Sartg contest

pb0aiu at pb0aiu at
Sun Dec 31 16:50:13 EST 1995

                         SARTG New Year RTTY Contest

DATE:   January 1st.

TIME:   08.00  -  11.00z.

BAND:   80 and 40 meter.


CLASSES: Single operator
         Multi operator

EXCHANGE: RST plus serial number, name, and 'Happy New Year' in your native

POINTS: 1 point per QSO. Same station can be worked once per band.

MULTIPLIER: Count one multiplier per DXCC country plus each prefix in the
        Nordic countries.

FINAL SCORE: Total QSO points times the sum of multipliers.

AWARDS: Certificates will be issued to winners in each DXCC country, and to
        to the overall top five stations in each class.

LOGS:   Logs must be received by January 21st, and go to:

               SARTG Contest Manager
               Bo Ohlsson,  SM4CMG
               Skulsta 1258
               S-710 41 Fellingsbro

        Use separate log sheets per band, and submit a summary sheet.

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