ZM2K M/M score CQWW -CW 95

Wilbert Knol wk at
Fri Dec 1 10:37:48 EST 1995

Here are the tentative results for the 1995 CQWW CW contest.

Callsign: ZM2K
Class: Multi band/ multi op
QTH: Long Ridge, South Wairarapa
Country: New Zealand
Club: Kiwi Contest Group
Band.  QSO's  Zones. Countries.
160   10      7      7
80    199     23     42
40    1239    31     85
20    641     30     86
15    2157    28     78
10    56      15     13
     4302     134    311
 Total score of 5,592,315.

QSL Manager: ZL2IR (via ZL Buro)
Ant: 10-15-20-40-80-160: .5 wave vert (!),  5 el mono yagi, 4 el mono 
yagi, 2 el wire beam, inv vee, inv vee. 
Gear: TS930's, IC751's, SB400, those clever Icom solid state amps,
the usual smoky homebrew amplifiers, dodgy looking tuners, audio 
filters and other assorted junk.

Comment:  Good condx on 'my' band, 15m. The usual short path into Eu 
at local sunrise and sunset, and the USA during the local morning and 
early afternoon. No long path to US east coast this time.

Interesting to read comments on bad behaviour in pile ups. It 
certainly works hugely counter productive. At times the East 
Europeans (by far the worst offenders) made it almost impossible to 
work anyone at all: this is when you need all the gizmos on the rig 
while the qso rate drops below 100.

Of course, no such problems working JA, arguably the best behaved ops 
in the world. The W pile-ups got a bit much at times and I had to use 
as much as +/-5kHz of RIT to  get away from the white noise in the 

Our DX woolshed became seriously air conditioned on Sa night as a 60 
knot NW-er ripped under the slatted floor and rattled the iron roof. 
I went outisde and watched the 20 m beam almost flog itself to death 
like some gigantic bizarre bird in a frenzy. I reckon I even spotted 
a flying sheep (variation on the flying pig story).

No antenna breakdowns this time however...that took place after the 
SSB even when the 7 el 10 m monobander bit the dust (dung?) in the 
equinoxal gales. Having to use a vertical on 10 certainly cost us points. 

As usual, an excellent time was had by all. See you next year.

Wilbert, ZL2BSJ.

Wilbert Knol, EE,  Acoustics Group, National Institute of Water and
Atmospheric    Research  Ltd.     Wellington            New Zealand
IP: wk at    PACKET: ZL2BSJ at ZL2WA.NZL.OC or AO16, LO19

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