reflector.

Tree N6TR
tree at

>From w9nq at (Bob Selbrede)  Thu Dec 28 05:10:17 1995
From: w9nq at (Bob Selbrede) (Bob Selbrede)
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 21:10:17 -0800
Subject: 1996 NAQP Announcement
Message-ID: <199512280510.AA22070 at>

Greetings fellow NAQP'ers,

        The January 96 NAQP contests are getting close.  Listed below are
the dates for the 1996 contests, along with the complete rules.  I hate to
eat up the bandwidth here, but the announcement appearing in the Jan 96 QST
was printed in abbreviated form with the award, team competition, and other
information missing.  
        Please note that all CW Team registrations and logs go to me (W9NQ),
and all SSB Team registrations and logs go to Steve Merchant, N4TQO.  Also
please note my new E-Mail address for sending NAQP related correspondance,
logs, etc.  My new E-mail address is w9nq at  Steve's E-Mail address
is merchant at  I realize that some of the January and August dates
conflict with other contests.  Picking dates that do not conflict is next to
impossible.  Sorry for the inconvience.

        Get your teams formed and pre-registered as soon as you can.  If
your looking for a new challange of some kind, consider trying to break your
State, Province or NA Country NAQP record!  A complete list of records along
with the 1996 rules and the August 1995 Results will appear in the Jan-Feb
96 issue of the NCJ; coming soon to a mailbox near you!  OBTW, for those
people still expecting a plaque or certificate from a past NAQP contest, the
backlog is nearly caught up and you should be receiving yours soon.  If you
have any questions, drop me a note.

Thanks for reading this and hope to work you in the January NA QSO Parties.

73, Bob W9NQ
w9nq at

                  1996 North American QSO Party Rules

1) Eligibility: Any licensed radio amateur may enter.

2) Object: To work as many North American stations (and/or other stations if
you are in North America) as possible during the contest period.

3) Entry Classification:  1) Single Operator and 2) Multi-Operator
Two-Transmitter.  Multi Operator stations shall keep a separate log for each
transmitter.  Multi Operator stations must have at least 10 minutes between
band changes.  Use of helpers or spotting nets by Single Operator entries is
not permitted. Single Operator entrants may only have one transmitted signal
at a time. Output power must be limited to 150 watts for eligible entries.

4) Contest periods:

    January Contests:

    CW: 1800 UTC January 13 to 0600 UTC January 14, 1996
    SSB: 1800 UTC January 20 to 0600 UTC January 21, 1996

    August Contests:

    CW: 1800 UTC August 3 to 0600 UTC August 4, 1996
    SSB: 1800 UTC August 17 to 0600 UTC August 18, 1996

Multi Operator stations may operate for the entire 12 hour period.  Single 
Operator stations may operate 10 out of 12 hours.  Off times must be at 
least 30 minutes in length and must be clearly marked in the log.

5) Mode: CW only in CW parties.  Phone only in Phone parties.

6) Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters only.  You may work a station 
once per band.  Suggested frequencies are 1815, 3535, 7035, 14035, 21035 and
28035 KHz (35 KHz up from band edge for Novice/Tech) on CW; and 1865, 3850,
7225, 14250, 21300 and 28500 KHz (28450 for Novice/Tech) on SSB.  Try 10M at
1900Z and 2000Z 15M at 1930Z and 2030Z and 160M at 0430Z and 0530Z.

7) Exchange: Operator name and station location (State, Province or

8) Valid Contact:  A valid contact consists of a complete, correctly copied
and legibly logged two-way exchange between a North American station and
any another station.  Proper logging requires including the time of each
contact.  Regardless of the number of licensed call signs issued to a given
operator, one and only one call sign shall be utilized during the contest by
that operator.

9) North American Station: Defined by the rules of the CQWW DX Contests with
the addition of KH6.

10) Scoring: Multiply total valid contacts by the sum of the number of
multipliers worked on each band.  Multipliers are US States (including KH6 
and KL7), Canadian Provinces/Territories (British Columbia, Alberta,
Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, PEI, Labrador, Yukon, and NWT) and other North American Countries
(Note: do not also count USA, Canada, KH6, or KL7 as Countries).  Non-North
American Countries do not count as multipliers, but may be worked for
QSO credit.

11) Reporting:  Send North American QSO Party CW logs to Bob Selbrede W9NQ,
6200 Natoma Ave, Mojave, CA. 93501.  Send SSB logs to Steve Merchant N4TQO,
1795 Cravens Lane, Carpenteria, CA. 93013.  Entries must be postmarked not
later than 30 days after the contest to be eligible for awards.
A proper entry consists of: (1) a Summary Sheet showing the number of
valid contacts and multipliers by band, total contacts and multipliers,
total score, team name (if any), power output, name, callsign, and address
of the operator, station callsign and station location; (2) a complete
legible log of all contacts (including dupes marked as such) with indication
of all multipliers claimed; (3) a separate Dupe Sheet for each band; and (4) 
a list of all claimed multipliers worked on each band.  Logs may be submitted 
on disk in the form of files generated by a computer logging program as long
as they are MS-DOS compatible ASCII files consisting of all information in
(1)-(4) above.  All entries should include a written, signed statement of
"Fair and Ethical Operation".  Complete rules, sample Log Sheets and a
sample Summary Sheet may be obtained with an SASE to W9NQ.

12) Team Competition: You may wish to form a team with fellow NAQP
participants.  If so, your team shall consist of 2 to 5 Single
Operator stations as a single entry unit.  Clubs or other groups having more
than 5 members may submit multiple team entries.  PRE REGISTRATION
REQUIREMENT:  To qualify as a team entry, the team organizer should ensure 
that the name, callsign of each operator, and call sign of the station operated
should the operator be a guest at a station other than his own, (e.g. N4RJ 
op by KM9P) must be registered with W9NQ for CW and N4TQO for SSB.  The team
registration information must be in written or telegraphic form and must be
received before the start of the contest.  There are neither distance nor
meeting requirements for a team entry.  The only requirement is
pre-registration of the team.  

13) Penalties and Disqualification's:  For each unmarked duplicate QSO, you
lose that contact plus an additional three contacts; for each QSO for which
you are not in the other stations log, you lose that QSO plus an additional
one contact; and for each QSO for which the log data is incorrectly copied
in any respect, you lose that contact.  Entries with score reductions
greater than 5 % will be disqualified.  Any entry may be disqualified for
illegibility, illegal or non-ethical operation.  Such qualification is at
the discretion of the NCJ Contest Review Committee.

14) Awards: A total of five plaques will be awarded for the high score in
each of the following categories:

     - Single Operator CW
     - Single Operator Phone
     - Multi Operator CW
     - Multi Operator Phone
     - Single Operator Combined High Score

Certificates of merit will be awarded to the highest scoring entrant with at
least 200 QSO's from each State, Province, and North American Country.

>From R. Torsten Clay" <torsten at  Thu Dec 28 05:26:25 1995
From: R. Torsten Clay" <torsten at (R. Torsten Clay)
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 23:26:25 -0600
Subject: N4OGW SprINT
Message-ID: <199512280526.AA06572 at>

Internet Sprint N4OGW

40m: 132
80m: 43
total: 175
Operated from qth of N4AR in Kentucky...what a blast!            
40m:  2 x 3el, dipole
80m:  4-square, dipole
Omni 6 + N6TR software

rate- 92 1st hr, 83 2nd...40 was cool, but lost steam on 80.  Loudest
on both bands usually K5GO and KR0Y.  Happy New Year everyone!

n4ogw at

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