perring at ICSI.Net perring at ICSI.Net
Fri Dec 29 08:30:13 EST 1995

Let's see if I have it right.
When I'm up to bat, I yell "N5RP up to bat"
After I hit the Ball, I yell "Ball hit ny N5RP"

Now, what do I do about my name?
Bob looks the same from the front to back as it does 
from back to front.
Or does it?
I'm so confused.

When do I give out my call?
Bob, N5RP
or is it
N5RP, Bob

>From py5eg at sul.com.br (Atilano de Oms Sobrinho)  Fri Dec 29 14:40:54 1995
From: py5eg at sul.com.br (Atilano de Oms Sobrinho) (Atilano de Oms Sobrinho)
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 1995 12:40:54 -0200
Message-ID: <199512291439.MAA00675 at www.sul.com.br>

ZW5B, station from Araucaria Dx Group have been operated on 
the CQWW contest SSB and CW.

SSB - Operated by PY5EG (OMS) single band single op. 15 meters
          QSOs    PTs       ZONES       COUNTRIES  SCORE
          4438    13115        34               148              2.396.930

CW   - Operated by LU6BEG single band single op. 15 meters
          2983                      36                131            1.476.113

                                 Thanks to everybody

                                       PY5EG (OMS)           

>From ks9z at ix.netcom.com (Bruce Makas )  Fri Dec 29 15:02:05 1995
From: ks9z at ix.netcom.com (Bruce Makas ) (Bruce Makas )
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 1995 07:02:05 -0800
Subject: computer hash
Message-ID: <199512291502.HAA09210 at ix2.ix.netcom.com>

I am going to update the station. Is there a consensus of the quietest 
computer to use for the station. The one I've got now is generally OK, 
but even with toroids on everything the are some frequencies that are 
noisy. Any ideas on the best make/model?

>From Larry Tyree <tree at cmicro.com>  Fri Dec 29 15:05:51 1995
From: Larry Tyree <tree at cmicro.com> (Larry Tyree)
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 1995 07:05:51 -0800
Message-ID: <199512291505.HAA03393 at cascade.cmicro.com>

It is very easy to remember when to give your call...

Give your call if you are ready for sprint pouncers to send you their call.
If I tune the band and hear someone sending their call and I need to work
you, I will send N6TR at you without hesitation.

So, if you put your call at the end of your exchange when you are turning
it over to someone for their exchange, you might have some QRM for a few
seconds with several people calling you.

Some contest software actually takes care of this for you and automatically
does the right thing.

73 Tree N6TR/7
tree at cmicro.com

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